Sony Xperia XZ Premium

Why’s no one talking about this phone? It’s literally perfect.
>4 gb ram
>sd 835
>4k display, 807 dpi
>19mp camera
>fingerprint sensor on side
>headphone jack
Pro tip: Don’t come up with an argument pointing out bezels, because you’re retarded for wanting an all screen phone.
Also, LCD IPS display, because OLEDs are fucking retarded and pointless, riddled with countless issues even after years.

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I actually own the Xoeria XZs, the baby brother of the XZ premium, just has a smaller screen at 5.2" and it's 1080p not 4K.

The ad for the XZ premium is baller

no OP OLED is great because of its functionality stop justifying it to convince yourself LCD is better.

Nigger I’ve both used oleds and lcds. OLED doesn’t have that much of an advantage to justify its flaws. I’d rather not worry about incorrect color calibration or image retention instead of having just a little bit, almost unnoticeable unless compared side by side less saturated colors.

>GSM only.

>still sticking to a closed “standard” called CDMA instead of adopting what the rest of the whole world uses
How does it feel being a burger?

I'm a burger, I dropped CDMAids years ago. It's nice being able to buy devices from Europe and Asia without worrying about whether the Verizon Jew wants to force me into buying one of their bloatware filled devices.

Got the xz1 compact

>tfw verizon canceled the sony phone lineup

At least I still have my z3v

Same, that's what I have currently.

>At least I still have my z3v
It was always inferior to the real Z3.

Because its using a depreciated version of Android and you will never get the latest version.

It's already running Oreo like all of Sony's other Snapdragon 835 devices.

8.1 is out.

Never pay more than $100 for a smart phone

Sony is literally the only non-Google OEM to roll out Oreo to anyone, you retarded shiteating namefag.

Who cares, it will get 8.1 eventually. Your statement was wrong.

>Not running the latest Android version.
>Your statement was wrong.

>will never get the latest version.
>will never get 8.1
That's wrong. Filtered.

It's too big for me, compact is much better.

Lets say there were two identical Android phones, one had a custom rom and you were guaranteed not to get updates for like 3 months, with DRM on the camera.

The other had 8.1

Which would you pick?

how is the camera? I have read that it is shit and makes deformed pictures

Also forgot to add the DRM one is made by Sony and costs more.

Feeling like a cuck yet?

They're not identical phones though, the only device running 8.1 doesn't have a headphone jack and it doesn't have an SD cad. So yeah, I'll pick the device that isn't desperately copying the iPhone at every turn, thanks.

>Care about non-4G shit
I bet you're from third world burgerland.

This was a purely hypothetical scenario with an imaginary device presented solely to show the macfag tier level of retarded fanboyism you would have to have to ignore the problems.

It's better than old xperia, still behind other company. It's good for day, shit tier for night.

>Also forgot to add the DRM one is made by Sony and costs more.
The Pixel 2 XL is more expensive than the XZ Premium and the Pixel 2 is more expensive than both the XZ1 and XZ1 compact. You're paying extra for a device that doesn't have upgradeable storage or a headphone jack.

>macfag tier level of retarded fanboyism you would have to have to ignore the problems.
Yes, you would have to have macfag tier levels of fanboyism to pick a device that shows significant screen burn after only a few weeks of use. Or a device that places antenna lines in the weakest point of the device, making it prone to breaking.

Only one real carrier (Verizon) here uses something other than gsm, and if you use Verizon then you're basically retarded. VZW is a shit company with shit business practices. ATT isn't that much better, but at least they don't try to lock you in by not using GSM.
this is what i mean. is it really that bad?

Do you guys have LTE anyway, or is it just available for big cities?
I don't have a premium, so I don't really know if it worked or not.

Sub-$500 on black friday?

4k on a phone is just silly.

About 50% of the US doesn't get decent service outside of Verizon. They've got no other choice.

>t. AT&T employee who has Verizon service because I live in on of a few million GSM dead-zones

If I had enough money I would get it probably.
I love Sonys designs.

It's too bad they removed the fm radio

I live in absolutely bum fuck nowhere on top of a rocky ridge. Town is 25 minutes away. Nearest anything that could be called a city is 90 minutes away. Nearest actual city is more like 2 hrs away.

Inside my house I get squat. No service. Outside I get one tenuous bar at -116 db on a good day. That single bar is LTE, and I can pull ~8mb/s across it. Down in "town" service is much better and I get more like 50mb/s. I'm on AT&T.

