Is stallman just an autistic child that hates everything that normal people like?

Is stallman just an autistic child that hates everything that normal people like?

The guy even demanded a movie be turned off because “muh drm”

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hes 60 and made it more or less, do you really think he cares about appeal to normality of some pleb?

its not like a 14 year old kid in your school.

"Made it"
I sometimes wonder if he's capable of caring for himself or if he relies on other people to do basic things like laundry, groceries, etc.
Im dead serious.

>if he relies on other people to do basic things
the FSF

Who wants to be friends with someone who literally has hissy fits on everything to do with using technology?

WHO WANTS to be friends with a fuck that eats toe jam!?

>tfw he's too much of a coward to utter the name "trump" and solely refers to him as "the troll" and "the bully"
Can't wait to see him when I go to LibrePlanet so I can trigger him as hard as possible before I get kicked out.

I bet that's his self grooming mechanism, since, you know, showers are botnets.

lmao he even resorted to jungle fever with some random ugly she-ape

Like Chris-Chan saying pickle instead of penis.
Common trait among aspies and autists is word substitution/taboos for weird reasons

>implying normal people llike pay toilets

ITT: pajeets throwing shit at RMS because they will never be a legendary MIT hacker, saying he's an autist while eating gamer food and playing Doki Doki (or even worse, PUBG on background)
also this
and i actually like it and it's the only thing I don't agree with RMS, it helps to keep toilet clean, India has free streets and we know how it is

why the fuck did he do that
why would he do that
is he retarded
fucking hell this guy
am I retarded for taking him seriously

isn't he like full fucking commie? even beyond the software realm?

RMS is a fucking weirdo, but he is a weirdo who should command your respect due to his own achievements. If you think he is washed up, that's a reasonable opinion. If you think his politics are crazy, that is a more than reasonable opinion. But read up on his personal history. Show some respect for the men who came before you.

>Is stallman just an autistic child that hates everything that normal people like?
Emacs uses lisp as a scripting language, so yes.

Fuck off, Emacs is perfect and you will not slander its name. Lisp is great.

rms fucked up big time.
Instead of bitching about everything all the freaking, he should have spent his time developing alternatives when microshaft, jewgle and applel were not relevant.
He foresaw today world decades ago but did literally nothing.
He now sounds more like a commie than anything else and commies have bad press nowadays.

>implying there was a language better suited for metaprogramming in 1972
>implying there is a language better suited for metaprogramming in 1972+45

No want likes DRM, kike. Get the fuck back to the oven.

what do you think GNU operating system means? Even though they haven't published a stable release of Hurd kernel, if they never started working on GNU, Linux would never be what it is today.
If Hurd was developed first companies would support BSD more because of the cuck licence, and FSF/GNU would never allow binary blobs on their own kernel
also android would be based on BSD as well


>normal people like
Normal people like convenience and will gladly trade some silly privacy ans private info for it. Kinda reminds you of sheep, doesn't it
Also if you like/support/defend pay toilets you should go end your life in the most painful manner right now

Some woman invited him to Netflix and chill
He said bitch, it better be moving and chill running on an FSF approved distro

Thot destroyer

*mpv and chill

> did literally nothing.

-Created best-in-class editor.
-Developed free version of the lisp machine and single-handedly feature-matched the version being worked on by a team of programmers at Symbolics. (At time, Lisp machines were hyped to become popular)
-Developed a plethora of free alternatives to proprietary unix programs, with a goal to having a completely free operating system. Among these programs was GCC, the most popular compiler still used today.
-Started a worldwide phenomenon to encourage reciprocity between like-minded programmers, along with developing the copyright licenses to enable it.

> Butthurt faggot jealous that he'll never be anywhere near the Wizard class programmer that Stallman was 30 years ago.

>autistic child that hates everything that normal people like

>autistic child that hates everything that normal people like

normal people have shitty taste, in fact most of them don't have any taste and simply eat whatever shit they got served all their life.

>Stallman hates ebooks

What a load of horseshit
I have a vast library of more than 20k books that I can access at a whim on my e-reader, which is not connected to the outside world in any way.

