/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General

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first for 40% fags should be gassed

I still want that brainlet to answer how height correlates with strength. I think he is just a fatass,

post your memeforce


wait till you see 30 and 35% keyboards

>t. angry manlet

Why no left and right?

>caps lock
>mfw engaging all four of them at once

He probably just took whatever keycaps he could find and just put them on there. I'm not 100% positive, but those grey keycaps look like they came from an old Apple Alps JIS keyboard, which would make getting matching keycaps of the correct size almost impossible

first for 40% cute keyboard

Yeah some of them look just like apple keycaps now that you mention it.

>Has to project to justify his absolutely retarded comment
>t. Brainlet

Can anyone recommend a good budget mechanical keyboard? First time buying one so i'm not sure what to buy or who to buy from,

Budget for me is about £100 maximum the UK (honestly hoping to get some good reductions on black friday sales)

Full sized keyboard, with numpad. Blue or brown switches, don't care about LEDs but white would be nice.

Using an old G15 logitech at the moment for comparison, can't wait to get rid of it.

>he typed this on a keyboard that doesnt weigh at least 2.5 kilos
>im not a manlet guys!!
hmmm somethings strange here

How the fuck do you put in spaces?

Using an MK Disco. the KBT browns are so much nicer than cherry browns, jesus.


I type _ then with a macro it replaces those with spaces

>height determines strength
Jesus Christ user you really are, unironically, a brainlet

I can tell you right now that for some reason pricing is fucked across the board for all mechanical keyboards in the UK. You're better off buying from somewhere else then have it shipped. You might be able to get some leopolds from candykeys for around that price

>doesn't know what a manlet is

You can get a Model M on ebay for ~£100.

I think I got a problem guys...
>Already have a model m
>guy selling it in box for 35 usb
>bought it again
I am sorry everyone who doesn't have a model m

holy fuck how insecure can someone be about their highth? the proof is out there for fucks sake, but im not gonna spoonfeed you it.

>Oh I am a dumbass and I need to project because I got nothing
>t. we have passed the levels of brainlet

>Brainlet is still going on
We should gas them.

Brainlet confirmed

Hello every one.

Lads looking at a refurbished mechanical. Corsair K95 specifically, should I be worried?

Factory refurbished? If so then it'll have a warranty so nothing to worry about

info on your 60% please
>keyboard model

Yeah factory refurbished. Apparently issues with the LEDs have been had but as long as the keys work then all good.

looks like an anne pro judging by the shitty looking keycaps, the colored keys are just left over npkc miami

50$ - $110 ish
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
>Form factor
TKL 60%
RGB will be nice, but really don't care
>Previous/current keyboards
Some shitty cheap membrane keyboard, I'd love if it is grey/silver and black.

I don't play games, just looking for a good keyboard to type in, that is minimalist looking, won't break in a month of use ,something that will last me. Also has to be sold on Amazon™.com

It can also be 75%

Does using wood for a keyboard case enhance the sound or dampen it?

Need some recommendations.

Up to 150 would be preferable but I can spend as much as I need to if there's a reasonable justification for a higher price.
>Preferred switch type
I've only used blues before. Thinking red/black, but I got a sampler kit and don't really need a switch type recommendation unless you want to comment on red vs black.
>Form Factor
At least TKL. Leaning to 60% with USB-C connector so I can take it to work and use it for my laptop and not have to worry about wrapping a cable up attached to the keyboard. It seems ideal, but not sure how bad of an idea dropping function keys is.
Yes, doesn't need to be RGB, though.
>Previous keyboards
I have a Razor Blackwidow with the cherry blues that is too wide and I don't want gaymer meme shit anymore. TKL to 60% seems like it would be much more comfy to use at home with my gigantic mousepad so I don't have to spread my arms out as much.

Overall just want some good brands/models for a mildly discerning but not autistic user. Do people typically buy a keyboard and replace the ABS caps with PBT later or do they normally buy a board that comes with them? Thanks.


Anne Pro with Chinese caps from aliexpress


Is this a good buy or do these refurbs suck? I've heard that the keycaops wear out fast but they still seem to be a popular/well-liked option.


It took me 10 seconds to find something better for the same price. It even has all your meme keys.
How did you decide on that?

That's membrane nigga

It's a gaymen keyboard, I assume chose it because of the meme buttons and that volume wheel. Then made sure it said "mechanical" in the description because "they're better, right?" It doesn't even say what kind of switches they are.

its a merchanical keyboard you dum dum

>"Quiet mechanical keys"
>"Mechanical Gaming Keyboard"
Hmm, seems you're right. It's obviously a high quality board. Go ahead and buy it, it's a great choice :^)


It's the cheapest thing I found with MX Browns. I don't really care about muh gaymen macros.

if you're that much of a poorfag then buy a surplus POS keyboard for 20 bucks

>love the looks of the Corsair Vengeance K65 Compact
>it only comes with Red's

Leverage and reach, breh. Manlets live in constant fear of real men because if they talk or start shit they will get destroyed.

first for 100% fags should be gassed

then get a chink knockoff


When will you newfags learn that 65% is the true Master race.
>perfect blend of portability and functionality
>no need for superfluous function keys as layers are the true redpill

122-key or bust
Old-ass pic but it's not like they keyboard has changed at all.

when will you manlets learn that if you use a tiny keyboard it makes you look like a cuck. if you cant handle to carry around a heavier keyboard or press down on switches with higher activation force, youre quite the strengthlet

anyone who says otherwise is a beta fag

>it makes you look like
true alphas don't worry about mundane things like looks

I'm not gay but I love pastel blue/pink keys.
High contrast even in the dark.

