Geforce Now

So I don't want to be a shill, but Sup Forums you have to admit their streaming service is amazing. For fuck's sake, I just played Doom on ultra settings with my old iMac from 2009. For once Nvidia has innovated, the only disadvantage is the future price. However couldn't AMD pull off their own service? They might be on to something big

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Found your problem.

I hate neo Sup Forums so much.


There needs to be a filter that just auto bans any posts with "my" followed by "mac" or "iphone".

>what is onlive
>what is gaikai
Saying (You)'re not a shill doesn't make it true.

But Sony owns them now which meaning nothing for PC.

streaming vidya is fucking retarded, now you have the lag of your shitty "bootiful colors" IPS monitor on top of network latency roundtrip time, plus compression artifacts?

no thanks

AMD lack money to start videogame streaming.

This. I have no idea how people can stand the input lag.

Just tried it on my old ass mbp.
It's fucking shitty, input lag is fucking real and feels like playing on a TV. On top of that, the compression artifacts get more intense every minute or so out of nowhere.
>people are going to pay for this shit

Okay timeout timeout, I get the input lag but what the fuck is about IPS monitor lag? Display lag is completely irrelevant from the panel type, an IPS can have better delay than a shitty TN one, and vice versa.
Or else, you're confusing it with response RATE, which just shows how uninformed you are on this subject.

>Doom on ultra settings
>iMac from 2009
Pick one.

Fuck off iToddler

I remember people saying OnLive would never work and mocked me when I said it'd be the future.

It also helped me play expensive vidya in a time when I couldn't afford a good PC. Good memories of playing Bioshock on there.

>$25 for 20 hours of gayming

This applies to your old T60 too user

Insufficient infrastructure
Too expensive
Doesn't actually solve a problem

Looks like the trifecta of failed steaming services

>thinking response time = input lag
the absolute state of Sup Forums

If it works... I mean hey.

Inclusiveness is good

what is this fucking price?
How much profit do they want from one consumer?

>shows how uninformed you are on this subject
pot calling the kettle black