Other urls found in this thread:


Apple is better at everything.

Why are technology related news so saturated with yellow press level writing?
>To hell
>Stock photo of beer drinking people in pub (is that supposed to indicate to uneducated Americans that Munich is a German city?)
>No proper sources
>Looks like a paid advertisement and probably is,
just to name few issues.

What are good places to read about technology?

Munich will be more efficient from 2020 onwards. A smart move!



IIRC they're doing it because the typists were complaining about Linux and that it's hard to use it (aka they couldn't fucking figure out how to access Facebook).
All the server/security staff (aka the actually important people) loved Linux and it was actually thanks to them that they were using Linux in the first place.

If you need a safe space, then go back to (((reddit)))

Actually it was because Microsoft moved some headquarters very close to the council in recent years.

> to Windows 10
It seems they do not count any servers?

Thats because of all the complaints about it being too hard to use. Normies like their GUI OS.

Don't forget the massive lobbyism. MS tried hard to intervene even before the decisionn was made and finally succeeded.

Lol, dumb fucking krauts.

>All the server/security staff

So. the guys who may be get fired for their incompence say it was OK, what a surprise, meanwhile the end users are the ones who had to suffer while trying to be productive with Linsux.

But not even the President od the Linux foundation wans't to use that p.o.s.

Hi there, fellow Anonymous poster. What a nice day on slash Geee.
I love your post! I, too, am running a Genuine™ Microsoft® Windows® 10 Operating System and I can honestly say it is the most modern and reliable product on the market today.

it was a good idealistic move but looks like incompetent, short sighted people win again.

ms probably feared this a lot. what would happen if word got out the switch to linux was a success?

linux replacing ms in germany? in europe? globally?
linux is in the interest of users, ms only cares about its interest.

Munich actually got screwed royally by people who wanted to implement Linux there.

Instead of using either a commercial distribution like RHEL or openSUSE or implementing something like Ubuntu LTS (another sane choice for an army of drooling office workers) they chose to make their own distribution by forking ubuntu and never bothered to upgrade it.

Current version of "limux" is 4.0 and it's based on Ubuntu 10.10 (!) and uses fucking KDE 3.5 from 2004.

Munich city cheaped out, the people who did the job were a bunc of lazy kikes and this is the result.

>wanting to not waste time on propaganda articles is reddit
>using reddit spacing isn't reddit
>>>r/Sup Forums

So does gentoo founder and current head developer of funtoo.

People involded in "Linux Foundation" are big corporation who want the servery/computation centre stuff, not le desktop for watching le cat videos and le videogames.

>Instead of using either a commercial distribution like RHEL or openSUSE

And spend the same amount of money, maybe a little less than staying with MS? all this charade was because they wanned to save money, at the end, they lost big in productivity.

You said it yourself, Linsux is not ready for the desktop and got BTFO from Munich properly.

Take your headline threads back to

Safe space snow flakes belong to (((reddit)))

>politicians and euro bureaucrats will be using less safe systems in the future
This is good. They become easier invade and destroy.

Major is a Microsoft shill and is doing this because Microsoft moved their German Headquarters to Munich.

>If you need a safe space, then go back to (((reddit)))
Demanding good writing is safe space?

Ask any editor of a scientific magazine if "to hell" is a good phrase to be used in a title of an article. It's about low level of computer related journalism.

Meanwhile, in Munich, Germany, the efforts invested in open standards use by the public sector are under threat. Former mayor Christian Ude, a free software supporter, shared a dialogue he had with Microsoft founder Bill Gates at the start of the city’s great leap to open software.

The two met at a conference in California and drove a car together to the airport. “Why are you doing this? asked Gates. “Because we want freedom,” replied the mayor. “Freedom from what?” asked Gates. “From you!” replied the German. They were talking about Munich’s local government’s transition to open source.

City council meetings in Munich don’t usually attract much interest beyond the city. But the meeting in February 2017 was different. Press and audience filled the benches in the main auditorium of the magnificent neo-Gothic town hall to capacity. Local politicians answered media inquiries from all over Germany and even from other parts of Europe.

Ude and others hoped that Munich would lead the way to open source migration and that Europe would follow suit. But now lord mayor Dieter Reiter and his coalition in the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) want to connect the city back to Microsoft.

>incompetent libshits

At least they'll have something usable, not like Linsux.

All the city needed to do was hire a small team of maintainers to update it every so often.

>Christian Social Union

That explains everything.


Afaik it was because Dieter Reiter was invited to vacancies with Microsoft executives.

You can read hints on the wikipedia article, there are no links to that, however there is a link in the footnotes where he claims to be "a Microsoft fan". He's known to have accepted other payments as well.

Bavaria's fucked up anyway, if you get catched with a fucking joint anywhere you're getting fucked over hard there. Bavaria is basically the incest spot of germany and most other germans hate or ridicule bavarians. They even have their own political parties down there.

No, we don't wear leather pants and eat sauerkraut all the time.

