what the fuck's taking giorgio so long?
What the fuck's taking giorgio so long?
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you fucking faggot
Fucking look at this one simple config
you worthless nigger
fucking look at how it's a pain in the ass to go into about:Config, type something, then change a value, anytime you want to disable or enable javascript
>open new tab
>type about:config
>look up javascript.enabled
>disable it
never use js ever again.
you lazy fucking nigger
>click a button right next to the content you are viewing
>click a button in the modal window that pops up
>disable it or enable it as you see fit
use javascript or don't use javascript whenever you feel like it
you shifty fucking kike
He tried to wait till the WC qualification.
>press a hotkey combination
>javascript is enabled or disabled at your command
>your choice is remembered for eternity
keep browsing the web
You're the fucking nigger kike using javascript
you're the fuckin cooncum guzzling moron who thinks it should take more than two seconds to enable or disable it when needed and that users shouldn't have the choice to do so
Surprised you can post on Sup Forums minus javascript.
What do you mean? Firefox 57 was released two days ago
Unfortunately the non-shit v1 Recaptcha's need JS to work
Otherwise you need a Sup Forums pass
Apparently Giorgio has been having trouble keeping up with progress on NoScript because he is failing his ESL class at the community college, he's expressed several times that he needs more time to study.
Because NoScript as a WebExtension will be a buggy piece of shit
some suggest umatrix but it looks like a turd
is it any good?
none of that is a replacement.
dumb phoneposter.
>community college
that's a merkin thing only.
Why does Giorgio keep the project behind himself? Why not publish the code if it's so hard to make the webextions version? Why is Giorgio even working on it?
same reason i maintain my shitty extension
Just use umatrix. too much of the web is unbrowsibile with 0 js these days
But if one is using NoScript because of being suspicious to everything shouldn't he also be suspicious against closed code of NoScript?
WTF? NoScript is GPLv2 software
Hm, okey my bad. I misunderstood, since I see these threads mocking Giorgio not getting the shit ready. I tought it's closed since otherwise people would help to do the coding right. I don't care of JS block myself and am not a developer myself. I just play vidya and come here to read hardware threads haha.
Source is GLPv2, but it follows the Cathedral model of developing, so he probably does it alone or with only a few people helping.
When NoScript webextension finally does come out, will the addon be updated automatically? Or can it no longer receive the automatic update now that legacy NoScript is disabled by Firefox? I'd like to keep my settings and whitelists like what Giorgio originally promised would happen.
install waterfox
go back to XUL extensions that actually work
aaaaand this is how you turn off the internet
>Unfortunately the non-shit v1 Recaptcha's need JS to work
You won't have to worry about that next year.
>trusting software whose developer bypassed his own addon to show you ads on his website
did he? top kek based dev
Umatrix is better.
Not really. Not even the developer of uMatrix is using uMatrix anymore.
uMatrix fucking retard. Replicates the functionality of noscript and more
much more restrictive addon API. just as bad as Chrome's.
kek even gorhill realizes it's shit
oh well, if your gay aesthetical standards aren't met, you can go to different shores.
Maybe he clicked on one of the ads on his website and installed nasty shit that encrypted his filesystem.
Who the fuck uses noscript in 2017 ?
ublock origin + umatrix, or just kys
This soo much, those are the only two addons i use on ff 57
Soooo, is umatrix bad or good? Should i switch to noscript...?
Does it matter? It's a piece of shit software anyway, the performance decrease alone is mental