>I'm not gay but I love pastel blue/pink keys.
user, I need to tell you something

>im not gay buy i like a keyboard with the fucking tranny colors on it

what is aesthetic/vaporwave

yea but that's not gay. its aesthetic

>implying I'm not building my tada with greens
fuck off nigger

hum , memes shifted very fast on this general, someone is intentionally shitposting very hard in this threads with all this none related topics like "faggot" "manlet" things, that's not our style, please recover you sense you wannabe faggots alphas with gateron switches instead of the much superior apls

The fuck are wrong with 100% keyboards?
>Dedicated button for practically everything, no shitty 2 button macros to get a function that 100% has a button for
>free numpad

>Have to extend arm uncomfortably to reach mouse
>More expensive
>Only wageckcs with shitty jobs use numpads
>Less portability

>That small ass shift
No Thanks


> extend arm uncomfortably
Is this a meme or are ur arms just short u hobbit? I never had that problem
> Ugly
Cause it doesn't look like some 4 year old's lego collection?
>More expensive
These things go for 40-60 usd at a good price everywhere.... Proof
>Only wageckcs with shitty jobs use numpads
>t. I am a child who is a leeches off my parents and a literal useless member to society
So about that gassing, may be good for u
>Less portability
I hope u are not an autist and carry around a loud ass mechanical keyboard to public areas and bother everyone there. That is just inconsiderate

topre? Did u cover up the logo or something?

>Have to extend arm uncomfortably to reach mouse
Maybe u just have a shitty hunchback posture

Yeah, but when you type, keyboard is not centered.

I think then u are just stubby arms then. Cause my keyboard is centered and I have no problem using my mouse and keyboard at the same time.

Good eye! It's an 87u

This seems obvious. My mouse and is limp wristed as fuck and right next to my keyboard/the edge of the table. I've never had wrist problems.

dunno man i can afford to have a small portable keyboard and a full size on my desk. if you don't use the numpad for numbers, you can use it for macros or whatever you want. your desk is also probably too small or cluttered if grabbing the mouse causes you pain. or maybe your desk and chair heights are wrong. i have a full size next to a 24 inch wide mouse pad, and i can grab the mouse without changing my arm shape at all. when you have this much room, you can always be in a comfortable posture.

Would a cheap, blank PBT 104 keycap set off aliexpress be able to fit a magicforce 82 due to its non-standard modifier keys? I'm thinking about doing some dying for cheap custom colours.

>pic related it shows the layout clearly

You're going to run into issues with the right alt, fn, and Ctrl keys. Also probably the home, page up, page down, and end keys will be off unless you choose a uniform keycap profile like DSA.

That right shift is also off-size.

I forgot I didn't clearly answer your question. You will run into those issues. Your options would be to buy spare blanks for the keycaps missing or try to make it work with the 10-key leftovers, but it will feel like shit and look like shit. Also doesn't really fix the right shift problem.

Just bought an old ass mitsumi keyboard that noone could identify. This layout is the trolliest I have ever seen and I fucking love it.

>That ctrl key
>That alt key
>That caps lock key
>That esc key
>That num lock key


That keyboard fucking triggers me

>PrtSc is also num multiply
>no num divide
>PrtSc and Sys Req are separate keys
>Only 10 F keys

bought it for 25 bucks, will do a review when I get it. I can't fucking believe this exists.

thank you
been eyeing anne pro for a while, it's hard to find stock on local store, the only way to get it is by buying it directly from china. but i'm afraid it will be full of problem like inaccurate switch, color, and long awaiting time.

nah annepros are solid. Suggest u get them from gearbest. The black ones are on sale right now.

but i'm not from USA and Europe

Looks like it's meant to be an AT keyboard clone, but with the F-keys on top instead of the side.

There is a 129 pbt set out there that would cover everything you need. Its not the best but it has the sizes you need. it comes with kits sometimes on massdrop or sold seperately .

Retard here

Can some tell me what brands should i be looking at that make good Mechanical keyboards.

Is that the same as Qisan? are they a good brand?

It is the same keyboard of a copy?

qisan is just a third party reseller that mainly sells the keyboard outside of china. Magicforce is the official name of the keyboard.

We got a wiki on the top on which brands are good.

Oh okay thanks.

So is the keyboard any good?

Why the fuck are good 75% Keyboards so god damn expensive.

Hey Sup Forums, I come with news. I recently moved into a new house, and along with a bunch of actual junk I found a decent-looking IBM Model M
Since it's been left rotting in a pile of garbage for who knows how long, what are the odds it still functions properly, if at all?
Also, what would the effort be like in "restoring" it (new key caps (it's missing a couple), scrubbing the dirt off and out, etc)?

How come so many old keyboards don't have a key where the wangblows key is on new keyboards? It just seems odd to have a gap there

Beside programming socks, I was thinking to upgrade my programming gear. The razer membrane keyboard that I'm currently using brings shame as I think of some potential qt (male) peeking at it. Which mk (fully sized) is the best for my usage? I typed on some red switches and found them decent, but is the clicky noise necessary for maximum stimulus for a qt (male)?

Can you share a pic of them so we can estimate the oddds of success of such enterprise.

>everyone says gaterons are good
>buy a bunch from aliexpress for cheap
>postal service fucks up and sends them back to china after they arrive in my country
>can't get money back
fuck you chinklovers, i'm never buying from aliexpress again