SJW mozilla

name one reason why are you still using this feminist browser? screenshot taken directly from

I don't hate women

You will.

what's the alternative? most of the tinfoil hat and/or freetard browsers are basically just forks of Ff. Also, they never shoved it in my face. They can write whatever the fuck they want on their homepage, as long as it doesn't appear on the new tab page, or anywhere in the software, it's fine. If you think otherwise, you're probably autistic.

>not developing your own language and writing your own browser from scratch


Fuck off back to Sup Forums

>name one reason why are you still using this feminist browser?
technically the best.

>muh pol boogeyman
not everyone who isnt a leftist retard is from pol

I've come to accept that women will always have privileged position in society because they're simply more desirable than men. And regardless, I use Firefox for its technical merits.

please stay on your containment board, the fact is that women don't get education in 3rd world countries and mozilla helps combat this

>"""""factual news"""""

found the communist

Sup Forums is 18+, even the blue boards.

There's nothing wrong with making sure stories are backed up with facts and evidence.

As long as they're the correct facts and evidence, right?

Doesn't matter. It's discrimination against boys. Do you hate boys?

The more obvious question is why Mozilla is running tech education programs in the first place instead of making a decent web browser.

Who determines the legitimacy then? How can we determine that the arbiters of this are completely unbiased in their decisions? Why do we need big brother to tell us what to think?

this is what poltards actuallt believe

Facts are facts, you can't have incorrect facts. Now what has become common in the last year is conflating "fake news" with news that is literally true but is inconvenient for "muh favorite candidate"

Also, This user sums it up

>conflating "fake news" with news that is literally true but is inconvenient for "muh favorite candidate"

Name a single objective fact that is not a mathematical abstraction.

(t. Karl Popper)

>Who determines the legitimacy then?
You are ultimately the one that has to make that determination for yourself. However there are secondary sources like witnesses and evidence can help you along. *You* are also a witness, what you perceive should have the most weight in your decision making.

I perceive the white race to be superior.

fuck off with this shit

Humans need air to live. Go test it.

1. Because this is Sup Forums. Not reddit. Not Sup Forums. Not tumblr.

2. Because most of us don't care about who is behind the software we use, so long as it is efficient and respects our freedoms.

3. Because Firefox is indeed efficient, and allows the user to modify settings so that it is locked down from a privacy perspective. It is also more flexible, more customizable (user.js, userchrome.css, extensions etc...) - and now faster - than any other modern browser available.

4. Because (unlike with chrome / chromium / opera etc...) you can disable all telemetry settings, change your default search engine, and mozilla won't get a single cent from your using the browser.

5. Because you're a faggot, and a nigger, and you're just blindly pushing an agenda, much like the dumb SJW kikes at mozilla.