Valve Anti Cheat is spyware

How can you defend this spyware?
I don't even use Steam anymore but do you know how it works? I'll give you a run down.
When you open steam, it scans you whole drive for MD5 Hashes of cheats.
It then scans your DNS cache for cheating websites.
If compares the data to their record of cheats on the server, and if either match it then keeps a much closer eye on you from then on, with more aggressive scans and checks, this happens if your steam profile gets reported for cheating a lot too. No bans are applied though, you just get added to a pool that has closer surveillance.
Oh and you can bet they store this data.
Anyway, when you enter a game server with VAC enabled, it does a constant scan (probably every second) of your memory, currently opened programs, and checks to see if it finds matches with cheating programs on their list.
If they detect one, you get banned after a few hours, maybe a few days, it's random.
Yes cheaters are shit, but I think this snooping is beyond too far, why do so many "gamers" love steam despite this fact?
Even if you have no VAC secured games, they still do deep scans on your PC.

Bonus thing I found too.

> it scans you whole drive for MD5 Hashes of cheats.
Not possible to do it fast.

t. salty cheater who just got btfo by BASED Gaben

VAC is not secure exactly because it's not a spyware, it only can read MD5's of active programs and nothing else, it's extremely inefficient in finding new cheats.


so much misinformation, you're a fucking idiot

I think OP is either very wrong or my info is wrong but, I'm fairly sure it only scans the steam folder

The DNS cache search was removed, because of complaints from users about their privacy
Sad, it was a good idea, considering that paid DLC often use kind of DRM, just check if they connected to the DRM server...

They don't scan the drive unless they detect something in memory

old news
L eddit com/r/gaming/comments/1y70ej/valve_vac_and_trust/

>one and half month until 2018
Lol, an game doesn't exists for me if it's not available on GoG. (or p2p)

I too like to pirate GoG games for free.

NOPE, I buy them. But if it's not in GoG, then I pirate them.
Also I like your idea, tyrone.

Okay, yes it's a little uncomfortable but what do you propose instead? This is one area where I really don't see a viable alternative to invasive spying practices.

>vac is spyware
>vac is also trash and doesn't protect any games
warden and warden 2 are great examples of how to do cheat protection, but notice how relaxed blizzard is against botters

Grow up?
Use GoG?

who fucking cares?

What? None of those are solutions that allow strangers to play games against each other across the Internet while preventing some of those strangers from cheating.

I only play abandonware that I can run in Dosbox.

the only good alternative I can really think of is to stop being such a pathetic manchild that you measure your self worth by how successful you are at videogames. they're cheating at this online game? so the fuck what? just move on to the next match and forget about it. if you equate yourself, your emotions, your thoughts and your actions to what happens when you play online with these people, cheaters or not, none of it has any inherent value, meaning, or purpose => your entire life(or at the very least everything that you give enough of a shit about to feel upset over) also has no inherent value, meaning, or purpose. get the fuck over it, some people will cheat, that doesn't mean that the companies monopolizing the market intrinsically have the right to access their data at the companies discretion. just move on and get over it when you encounter someone cheating(like they're even that afflictive to your daily life anyway user), or better yet, if the entire community feels that same as you and this faggot, then it shouldn't be very hard for you to all get together and just collectively agree that when you encounter a cheater, you all bail from a match or whatever sort of gameplay. or is it not necessarily the case that the majority of players agrees? really makes you think huh? shouldn't it be that simple if 70%+ of players want the cheaters not to play? but I guess it would be easier to just as a community decide that its okay for steam/valve to access everybody's data if they deem it fit, or for anybody not cheating to just pay more in dollars instead of in seconds that it takes to connect to a game without cheaters, or I guess why doesn't everybody just snitch on anybody they want to under the guise of "cheating"(that's what you get from community policing by the way). they told me in middle school I think, that if somebody else is doing something that I don't like, to just ignore them and eventually they'll stop.

Have (you) considered learning English before posting on the Internets?

And, for fuck's sake, take your steaming pile of autismic shit to Nobody has any fucks to give around here about how fucking gaymeme (you) are.

t. cheater

I just run steam in a separate vm

Vac throws an error if it’s run in a VM so you either play non-VAC games or single player.

Is that the veganism of gaming?

>download app
>accept license agreement


emulation is non-GMO, arcade and dos games are vegetarianism

anything non-steam, non-drm would be vegetarianism, old dos-box games and abandonware would be veganism.

cheater BTFO

did Clara mess with your computer, OP?

>When you open steam, it scans you whole drive for MD5 Hashes of cheats.
demonstrably false (at best, would only be the steam folder and steamapps folder for the vac-protected game, and could be defeated by fucking access controls built into every modern file system)

>It then scans your DNS cache for cheating websites.
in the steam overlay/browser, plus literally any program can do this, it's not like the dns cache is secret

>it does a constant scan (probably every second) of your memory
demonstrably false
1) what is memory segmentation
2) "probably"
3) it would take longer than the frequency of the scan

>Even if you have no VAC secured games, they still do deep scans on your PC.
>make outrageous claims
>provide no proof

unless it changed recently, that's false (i ran linux in a vm to get the tux item in tf2)

It actually used to scan DNS and it worked really well but then loads of autists screened muh privacy and now shit gameplay for everyone. It isn't excusing spyware for continence it actually makes the product a lot better.


>why do so many "gamers" love steam despite this fact?
Because they are retarded? Not only for this but for spending hundreds, if not thousands, on games that might simply disappear when Steam goes down(and it's a when, not an if).
Same with paying for streaming imo, paying for stuff you won't own.
Or I'm just backwards...

You only had to launch tf2 in a vm to get the toy. You didn’t have to connect to a vac server/play the game.

Valve has said multiple times if steam fails, all gamers will get Steam-DRM free copies of the games they own.

Shut the fuck up dude.

>massive wall of text with no capitals and shit punctuation
14 year old aimbotter detected.