The weird thing in germany is always (just like with adolf), that we do fucked up things right in your face. In germany basically everything is allowed as long you are open about it. Morality isn't a big thing here.

In July 2001,[24] the White House started switching their web servers to an operating system based on Red Hat Linux and using the Apache HTTP Server.[25] The installation was completed in February 2009.[26][27] In October 2009, the White House servers adopted Drupal, an open-source content management system software distribution.[28][29]
The United States Department of Defense uses Linux - "the U.S. Army is “the” single largest install base for Red Hat Linux"[30] and the US Navy nuclear submarine fleet runs on Linux,[31] including their sonar systems.[32]
In June 2012, the US Navy signed a US$27,883,883 contract with Raytheon to install Linux ground control software for its fleet of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) Northrup-Grumman MQ8B Fire Scout drones. The contract involves Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Maryland, which has already spent $5,175,075 in preparation for the Linux systems.[33]
In April 2006, the US Federal Aviation Administration announced that it had completed a migration to Red Hat Enterprise Linux in one third of the scheduled time and about 15 million dollars under budget. The switch saved a further $15 million in datacenter operating costs.[34][35]
The US National Nuclear Security Administration operates the world's tenth fastest supercomputer, the IBM Roadrunner, which uses Red Hat Enterprise Linux along with Fedora as its operating systems.[36]
The city government of Largo, Florida, USA uses Linux and has won international recognition for their implementation, indicating that it provides "extensive savings over more traditional alternatives in city-wide applications."[37]

Nice but pathetic excuse, by that logic then the President of the Linux foundation that prefers to us a mac than shitty Linux was imvited by Tim Cock too.

Stop making pathetic excuses, Linux is not ready for the desktop, simple as that.

>they lost big in productivity.
Yep. Expecting government office workers to adapt to such drastically different environment was wishful thinking at best.
They would register similar losses in productivity if you simply rearranged the desktop icons on their work computers.

But the whole "productivity loses" is just typical Currysoft FUD.
New city major (Dieter Reiter) is a known Microsoft lobbyist and he ordered a company named Accenture (Microsoft's partner) to produce a "report" on the state of Munich IT according to which Linux was "booboo" and the best solution is Microsoft's products (obviously)

Noone ever pinpointed exactly what problems users were unhappy about besides general "it's different than windows lmao"

>Comparing servers to desktop users


What's an excuse?
I said what's fact.

Fuck off, retard. The head of the Linux foundation uses Windows PCs as well. How else are you going to know what's happening in the world you fucking pea brain.

And I supose that all the end users complaining about how shitty was to use Linsux where also invited my MS, dude, not even the Linux Foundation President want to use that peace of shit calle Linux in the desktop.

still don't understand why they didn't go with suse in the first place

>reddit spacing

It is also a fact that the end users where tired of how unusable that p.o.s. called Linux was. the mayor just listened his people.

We get it man, you're really excited that a head of a non-profit organisation uses a different operating system. No need to repeat that in every post you make Pajeet.

>it's the yearly "munich is leaving linux" thread again

Yeah, everything where reliability is needed runs Nix or BSD meanwhile only niggers, liberals and religion nutjobs run Windows, I guess you can't expect even niggers, liberals or religion nutjobs to be able to open up a browser even Linux.

and lobbied the shit out of them

>Not an argument.

the old retarded social workers couldn't handle that the [x] button was left instead of right, that's why they complained so much. Never go Linux if your workers are retarded fat leeches that work 30 min a day tops.

le faggot

>it's "shitty lobbying pls ban" when it works against my interests
>it's "listening to people" when it works for my interests

Could have just served them a VM


>Yeah, everything where reliability is needed runs Nix or BSD
Munich begs to differ.

>Our shitty data center is going FULL windows gaiz!
>end up only installing winshit on support desktops
Get over your self micrococks, no major data center will stop running lampp for some shitty window's feature anytime soon.

>the combination of a moron and a half assed fork with outdated software represents the state of linux
Are you mad that you lost your xp GOLD install disc, sandeep?

>But now lord mayor Dieter Reiter and his coalition in the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Christian Social Union (CSU) want to connect the city back to Microsoft.

>Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Christian Social Union (CSU)

Literally cancer.

*smacks lips*


I pay them, I decide their tools.
"His people" don't exist. They are our people.

What problems did Noone pinpoint?


Isn't this thing going on for years already and the reason they're changing "back" is because whoever bigshot personally lobbied years for Microsoft?

Can you stop LARPing retard, we get it, you just got onto S2 of Mr. Robot and you think you're an ebic hacker because you did won some races in your highschool type racer class.



>the only terroristic attack that has ever happened in germany was in munich 2016
Enjoy your MS-powered CSU, inbreds

>I want my safe space here so everyone who doesn't like what I like needs to go

>it took a fat commie drooling amoeba in office and an army of memesoft lobbyists to bring back windows

Fuck off, hollywood trash LMAO

suck it, my angel, suck it real good.

