This is a house built by a giant 3D printer in has little as a day.
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This is a house built by a giant 3D printer in has little as a day
That looks like a really shitty house
in what way? it looks fucking great
I have the feeling those windows weren't 3D printed. Or the door.
Also how long did it take to set up the printer?
looks like shit, good luck finding furniture that fit
Pic related is a die shot of an RFID chip designed and built by Hitachi in 2007 as part of their µ-Chip program.
If they did a faux brick look it might actually look nice
i'd fuck that house
I am assuming that this building was "printed" out of concrete. How did they make the roof?
makers gonna make lol
3d printing is nice but it isn't anything that can't be achieved using modular concrete
Premade panels?
It's like one room and snail shell shaped?
Building Code requires wire meshing to prevent the house from collapsing during Earthquakes. Computer nerds btfo again by chad construction workers.
God you people are dumb. One day for this room. How many days for ten rooms? How about 20? Compare that to months of build cuck wage slaves.
I don't understand why they don't just reuse shipping containers as small modular housing and build stairs so people can get up to their comfy container house.
How long to fall over from a little tremor, wind, or water?
Go post this garbage on r/printers or some other autistic circlejerk
>Amerifat forgets most of the world settled in less fucked up places
>Amerifat doesn't know that their buildings, statisticly, are the weakest of all first world countries except by britbongs.
This. I'm selling my condo and buying a small parcel of land and some shipping containers and doing exactly that. I'll have twice the space of my condo for half the price and not have to deal with condo fees or an oppressive HOA.
They're an extreme pain in the ass to retrofit to make them livable. The interiors are usually plastered with toxic materials spilled from shipping good knows what.
Even preppers gave up on making bug out locations out of them. At best they can be used as a workshop in mild weather.
>One room
>One day
>10 rooms
> infinite time
Housing and real estate is the most pozzed up market in existence.
The ceiling and windows were put together by real workers, but that takes barely any time. What's important to see here is that in a foreseeable future we could make foundations for buildings really quickly with this kind of tech.
That's pretty cool. Especially considering it's ten years old. Not quite nanotechnology, but I can imagine a lot of applications for such a tiny, yet fully visible chip
>and snail shell shaped?
Better than McMansion shaped
It's an extremely common thing in the Tiny Home community.
>tfw you make a thread where everyone is supposed to share cool tech but all the anons only talk about the first post
>implying yurope doesn't get BTFO by earthquakes all the time
>implying American buildings aren't better constructed than yuropoor mud huts
I haven't seen houses like this ever in real life.
Is this a thing in EU only? I literally live in a trendy downtown area and all I see is skyscrappers and apartment complexes or big houses with pools.
>one room
>is a problem
that's a pro not a con
Build codes in North America typically don't allow for them, so most Tiny Homes are technically illegal.
It's a growing trend, though. Some are really cute.
overregulation ruins everything
it's why american cars have gotten so big and their pillars so fat that you can barely see out the window anymore
Pretty much.
Tiny home libertarian society when?
>part of europe
Have you ever been to L'Aquila before the earthquake? How about the more recent one in Emilia?
what about plumbing and electrical ? what about building codes ?
This stuff might make lots of sense in places where there are people that have been displaced for one reason or other and need some temp housing.
Lots of companies seem to be going at it, we will see which ones are successful.
You think italy is a first world country?
Man those meme about amerifats being bad at geography was true.
i'm more interested in seeing the giant printer desu
And the windows? And the doors?
How long would it take to build the same house by hand from bricks?
What's the next usa boattail macho car?
Read book with quote srom some french student who had something like bigger 1976 monte carlo, a car noone would want 3 years later. He said "why don't they make such beautiful cars like this anymore?
a retrofitted container costs like 20k in my shithole
with 2 of them you already get like 60 square meters
And it's probably far more expensive to print than using traditional construction methods.
Or it's flimsy, or poorly-insulted, or all-around low-quality.
Or both.
there's videos of them making these.
I live in the us and have a tiny home on my land. its technically illegal
So we can 3D print cuck sheds for next to nothing and sell them for 500K in urban hell holes like San Francisco. What a time to be alive for realtors .
Got a source/link for more info on that?
Video below is a pretty popular example, but it's the emergency breaking system designed by Volvo. Seriously impressive stuff especially considering the weight involved.
I would be fine to live in a house like that. I currently live in a house with 2 empty rooms, an empty attic and an empty basement, it's bloated af.
I can only imagine the stress that causes to the parts involved in that system, but it can only be cheaper than ramming a commuter.
How much is a modular house out there?
>Current year
>People willingly cuck themselves into sheds because government and boomers fucked the economy big time
Housing is one of the most inflated things that are fucking necessary for life
Food and transport don't even come close
Fuck boomers
video starts
>wtf is this
video continues
>ok this is kinda cool but pretty useless
2 minutes in
>oh ok this is actually brilliant
Or you could just be a soulless cuck like and be unimaginative enough not to find uses for extra space, hell with 2 spare rooms I can make a workshop and a home theater.
If you live in a major city yes the housing market is fucked to hell but if your willing to live in a more rural aera you can find places that are stupidly cheap comparatively
Up until recently, when families had homes the size we do today, it's because multiple generations lived in them. If we're going to have the mentality that people need to move out before they even finish their education, then small homes like this are the logical solution. Preventing people from building them is only to fiscally enslave entire generations.
the probably with living in a rural area is NO JOBS
You want gainful employment?
