Will the programmer or the person who switches on the autonomous killer weapon be jailed if it kills someone?
Will the programmer or the person who switches on the autonomous killer weapon be jailed if it kills someone?
Nobody. That's the beauty of robots. They can violate human rights without someone being liable.
who goes to jail the gun maker or who pulls the trigger fucking idiot
Well that's the thing. After Mass shootings, people ways try to attack the gun maker.
Do you not understand the concept of autonomous? A robot is pulling the trigger and the only reason it can do that is because a person (not you) programmed it to do so.
Well, they should. Fix the problem at the source. No guns, no shootings.
>trespassing is a human right
brb activating a land mine in a shopping mall.
b-but officer it was the robot that activated the bomb after the trigger was flipped.
It only works like that when the operators are military personnel.
>Whoops, our hellfire (((accidentally))) destroyed that hospital
People v. Ceballos
12 Cal.3d 470 (1974)
Supreme Court of California
"Where the actor is present, there is always the possibility he will realize that deadly force is not necessary, but deadly mechanical devices are without mercy or discretion. Such devices "are silent instrumentalities of death. They deal death and destruction to the innocent as well as the criminal intruder without the slightest warning. The taking of human life [or infliction of great bodily injury] by such means is brutally savage and inhuman."
looks like a easy way to get a bicycle frame in the face.
>miss a fucking line of code that makes a certain parameter malfuction thus killing 10 children who were just trying to play football with the turret
Fucking kek
aim a car at a group of people and put a brick on the accelerator. the only reason it plows into them is because a person (not you) designed it to go forwards
Only bloody swordfights.
Then you ban swords and you get bloodier knife fights, and you ban the knifes and you get even bloodier fist fights.
While weapons allow mass shootings, they stop a lot of deaths from happening due their "absolute state".
No one knows who will win a sword fight, but you generally know who will win a gun fight.
A knife or sword fight is something you can run away from.
Also, try to wipe down a whole audience from a balcony with a fukken sword.
Melee weapons are still very effective against one target but not a whole group.
Depends on a number of factors.
If the System weapon is self thinking and self aware (AI)
>Then no one is guilty but the weapon.
If the weapons System has a intentional Flaw by the programmer or it's code has been made of a way to kill people it was not designed or referred to kill by the end user .
>The Programmer is Guilty.
If the Weapons System is Dumb and by design works as advertised.
>The person that turned it on is Guilty
>ban the knifes and you get even bloodier fist fights
lmao go to bestgore and watch a stabbing
nobody wants a police state except big gov
>If the System weapon is self thinking and self aware (AI)
programmer is guilty
Most lawyers would say that a landmine isn't a robot, but that an arduino hooked up to a bomb set to go off when a switch is pushed is a robot. This is because lawyers are dumb.
>be woman
>get pregnant
>get scan
>embryo has genes corresponding to kid becoming a killer
>deliver kid into crazy world
>kid grows up to becomes a murder and kills someone
>kid gets arrested
Well, i would agree with banning weapons that can actually clean a whole group from being carried on the streets, as they probably are, because .. you don't need a machinegun for self defense.
Stopped reading right there.
Many women unironically want one
Yes, based women will ban guns eventually.