I have it. It's okay for the most part.
The 4K display is an advertisement gimmick. Native resolution is actually 1080p, it just supports 4K in video. You can force 4K native resolution with adb and developer mode, but some app compatibility breaks.
Whenever you take out the SIM card tray (say if you want to change the SD card), phone auto reboots. Then when you put it back in, it auto reboots again. So if you're not fast enough its annoying.
Sometimes backlight randomly begins to flicker brightness until I change the brightness. Probably just a problem with my specific model.
Some input delay/detection problems in games (I think maybe due to the 1080p -> 4K scaling? Or maybe lagdroid just sucks, but my Moto X Pure didn't have this issue). Very noticeable in rhythm games.
It comes with a bunch of bloatware apps out of the box, but its easy to disable them.
Camera is good enough for me. Heapdhone jack and SD card slot are a big plus. Feels sturdy in a nice rubber case.
The main selling point for me was the price. Got it for a little under $500 a few months ago after discounts.

Can someone with the XZP/XZ1/XZ1c confirm that the radio is also gone in the service menu?
Just to confirm because in the xiaomeme A1 case they removed it but if you access to the test menu the FM radio is there and you can actually use it if you don't mind the shit interface.

Still, with the CES so close (january), i would wait to get a premium phone, not in the way amdfags wait but because we will see if sony change their design and make this series value drop, same as to know the SD845 performance.

> (OP)
>Never pay more than $100 for a smart phone
Ok Ranjeet

I want 6gb RAM, not 4gb.

I had apps reloading too much on 3gb, 4gb would be almost the same. A single vidya taking 1gb and an instance of chrome with a few tabs = everything starts reloading or going slow due to lack of RAM.

Currently with 6gb RAM I have 1.7gb free.

O/T, but *man* would I love to live in a place like that.

What would EVER be the point of 4k on a phone? My phone is 2560x1440 at 5.7" and I already can't discern individual pixels from eachother.

>tfw GSM

Verizon is cancer, i haven't had a Sony phone since the Z3V but i loved the shit out of it.

CDMA Verizon sony phone WHEN???

This is the one that has a defective camera module right? Who the fuck trusts Sony these days, they always fuck things up one way or another.

>literally perfect
>80% of phone is bezels

My galaxy s5 had better screen:body ratio.

there is no reason to have these huge bezels, literally half the phone is bezel.

Fuck, I only wanted one because 960fps 1080p video...

Because the xz1 ca,me out
>4k on phone
i want this meme to end

Their camera is downright cancer tier.

Why do people stubbornly shill this dead brand when it has no single redeeming features?

Sprint here.

>Gets Android updates
>Not lacking features or IO
>Good camera (not the best, but solidly "ok")
>Nice consistent design that doesn't sacrifice functionality for form
>Doesn't load Android up with bloat and retarded solutions

Gee user, I wonder why.

Camera is trash 90% of the time unless you're in perfect lighting conditions and the UI is upscaled 1080p despite people saying it's constantly on 4K which is a complete lie. Trust me, I did a fuck tone of research on this phone because I thinking of buying it a while ago. The 4K screen is only activated once it detects 4K content.

It ends at 16k and good VR, till then let sony keep fucking around with this stupid shit

Why would you want a 4k phone screen? You're just killing battery life for the sake or a barely, if at all, perceptible difference in sharpness.

It should end when mobile batteries last long enough to support it.

Nigga this shit runs at 1080p, only 4k when looking at photos.
I just want them to keep doing it so when they do hit 16k we can try VR again, but fuck even bothering for anything in between

I'm saying that shit should stay at 1080p overall until batteries can handle 4k+

Samsung does exactly that though and their phones are not crippled with silly issues like defective camera modules.

Their phones aren't exactly durable, nor are they well designed (with the exception of the edge-models).
Touchwizz is complete fucking garbage, and bloats Android
Edge models absolutely sacrifice function for form.

>4 gb ram
Why not 8 when it's cheap as fuck?
And what's the processor?
How big is the battery?

Fuck off.

>And what's the processor?

if you couldn't get that info from OP, keep on using a samsung.

>Their phones aren't exactly durable
False. Their glass backs didn't shatter at the first touch like the Z5.

>nor are they well designed
False. You can thank Samsung for inventing the bezelless trend that everyone including Sony is desperate to copy.

>Touchwizz is complete fucking garbage, and bloats Android
We're not in 2014 anymore.

>Edge models absolutely sacrifice function for form.
False. Edge models allow huge screen sizes possible on a smaller form factor. That's a pretty huge function if you ask me.

Sounds to me like you're just a Sony shill desperate to cling on to a dying brand with no good cause.