You're stuck in an area with fuck me in the ass rent prices.
>mfw user doesn't even paint his shipping container with a shot of black
I remember watching the (russian) video that goes with OP's pic when it was posted a year or two ago. The plumbing and electricity both work, but the cost estimates they gave seemed ridiculously low. I guess if you always 3D print the same house--or something with a handful of modular common parts--then maybe you can get labor costs down somehow, but that seems like it defeats the point of a general purpose additive manufacturing system like a 3D printer (pretty sure IKEA makes houses).
That's a thing already.
Although it's mostly done by hipsters trying to look artsy.
>it d-d-does not c-c-c-count!
>w-w-w-we are f-f-f-first world, we s-s-s-swear!
The absolute state of yurocucks
It looks fucking great for a house that came from a printer but as a house it looks shitty.
The windows were added after you dunce.
There is no printer that can make glass.
Not sure why, it this seems way more expensive than it should've been. How economically viable is living in a tiny home? I was considering doing the next tier down and living out of my car to save rent, but I would miss indoor plumbing too much
>Brit houses
He's not wrong. It wouldn't have killed anyone if it had happened in California because their houses are made of cardboard and wouldn't hurt when they fell on you.
shit didn't know that. thought they'd rather hit a person. this whole time i was wondering why you'd cause wear and tear on your parts rather than just run someone over. i mean like wtf are brakes 4 right???? hahaha
Which codes? I sleep in a room that I can't legally call a bedroom.
whats the sauce on this image, ive seen this thing all over.
It still needed help from a human. Better off printing big lego pieces.
>over population
>not a problem
good goys keep practicing conservative christianity and produce more white children to fleece
First world == NATO country during cold war. Ergo Italy is first world.
>Europoors too retarded to know simple history
I'm sure you enjoy living in your two dimensional house.
> goys
> produce more white children
It seems like Jews are trying to force this "good goys" meme back for a while now.
Make a thread on /diy/ about it
I live in a rural area that, at the time where we bought the land about ten year ago, housing was still fairly cheap.
But within the past ~5 years so many people moved here because the area is located right in the middle between two major cities, that the price per square foot increased more than tenfold already by now. And it keeps getting more expensive every few months.
It's seriously fucked up. Especially if you want to live by yourself.
>cup of coffee house
Can I also make the land it stands on?
Freitag (expensive bags made from recycled materials) shop in Zürich, Switzerland.
>i-i-i-i-if i m- m-m-m- make them st-t-t-tutter it'll make it f- false right?
Ameritards everyone
In a way that you have to live in it. Rooms are rectangular for a reason
Nice cuckshed
>>implying yurope doesn't get BTFO by earthquakes all the time
lol dude
You could also build that structure with wood or brick in a day, just to have the walls standing, without windows, doors, ceiling, insulation, water, electricity, because that surely isnt included in that day construction time
Like I said, it's becoming more and more common. People can afford to own a tiny house with no mortgage and you can just sell it if/when you need more room (say, having a child).
It's a municipal thing.
still not automated enough.
needs to be automated where to put the steelbars weld them, put real concrete inside and insulation foam automatically
So modern manufacturing has finally court up with '50s Scandinavian architecture. Brave new world!
But okay, i look forward to what technology can produce for us. But remember this; all futuristic ideas, designs, and imaginations, are limited by the present development of design, architecture, traditions and current capabilities.
TL;DR there's no way in hell, that houses of the future is going to look like that. Why bother with angles, when you can create the perfect balance of strength, beauty and practicality, with mathematics and computers.
That is not a house lol.
Many can doodle fancy houses on paper. Or spaceships.
Few can actually construct them. Even fewer entities can do it with maximum speed or minimal cost.
We need robots that this gets easier, then we all can doodle our spiral pierced by penis houses and have them.
That's not a house, that's a fucking shed.
> it's why american cars have gotten so big and their pillars so fat that you can barely see out the window anymore
> safety regulation is over-regulation
Pillars are fat now because they have airbags in them and need to maintain their rigidity so the crumple zones function properly.
> breaking
Breaking English.
The Netherlands are getting raped by fracking-related earthquakes now, and your yurop #1 houses are being made uninhabitable by them. Any west coast burger home would be perfectly habitable after all but the strongest earthquakes, and even then they would withstand enough to escape.
is this where Chuck Norris lives?
It'll be interesting to see how California holds up after the "Big One".
>church older than AmeriKKKa itself survived in in a seismically active area till today
>amerihousing rots to the ground within a single generation of people
They are absolute dogshit if there's almost any variation in temperature, the thin metal walls provide little insulation
Dude, you should walk through Montreal one of these days. You have buildings that are hundreds of years old in nice condition next to buildings younger than you are falling apart.
You know you can insulate them right.
Of course you can but at a certain point you would've been better off just building conventional walls instead, then there's possible issues with the dew point being in a wonky place due to the metal wall which may lead to some exotic mold growth. Of course it can be done but it's not as straightforward as it's sometimes made out to be, especially if the climate is a tad unfavourable.