>there are morons in this thread so entrenched in shitty OS wars that you neglect the fact that for council and municipal OS needs and functions it would be much more simple to hire morons off the street who know basic msoffice/windows normie computing than attempt to train an entire staff of moronic normies how to use and maintain a linux system.
>Ignoring the fact that the basic normie council worker probably can't find their programs if you mess with their desktop a little.

If you remember Intel's slides about AMD Epyc, you'll remember the type of thing politicians are exposed to. Anyone can just pay to get a politican to watch a presentation or something which is pure corporate propaganda.

Oh look who wants Microsoft, would have never guessed!


This fucking tramp wants to see Europe burn for some reason.
And she's probably gonna get elected again, good job you fucking German idiots.

Am I wrong? Why else are you being such an euphoric larptist on Sup Forums? lmfao, you couldn't hack your way into a router with an unencrypted type 0 pw, kys, learn your shit, stop being an autist.

>freedom from you!
>we're going to retrain an entire workforce into using the meme open source program of the moment. Forgetting the fact that free software actually isn't free because you have to spend time hiring a consultant to teach you/the staff how to actually use the software because it doesn't actually have any support.

Commies bringing back the Microgulag. What's new bout that.

You're a password?

I don't even watch that shitty show but why should a boss care if someone pays people to dislike a tool they use?
Microsoft have been butthurt for many years over a single city not spending taxpayers money on licenses.

The mayor must listen to their workforce, not just install unproductive meme software that makes everyone want to quit their jobs.

The good news about this, is that Munich is now an example of the failure Linsux is, even when they try to force it, you can't force the shit to smell good.

hint kid, two commands, line 0 isn't the router itself meaning it's already unlocked. Microsoft should not be used for any large scale/serious enterprises and should never EVER have a place in any serious environment regarding user data/client data/data in general.

It's too exploitable, it relies to heavily on rolled out security updates rather than in-house user security. Meaning theres always a chance of an exploit or day zero attack. Microsoft is good for home use, support top use, front-desk use, not front-end. Meaning it needs to be on the receptionist's desk at the front of the fucking building on a guest network and thats it.

The big thing I really don't understand is the office drones complaining that it's hard to use. What do they even do? Take some phone calls, enter data into a proprietary program, fill out some Excel files or something. That's it. (t. never worked in an office before)
Ideally, the system administrators should set everthing up so it's just point-and-click to the brainless data entry drones. What even IS THERE to find hard for them? Literally. Unless they're trying to, idk, fucking set up their own personal smtp server on their work computer, I don't understand what's so hard about clicking on text input fields and typing in text, regardless of what OS you're using.
At most, they might complain that Flash and Google Chrome don't install properly, and they have to use Firefox. Which BTW isn't a big deal in Germany, because the majority of Germans actually use Firefox. And to go on Jewtube and Jewbook, you don't need Flash either. Nowadays you only need that for porn and shitty browser games. Actually, that perfectly explains why they hate Linux.

>use gnome
>pin progs to panel on the left

>And she's probably gonna get elected again, good job you fucking German idiots.
She was re-elected 2 months ago. She started her fourth term. She's been chancellor since 2005. Gotta love German democracy

>The big thing I really don't understand is the office drones complaining that it's hard to use.
That's actually extremely easy to explain.
You probably haven't experienced it but most government office workers are extremely poorly skilled workers. And when you put one in front of a computer, it's a disaster. We're talking about people who would get confused to the point of calling a helpdesk if you moved their Internet Explorer/Google Chrome/Firefox icon to a different place on the desktop. "Hello what's the problem" "Internet doesn't work"

KEK THIS, microshills BTFO

Modified Unix Never Intended Competing Here.

>The mayor must listen to their workforce,

>MS literally using the guy lobbying for them for propaganda
Rather than listen to their workforce, the mayor is listening to beautiful sound of free cash.

>use gnome
>civil servant tier failed out of college data entry morons

> Munich
> implying that anything valuable ever comes from Germany
> pic shows a group of friends doing prosit with their beers
Go home Adolf, you're drunk.


Yes they should listen to linux freetards and spend millions on linux consultants instead while their workers spend half the workday calling their 20,000 strong IT department to use 'free' software.


Funny how the "problems" started when the libcuck suddenly entered office and Microsoft moved its German HQ near.
Face it pajeet, nobody but niggers, pajeets and literal drooling monkeys want to use Windows.
Meanwhile the rest of the world infrastructure has long since moved to Linux.

You truly are retarded, next time you spend money on line, or make any transaction, or use any form of currency, let's hope the server that encrypts the transaction is a windows one :^)

It's Oktoberfest, dummy. Note the Stein's and lederhosen.

The problems started waaay before that, freetard.

>problems started
The problems were already there. There's literally no reason to switch back to paid software if there aren't deep systemic problems with using free software. It was a nice funny experiment but rather than spending man hours figuring out how to use software maybe councils should stick to doing the administrative shit that they're elected to do?

>muh politics in stupid grunt level computing hurr durr

Of course, go call up the NSA, NASA, US Army, CERN or whatever and ask them how much trouble they always have with Linux.