Fuck Stallman. When is the last time he read anything other than Karl Marx

He bitches about Amtrak but doesn't say a word about airlines? What a joke.

He's right about everything else though.

When's GNU/Hurd?


Seems like someone that browse Sup Forums.

is css a botnet aswell?

Fake News

he does, a lot.
And he's right about amtrak. It fucking sucks and the US government that spawned it sucks a lot more

Where do you think Sup Forums gets her philosophy from?

>the Theater of Security Agency

did you bother to read any of it or did you just have a knee jerk reaction? he has valid points

it's yummy

Newfags didn't read anything about Stallman and only know him from Sup Forums memes but lack the context. Stallman might be a weird fat old guy (I mean have you read his fucking rider lmao) but pay some fucking respect, children.

No he is an retard

You should admire him for his "no compromise" stance at least. When was the last time you stuck to your principles?

stallman is a literal genius, but his intellectual superiority comes at a great personal cost. imagine trying to be friends with marx or adam smith and having a conversation that isn't about the proles or the free hand of the market.

that and he's a fairly disgusting neckbeard who clearly doesn't get laid very often.

Sup Forums hero!should be Uriel, not stallman.
A true hero that cared about technology, not communism disgused as freedom.
Freedom is a goal that we all should strive to achieve, but communism is not freedom. GPL is communism.
Id you can't handle an actual free license and it's consequences you should stay away from free software, you subhuman commies

He's done nearly nothing for ~50 years. Even gcc was just a slight modification of an existing compiler that was then taken in by the community.

>What's bad about: Ancestry


>And he's right about amtrak. It fucking sucks and the US government that spawned it sucks a lot more
ever notice how the people who cry the most about things the US government creates sucking want the US government to create more things?
It's like the midas touch, except instead of gold it's shit. Federal government took over my state's lightrail and fucking destroyed it.

I wonder how ordinary Sup Forumsack deals with a fact that they can spread their retarded ideology by the (software and hardware) tools made with significant contributions from jewish people.

I only like his rather sophisticated sense of humor.

>Amazon Swindle

>significant contributions
the internet does not run on emacs and lisp was a complete disaster

I may not like him but the world desperately needs autists like him.

But your computer uses von Neumann's architecture. Also theoretical foundations of computation were developed by a homo. Are Sup Forumsacks hypocrites or just clinically retarded?

He not only has some good achievement but he also has really strong opinions and lives by them.
More than his contributions to software, i trully respect him as a person for standing his ground, and refusing to do anything that goes against his personal moto.

Probably the same way that Jews deal with the fact that a massive amount of modern technology was invented by Nazi scientists

>using your enemies' weapons against them

Literally the best feeling in the world

>>But your computer uses von Neumann's architecture.
>out of order execution
>von neumann

So jews are equally capable as germans despite different race. Then why the hate on both sides? Why racism?

>autistic/aspie word replacement for things he doesn’t like

A fucking child could come up with his aspie bullshit

He does!not hate ebooks. In that tab he says what is bad anomg them. He thinks they are great. But 99% of sellers use non-free formats and software and drm. Guess what stallman thinks of that?
If you click that!page he also states a moral source of ebooks that he actually likes.

reminder that the wehrmacht had tens of thousands of what we would consider jewish('mischling') in it and modern history is a gigantic meme

A smart enemy is more dangerous than a dumb enemy, it's not a matter of legitimately hating Jews, it's just that they work towards their own self-interests and we work towards ours

I'm under the impression he does things like these out of principle; he rejects watching a Netflix movie not because he's autistic but rather because in by doing so he'd not only be hypocritical but wouls also aid the popularity of DRM services.

because they legitimately were the problem
not jews as a whole, but the majority of the people causing problems were jews. Ironically, and sadly, the rich ones causing it fled and the ones who did nothing had to suffer.
the massive majority of bolshevik leaders were also jewish, but most jews were not bolshevik
I blame modern history lessons for pretty much teaching nothing about weimar germany which ultimately guarantees it will be repeated. The nazis didn't just spring out of the ground, they were a reaction to revolutionary forces and government inaction(or inability.) There's a reason they're nationalistic, after all.

