What are some core technical differences between Windows and Linux?
What are some core technical differences between Windows and Linux?
>inb4 do your own homework
Linux does what Windon't
Can't transfer your entire installation to another disk while the system is running in Windows like you can with Linux, thank fuck for LVM
You can have a / in a filename in GNU/Linux
There is no "file path too long" error on GNU/Linux
Linux is made up of a lot of small independent Prorgrams
Windows is made up out of some Programs, which are heavily dependent on another.
Linux is GPL 2 Licensed, with an extra clause making clear that only GPL 2 and not 3 can be used
Windows is proprietarily Licensed
Linux is actually called GNU/Linux
Windows is actually called Botnet
Linux doesn't collect your data and send it to Marketing teams
Windows does that
And much more
underrated post
Somebody at Microsoft thought it was a good idea to ditch config files in favour of a central database that is used for program AND system configuration.
God knows I hate the registry
About a billion lines of code that do something entirely else.
Windows is proprietary to Microsoft and whether it could be reasonably adapted to some of the situations in which Linux is used is ... very questionable.
yes, if you are retarded person
Linux package managers are still light years ahead of Windows. I am still surprised Microsoft has not centralized everything like Linux has done. I much prefer how Linux has better organization, but I stick with Windoze because muh games!
windows is a mess
>Throwing insults instead of arguing a point.
>defending Windows registry
>be mad because its indefensible
>be mad because operating system choice is part of identity
10/10 would kek again
The NT kernel has a sane driver model.
Shekels is why, running a package manager that big with all that different proprietary software with all the licensing caveats and shit, it'd cost them sheks.
>Sound driver bluescreens system
>All filesystems are FUSE
Doesn't Ubuntu collect data for Amazon?
>Sound driver bluescreens system
Luckily Linux has no such issues.
>All filesystems are FUSE
>implying that's a bad thing
Writing usermode filesystem drivers is not officially supported in Windows.
None of the included drivers are usermode.
used to now its opt in now, still includes amazon store though
windows sucks
linux is good
GNU/Linux follow the unix philosophy. They make things as simple as possible for the user. Important system information and settings are stored in plain text files that anyone can easily look at or modify. Interfaces to devices and other features are often treated as just regular files any program can write to or read from (and in plain text at that.)
And it generally will come with a bunch of small command line tools that let you do all sorts of things very easily. There are even command line programs for downloading other programs and updating all your software.
Windows has the opposite philosophy. Everything is complicated and hidden away from the user as much as possible. You aren't supposed to mess with anything. And if you do, you have to download third party software from untrusted websites and try not to click on the "download malware" option in the installer.
Linux comes without reference implementation of a complete OS so you end with none forever.