This is it guise. This was the last straw. They're trying to turn it into Facebook. Make some place anons I am coming over. Sup Forums is my new home
Have a blast, user!
Don't forget to bring friends, Reddit is always welcomed here.
The mods aren't even being subtle anymore. They are literally blocking posts that are talking up against the chat feature openly. You fags were right all along.
>He doesn't chat on reddit
lmao get with the times grandpa. I bet you don't even have a kik
Back you go op and take this cancerous bullshit with you.
>current year
>still a ledditor
the current state of humanity
Leddit has some tip top porn though.
nothing will change no matter how many we take
Tumblr has better porn unironically.
M8, I find it useful for PMing people in a better way than the standard one.
Really? I don't visit Tumblr, but I might do so if there's a better alternative to /r/gonewild and its children.
And of course you don't provide evidence. By the way, you probably mean admins, and I haven't seen any relevant /r/subredditcancer posts.
Communities like Reddit and Sup Forums are meant to encourage open discussion. This just ruins it. We don't want Facebook 2.0
Chris Hansen.jpg
Check /r/beta One of the rant posts has 40k+ upboats and it still didn't make it to /r/all
'open discussion' is juat nazi codeword for hate speech
what we need is true and proper Safe Spaces.
As a resident of Sup Forums I have to say it became quite common to dump chapters from leddit there. Sup Forums degraded to this state from 2 years ago when chapters where actually grabbed from there to batoto.
Which is why I always chuckle at leddit mocking on Sup Forums.
we don't want you get the fuck back to your new shitass facebook echochamber v2 faggot, you dug your own grave
Nigga, I meant subleddits related to /r/gonewild like /r/asiansgonewild.
fuck off weeaboo
>Sup Forums is my new home
fuck off, redditor.
>Communities like Reddit [...] are meant to encourage open discussion
Is this what redditfags believe ?
Private message create a lot cancer, mods a lot cancer, subreddit Wars and doxxing more, now reddit get chat means flood new users and quickly coordination cancer.
Reddit goes full cancer.
>current year
>hating weebs
Do you live in the woods or something
>i find it useful
>i've used it
you fuck right back off to lebbit too, if you can't say anything openly to everyone, fuck off
neck yourself pedo neckbeard weeb faggot
>Sup Forums is my new home
This. Just/POL to delete and everything will be perfect.
You have been invited to community chat.
Click to join.
>Communities like Reddit and Sup Forums are meant to encourage open discussion.
reddit actively discourages open discussion by design, by first giving users the ability to downvote things they disagree with which not only makes newer posts and threads sink to the bottom very quickly having the effect stifling any discussion that goes against the grain, but also giving people the ability to completely filter out such posts to the general discussion once they go below threshold - contrast this to Sup Forums where even people disagreeing with each other pushes threads to the top of the index
secondly by segregating users into groups (i.e., subreddits), Sup Forums is shit and has an obvious alt-right spin with dissenters often being told to 'fuck off back to /leftypol/' (on another website) but try going to post anything anti-trump on r/t_d, or anything pro-capitalist on r/lsc, etc, those subs have mods that actively ban dissenting opinion which can't happen on Sup Forums and even worse they ban people for merely posting in any other subreddits - at least you can voice your opinion on Sup Forums even if they consider it wrong
thirdly they remove any sort of anonymity or privacy to the detriment of people being able to have discussions on merit rather than tribalism, which relates to the second point, no matter how well intentioned you are if you've posted on r/t_d 8 months ago someone will find that post and call you out for it and they'll completely ignore your arguments because you're obviously an alt-righter
Sup Forums isn't excellent for open discussion but it's not by design it's due to the culture of the board and the people that post here, you can still have discussions and get some responses almost immediately as opposed to reddit where posts sink to the bottom and you might get 1 reply from the person you were replying to a day later and it's never going to be seen by anybody but the two of you
> They're trying to turn it into Facebook
I don't understand what are you trying to imply here, that Reddit isn't a form of Facebook?
Welcome aboard! I hope you are not nvidiot or inteLELite. We shit on those retards here.
japanese design triumphs again
japanese design triumphs again
I wonder how they'll justify hiding the reserve_hap flag away from the public again in the next version of the ME
Please just go back.
>Pic related it's OP
I've never watched an episode of this show in my life and I never want to
not OP btw
Well reddit sucks but I think they're going after this market instead
Helpful hint: Look for threads with the tag "general" in the title. Plenty of Reddit refugees have already found their new home in these pseudo-subreddits all across Sup Forums!
Why don't they try the cripplechan?
you're here forever.
Plus user account make each subreddit had own diva-queen, some user just hate each to other,making even if some user had one point another user will shit over it.
Is discord the future?
It really does, just find a single tumblr page with stuff you like, go to the archived posts and find other pages that are linking to them.
They're allowed open discussion, as long as it vapidly agrees with the current discussion thread.
Tumblr is much better for niche stuff, didn't realize you're a normie
ever since there was some thought leader blogshit about having putting chats on every website this cancer just can't be stopped
The other great thing about Sup Forums discussion is that you can reply to multiple posts with a single comment, just like in a real conversation. I can't stand the diagonal shit on reddit and HN where shit gets buried and discussed multiple times, with people even copying and pasting their comments in other places.
I'll give it a shot this evening. I don't feel like browsing porn at work.
Only normies call others normies.
Good point. I don't browse Reddit regularly, but this is something I didn't really realize before.