>no physical navigation buttons

>Edge models allow huge screen sizes possible on a smaller form factor.

only the note edge had something to do with the edge. What's the point if it's just a screen with curved edges? maybe attractive for girls but they like iphones more anyway. Now that steve is gone, I think apple will try the curved screen meme too, as they have really run out of ideas.

All my Sony carrying friends have had their phones over heat, especially during the pokemon Go craze.

Some of them had problems with the screen not turning back on after a call, on the Z2a and the Z5.

Sony is using MTK on their mid and low range phones now, that and locking down their camera if you try to change the OS. Stock Z5 camera app is awful as far as customization goes.

But that means I would be doing our job for you, Pajeet.
Come on, try and sell me the phone since you're trying to shill it.

no that means you can't actually read.

They will get rid of the bezel in the next design.
RIP Sony.

That's why I said "real carrier".

>Why’s no one talking about this phone?
Because you're on an Apple/Samsung paid shill website.

Enjoying your over-saturated GSM network provider poorfag?

>Apple/Samsung paid shill website

it's just salty americans who can't get fingerprint scanners on Sony phones. it's cool to hate sony phones there. They are the kind of people who buy a $1K smartphone just to send SMS messages.

to be honest though, sony is making their best to fuck up their cameras.

Actually it's the opposite. The screen is actually 4K native resolution but it displays in 1080p by default because battery life.

I'll enjoy cheaper rates, being able to roam on other carrier's networks, and international coverage with my dual sim, verizcuck.

i notice you neglected to mention screensize

verizon and their charges are bullshit and their network isnt all its cracked up to be dont believe the lies

Because Sony don't pay networks enough to shill their phones.

Seriously every time you go to a phone shop, their employees attempt to manoeuvre you to the Samsung phones immediately. Because samsung is paying the networks to shill samsung, samsung is rewarding employees for shilling samsung.

Mobile store employees literally nave no incentive to sell you anything but an Apple phone or a Samsung phone.

>Boohoo my traditional ads are useless against innovative guerrilla marketing.

my. damsung s8 is tje bwst phone i hav ever had if sony wants a real leg up make phones that can play playstation 2 and 3 games

It's not our fault that this phone is painfully mediocre compared to her competition.


its a phone you call it "it" not her

It's 960fps at 720p and the moments are brief so you have to time it well. It's more of a gimmick than anything right now until they increase the amount of stacked memory they put on the sensor.

It doesn't get talked much because it has no single redeemable feature that makes it stand out. Galaxies have a nice hardware all around, Pixels have class-leading camera and stock Android, LG have good price/performance value but what does the Xperia have? It costs the same as a fucking Galaxy S8 and the latter provides a much superior experience it's kind of sad actually.

Only die hard Sony fans buy Xperia phones, that's the fact.

What do Sony fans have to be a fan of?

They make the worst TVs
They make the worst Console
They make the worst Audio
They make the worst Cameras
They make the worst Pro Equipment

Really, Samsung and LG do everything they can cheaper and better.

>It costs the same as a fucking Galaxy S8
No it doesn't. Depending on which version of the XZ1 you get your'e saving $100-150.

Sony is the only one that makes a compact phone with good hardware, the Xperia XZ1 compact. You can keep your Samshit phablets running Android 7.0

>They make the worst TVs
Debatable, they don't make the best TVs and I've never owned a Sony TV, but they're not the worst.
>They make the worst Console
That's Microsoft, the Xbox One is undisputed the worst current gen console. Shitty hardware, overpriced at launch, not a single game worth playing that isn't better on another machine.
>They make the worst Audio
Again, not the worst but definitely not anything close to the best.
>They make the worst Cameras
Is that why they frequently lead DXO's charts?
>They make the worst Pro Equipment
Yeah okay.

Z5 looks better. They lost some charm after, for me at least. But they're great phones if you know where to you and not at fucking listing price. That plastic lens though

It would be pretty cool for a VR headset but even watching porn would be a slideshow

Carrier discounts.

None of that is fucking true at all

This thread reminds me of Vega apologists desperately trying to defend their failure of a GPU.

Except the botnet that is what's new app

Xz1 is slow as fuck I have it because size but resolution is garbage and most apps don't like it. . Also what's new app will prevent me from buying another Sony phone ever again

you forgot about the camera lens that doesn't scratch and more metal in the construction. the xz premium wasn't even that more expensive. you pretty much got fucked with the xzs

got full LTE on T-Mobile everywhere I've been in the country in the past few years, I don't know what you're talking about.

Why am I retarded for not wanting huge bezels?

I bought an XA1 and can't regret it more. There's an orange smudge which appeared after 3-4 day and edges of the screen on both right and left barely register touch. It's hardly even usable.