>click on shut down
>PC starts hibernating
>No option to turn this "feature" off
What fucking idiot at Microshit thought that this was a good idea?
>click on shut down
>PC starts hibernating
>No option to turn this "feature" off
What fucking idiot at Microshit thought that this was a good idea?
you can turn it off retard
How and where I've looked at every setting and couldn't find shit
>power options
>left side bar: choose what the power button does
>change setting to shut down
that will be $1.00 friend
shutdown /s /t 5
i have reread your question and determined that you are actually talking about microsoft’s quick boot feature they use to hide how bloated their OS is
my mistake
in that same menu I previously directed you to, there’s an option that says something like “enable fast startup”
turn this off
powercfg.exe /hibernate off
There's even a brainlet friendly version in the power settings.
You could have easily found that in a few seconds simply by googling.
Nope it still opens everything that wasn't closed from the last session.
63340029 reporting in
OP is still a retard and all these solutions are wrong.
Install gentoo faggots
Only thing I've found so far that actually shuts down everything is alt+f4 on desktop
why search for something behind a gazzilion settings and two control panels when i already know the terminal command and its faster this way.also i like the hybernate on turnoff setting so i dont want to change the default.
i see
your problem, friendo, is that you are a brainlet using mainline windows 10
this is a new “feature” included with the fall creators update
the official Microsoft response is “lol just close all your windows nerd”
install windows 10 LTSB, activate with Microsoft toolkit, install spybot anti-beacon and turn off telemetry
I have improved your life now.
im a winfag but this shit is hilarious.
>just reinstall your os,install this this this and this and turn off this this and that
>i improved your life now
yeah sure you did,id rather use linux.
Well that's fucking gay. At least with MacOS you get a pop-up asking you if you want this shit or not.
>Tfw modern Applel is giving more control to their users than modern Microsoft
the issue in the first place is this brainlet is deliberately using a botnet ridden awful operating system whose update team is full of pajeets
telling somebody to install the enterprise version of their chosen operating system and then giving them the means to activate it is not unreasonable, certainly more reasonable than asking them to move to an entirely different platform
but this is what we’ve come to, crazy workarounds are now normal just to get basic non-spying functionality out of a personal computer
>literally too incompetent for even winderp
The state of Sup Forums
>using windows
this has been confirmed as an unchangeable “feature” included in the latest update, read the thread
the only workaround for it is to put a batch file on your desktop with a shutdown command, which is fucking absurd
How come this doesn't happens to me?
are you on the latest version?
Not him, but I don't have it either. I stopped updating after that bluetooth vulnerability go patched. I'd rather take my chances with russian malware than a guaranteed broken botnet with microshaft.
If your PC turned off, how would the NSA be able to use your webcam?
>too retarded to use windows
lincucks everyone.
once again, you guys need to move to LTSB
vast majority of system applications are stripped out and only receives vital security updates
I am on 8.1 and I am pretty sure this was default behaviour when I installed it (and I had to disable it)
Yep, unless you are talking about some of those "insider builds"
Why would you ever shutdown anyway?
How is this any problem whatsoever?
the pajeets are here lads
>spybot antibeacon
Yes goy, just install malware to get rid of MS's programming. You can trust us.
i can’t explain why this behavior is occurring for one person and not the other
maybe OP is dumb, maybe you haven’t been rolled into the creators update yet, maybe this entire thing is fabricated by apple to sell more macbooks on a bangladeshian crochet enthusiasts forum
is spybot bad? did I miss something?
Being able to change obnoxious (and in this case: deceptive) default behavior does not excuse the obnoxious defaults.
It completely alters system32 files that require a complete reinstallation to fix.
Sup Forums will tell you that documented options to disable telemetry actually don't work but will then recommend another closed source application that supposedly does.
what does it actually break? all I saw when I researched the program prior to installing is that they were unable to get skype to work even after supposedly undoing the changes, which didn’t bother me at all
I can tell you this: I'd rather not have the fall creator's update, but I'd rather not have Winows Enterprise LTSB. MS has put me into a very unsettling situation.
If only I could download security updates manually through the windows catalog.
it seems to break the temperature control according to a few websites. So you can suffer from overheating.
What’s missing from LTSB that you need?
It's more so the installation process itself, and the fact that I have to put trust in Microsoft that they won't just deactivate it whenever they feel like it, since they'll still be updating it. It also has a chance of breaking my current OS installation, and it's not compatible with making a dual partition from what I've read.
Never had this happen on any machine ever. How spastic are you, OP? Do you even know what the fuck you're clicking?
> and the fact that I have to put trust in Microsoft that they won't just deactivate it whenever they feel like it
LTSB is for big companies - they're not gonna deactivate it.
Not him but WSL is comfy af and it keeps getting better.
Companies pay for it though. IF I was to use the trial version, MS could easily just cause it to shut down every 5 minutes or nag me to the extent where I couldn't ignore it anymore.
this is why you activate with KMS
well shit, maybe OP just has brain damage
And MS has no way around that? It sounds a bit too good to be true.
How would they? MS doesn't care about you, anything they would do en masse would fuck up an untold number of enterprise systems.
MS have already said that they would rather prefer people pirate their OS than have them use linux.
They only got after big companies, just like every other major software company.
Pull the plug
>mfw I haven't noticed this behavior when booting to Windows partition because I autisticly close every window and application before powering my pc off
Interesting. So is there a way to activate this via a dual partition? I ask only because I'm wary of any problems that might mess up my whole OS, and I'd like a backup incase winblows decides to be a bitch.
>retard can't even turn off his pc
>it's windows fault!
>Hold shift
>Click shutdown
>Computer shuts down
Meant to quote
I've disabled fast startup and the Hibernate option and this shit has literally never happened to me on my W10 install. It always shuts down normally, in fact I've never had it hibernate when I told it to shut down.
How did you fuck up twice