Hello Sup Forums, I am from India and I have cultural question about west

Hello Sup Forums, I am from India and I have cultural question about west.

Here in India we love technology, and we think technology in west/USA is great. We think of advanced companies and great technology, software and hardware.

However we do not understand American men and women. Who pay $1000 for an iphone when you can purchase android for $100.

Here in India, Moto E4 Plus is most popular phone and it costs $100. Why do white Americans pay $1000 for an iphone? Why do they love iphone, if $400 or $1000?

In India iphone is considered too expensive. Android is king.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Why do white Americans pay $1000 for an iphone?
Capitalism. Brainwash. Consumerism.
But above it all because they are wealthier than you and they can afford to do it.

nice try op Indians all wish they had iphones, better luck with your bait next time

>Why do white Americans pay $1000 for an iphone?
Because their willingness to pay is higher than yours. Simple as that.

If that's true then why are there $100 iPhones?


Why are iToddler subhumans such insecure losers?

Who wants a 6 year old iPhone

ohhhhhhhhh shiiiiiiieeeeeet


Same reason I pay $30 for a burger at a hipster place. Not because the burger is especially good, but simply because I can go there and eat and not be surrounded by mouth breathing, Wal-Mart loving, cousin fucking poor ""people"".

This is clearly some plan price.

If you buy an iphone SE up front it wont be 100$.

Royals and the rich are known for inbreeding to keep wealth and power.

Yes it will. Boost mobile is a prepaid carrier. You can literally buy the shitty iPhone and not pay a plan.

care to explain user?

Sure Cletus, whatever you say

>Here in India, Moto E4 Plus is most popular phone and it costs $100. Why do white Americans pay $1000 for an iphone? Why do they love iphone, if $400 or $1000?

The average American spends all of their money on trinkets, has little to no savings, and lives paycheck to paycheck no matter how much they make.

Look at the royal family. I mean brits are disgusting sub humans in general but they really stand out.

their phones are stolen,



The price

not an argument

Do you have a source validating your accusation of boost selling stolen iPhones are you just talking out of your ass?

>not an argument because i say so
Not an argument

The iphone SE costs $349-$449.

It does not cost $99.

Move along.

lmao good one user, you sure showed him

Why do you think so many black people own them. Got a FICO of -1? No problem my dude.

we ain't no fucking poor, and I will spend my money on whatever I fucking desire

One sad insecure virgin iToddler making 50x daily shill threads to defend his fruit religion.


Is this a bot? No way someone could be this dedicated...

In western ghettos it's important to try to make yourself look rich and successful. That's why people buy big gold chains even though they live in a trailer. That's why iPhones are very popular. People actually buy them with two year payment plans just so they can show others how they """were able to afford""" one. It's pretty funny. The actually wealthy people don't show off their wealth with gadgets but with their homes and cars. Only a handful of iPhone owners have these two in great order.

>android users

Poo in loo you poor faggots.

Why are you replying to yourself iToddler?


Relevant ad?

>I am from India
stopped reading here


Reminder to sage and report the ban evader.

You are powerless. You can try to stop me and link as many archive posts as you want, but it is futile.

Until the MODS ban you

How many times do you get banned each day?

Who do you think I am?

I work for Apple. The biggest richest company in the world. You think a simple ban can stop me?

It's either
A) A joke on the fact that "Boost"ing something means stealing it
B) a troll
C) an idiot who doesn't realize that Boost is wholly owned by Sprint in the united states


Holy fucking shit user, I'm literally dumber than a sack of potatoes ;_;

Should I just end it all right now and save myself all of the pain and suffering?

The ironing here is that he's holding an iPhone SE.

Daily reminder that iToddler blah blah Apple Rox yadayada britfag Muhammad doxxed poorfag iFag Tim Cock pajeet rajesh rajeet poo2loo

Here’s a list of 1000 archive links because I spend all day on Sup Forums waiting for anything Apple-related to be posted.

Also here’s some shitty memes and debunked Webms I cooked up etc etc

A[?]toddlers btfo
>I will also ignore this was already fixed in 11.1.1

lmao get a life imagine being this assblasted iPoor LagOS how will ever recover suicide watch

>"tl;dr I suck cocks for free"

>Andtoddler THIS assblasted over his gay android waifu pajeet religion


>Applefag THIS assblasted over his shitty underpowered fruit religion

>Andreet needs twice the cores and 4 times the ram to get close to iPhone performance

>Applefag supposedly has powerful performance but can LITERALLY DO NOTHING WITH IT
keep screeching geekbench all you want, but it will literally never work in real world situations.

Not talking about geek bench you stupid fucking pajeet.

It’s okay, girls will keep talking to me with blue bubbles and snapchats that aren’t reminiscent of WW2 footage

>It’s okay, girls will keep talking to me with blue bubbles and snapchats that aren’t reminiscent of WW2 footage
you need to be 18 in order to post here
also you didn't even try to confront the "real world situations" because your phone is THAT FUCKING SLOW lmao

Snapchat’s main demographic is 18-24s but nice try poojeet

>Snapchat’s main demographic is 18-24s but nice try poojeet
not when your demographic is under half of the userbase but whatever helps you sleep at night, shill

Can we range ban this literal cock sucker already? Isn't he some Ukrainian faggot with an iPhone 4?

Okay, what’s the other 55%.

Notice I said main? Although you Indians aren’t the greatest English speakers.

>iPhone 4
if he had an iPhone 4 the filename would be IMG_XXXX

A britbong soyboy actually. He even posted his own phone number by accident.

>Okay, what’s the other 55%.
underage faggots like you
also if we're going to play grammar nazi:
>puts a period at the end when the statement is supposed to be a question

I thought you were going to provide statistics to back up your claim

Seems I was wrong.

Average Andreet brainpower

Even though there’s a literal paid shill called Sergey for Samsung?

Fucking poojeet double standards

1.The average Amerian household makes 10x as much
2. These phone can be brought on installment plans
3. People use their phones as a status symbol to show off

>doesn't even provide sources for his claim
so this... is the power... of iFags... WOAH

Implying that anyone from Europoor or Asia can save money. At least we have the option to save.

>installment plans
What a nice euphemism for "debt".

Its the "American" way. Thats why you see many lower status people with top end phones. People with actual money give zero fucks about a phone; they usually buy what works for them.