I was just pointing out the fact that Sup Forumsacks are major hypocrites and basically fucking retards. The blame jews for revising the history while they doing the same. Also funny how they would like to nuke Israel but nuclear bomb was invented basically by jews. If Hitler and his retarded crew wouldn't have expelled the jewish scientists they would have won.

>Also funny how they would like to nuke Israel
no, they don't. The majority of them support Israel existing.
they want USA to stop funding israel.

It won't repeat. European nations are weak and despite blaming it on jews it is mostly fault of the white people living in them. Especially in western Europe they will be lucky to be at least slaves of "new europeans".

Osx is the best Unix though

>>It won't repeat.
Seen any opinion polls on muslims about what they think of jews?

All history is a giant meme because it is always written by victors. You would have to be full time history professor to have at least cloudy impression of what really happend at any point in the history. And most things aren't even documented.

Muslims are retarded. Jews will anihilate them.

Israel would be reduced to the samson option the moment USA stops shielding them.

Which muslim countries have nuclear weapons excluding Pakistan? Also find Yom-Kippur war it proofs that muslim are retards.

>>Which muslim countries have nuclear weapons excluding Pakistan?
if one of them have them, then they all have them.
The moment USA steps from the middle east the entire area will become a nuclear graveyard.

>-Started a worldwide phenomenon to encourage reciprocity between like-minded programmers, along with developing the copyright licenses to enable it.
This is wrong. Code was shared well before Stall man started GNU. BSD itself predates it by a decade.
Stallman's actual contribution is the concept of copyleft embodied in the GPL.

So? I also hope that Pakistan and India mutually erase themselves from the face of the Earth. I could also live only with India erased.

GPL was a reaction to code no longer being distributed with the program as was common for a very long time

Some guy who literally eats the dead skin off his bare foot on camera during interviews ports a lot of pre-existing utilities that he didn't create to foss and makes a nice contract for them. That's very nice. I'm grateful he did it. But that doesn't make him a genius, just a nice guy. Free, open source software existed long before Stallman. And he's losing a lot of karma with the help of fanatic dingdongs who insist that everyone worship him and give him more credit than he deserves. I used to admire him a lot more than I do now.


>Reasons not to use

>Don't let test your DNA. It will sell the information. You, or your relatives, could be denied medical insurance as a result.

>Ancestry advertsed as a secure place to store family memories, then shut it down and discarded all the text people had posted.

>You can use network services to communicate information, but don't depend on them as a place to preserve it.

Pick one

If you knew anything about reality instead of having your head stuck up your ass, you'd know that there are a lot of very successful autistic people. Even stupidity, like yours, can be overcome, but not as easily.

> Page name "airlines"
> Page has only tsa shit

As an airline employee, I'm triggered

And rms' a retarded faggot, but he's been right on few things. He's mostly wrong, though

I eat things from my foot. am I a retard now?

And this is a bad thing because..............?

As long a it doesn't harm the West too much, the entire Middle East could be reduced to a glass parking lot and all I would do was cheer.

think of it this way :

he founded the free software movement and is now its mascott
as a public figure, were he not to adhere to his own ethical choices, everyone would regard fsf and everything it stands for as some retarded hippie delusion not even its founder can live up to
where everyone compromises between convenience and the necessity to use appropriately licensed software, rms walks the path of the autist and strictly abides to a code of ethics he created
when normies come to rely more and more on proprietary cloud services and gradually surrender their right to privacy, this guy refuses to use post 2010 computers as to not execute binary blobs from intel management engine
he dedicated his life to teach people about software freedom and to basically repeat the same fucking free software talking points years on years at every conference or interview he goes to, he inflicts all this upon himself and goes to such autisic lengths just to prove a point and make sure his non profit organization leaves a positive impact on the world
he is like a moral compass, should you ever face a software related ethical dillema, you can ask yourself : "what would based rms do in this situation ?"

on the other hand, his field of expertise lies in software ethics, so as an overall weirdo his vues on other topics like politics or what fungus qualify as edible tend to be retarded

you r but wat am i
