Computers can never emulate something more complex than themselves... so how will we go about making vast...

Computers can never emulate something more complex than themselves... so how will we go about making vast, lifelike true vr mmorpgs so we can leave reality behind? Wouldn't the processing required be impossible?

its never going to happen brother

>not being content with a qt desktop 2D waifu that learns from your behavior over time

yes they can

how do you think they implement arbitrary-precision math using only 32-bit registers


>arbitrary-precision math
>on a machine with finite resources

>how do you think they implement arbitrary-precision math using only 32-bit registers

So? Are you implying that humans are efficient?

who is this bug eyed cutie?

Computers can emulate anything, given enough memory.

Humans can't either

That's simply not true, computers aren't complex at all and can simulate vastly complex things.

That being said a "lifelike VR MMORPG" probably won't happen because lifelike graphics in realtime are almost impossible and vr is a meme. But good news, they've already made a game like that it's called real life.

>mfw I'm plugged into the matrix and it isn't in realtime.

how is that more complex in this context? if they could emulate something more complex they'd just make a virtual computer that's better than the computer emulating it. Complex doesn't refer to how advanced it is from an anthropocentric viewpoint

>bug eyed
It's actually a batrachian.

how is that relevant?
holy shit is this thread kidding? complex doesn't mean advanced or "hard to figure out". it means that you can't emulate something with a machine that's greater than the machine itself.

You're an idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about, go back to Sup Forums

Not that what you're saying is true or anything, but a simulation doesn't have to be an exact replica.

Just complex enough for our purposes and senses.

>Computers can never emulate something more complex than themselves
They can.
Just not in real-time.

Maybe by not simulating down to atoms in said mmo.

We could do huge pretty lifelike mmo with todays hardware, just nobody wants to invest enough to design it all.

Especially the parts that simulate sex. Thats what people would hope someone finally gets right

Nah, it doesn't need to bee too real.
When I was like 15, I remember wishing my soul could enter the Runescape world and that I would happily live there for all eternity.


So basically "Ready player one" in real life? (it's a book)

not really

Basically every fictional vr mmo ever

If computers can do protein folding they sure as hell can make a good "VR" experience the issue here is that first, there's no good enough input devices, there's no one developing any of said games and why the fuck would anyone spent literally billions on some weeb mmo when they could be doing something else that gives actual profit?

Can't you just fap to your waifu with a facebook oculus whatever and some sort of onahole like a normal disgusting weeb?

>tfw no frog gf

How would they make a believable vr experience without simulating every protein in the fictional world?

>Can't you just fap to your waifu with a facebook oculus whatever and some sort of onahole like a normal disgusting weeb?
I'm talking about the end game of any civilization. Authentic virtual reality that is better than the actual reality. I hate reality.
And it wouldn't be about input devices, it would be about a neural uplink

>loser irl thinks he won't be a pathetic scrub in vr.

It's more about having decent input and output devices for the interaction between man and machine than being able to do complex calculations.

Like I said computers already can do amazing things the thing is, what OP wants is more about connecting hardware to a person than some game dev making really cool graphics or having a really powerful PC to run it.

and/or better formulas. If you look at the top/most-fav shaders at, you begin to grok how much seemingly emergent/"natural" complexity can be expressed by the most terse formulas/functions --- it's a matter of finding them, tweaking them, optimizing them, approximating them, and above all, orchestrating them in an integrated interactive whole (rather than simple insular single-purposed demos)

my bro with high melanine concentration

>If computers can do protein folding
They really can't. They can simulate it semi-accurately but insanely slowly. Nature folds billions of proteins in a single human in milliseconds with all the complex interactions with other proteins, enzymes and RNA. A super computer folds one protein in a month.

I wouldn't even classify myself as a loser by normie standards, I'm quick on the uptake, people like me and I make money. I just don't think I'll ever be truly be happy if I'm not a travelling elf girl merchant

Emulation would be about more than visuals, youd have to do physics, dynamic animation, temperature and other sensory emulations, and so on and so on.

Wont quantum computing solve that problem eventually?

All doable to a certain extent.
The thing is, you don't need to use the realistic formula for any of these things you can just do approximations because what matters is how it feels in a game, it doesn't need to behave at the atomic level like in the real world.

Again the problem is still how the fuck you make the human interact with said world.
The key to VR is all about interfacing human and machine. The calculations are the least of the worries, hardware is the issue.

our reality is a simulation, there fore our emulated computers will be capable of emulating the machine that runs our universe, at which point we will emulate a universe of our own.

who is this semen demon?

For VR we need eye tracking focused rendering, humans only take in a small amount of visual information at the time, the rest is buffered in the brain.

"vast, lifelike true vr mmorpgs" don't really require unthinkable amounts of computational power. It's within reasonable bounds.
More news on that in 10 years.

In a multiplayer game? Youre putting a lot of faith in programmers.

Just make a usb stick that goes into the brain.
>10 years
If we make a perfect vr mmo before we eradicate manual labour the human species goes extinct

I said news.
Like, you know, news.
Meaning it being closer to reality and we starting to see the clearer picture in 10 years.

wtf is the huge island on the left? when was that added?

Alright fair enough user.


You can't implement it that way. Humans do take all the information there is, but they process only interesting parts of it. You still need all that information to come in, i.e., you still need to render everything in the field of view.

>Computers can never emulate something more complex than themselves
They can, they're just slower than the more complex machine.

They'd only partially be emulating the machine at any one time.

When can I become an animu then?

Yeah but at much lower resolution

Friendly reminder that we have no way of knowing. No one has ever emulated a computer, just the function of a computer
You think folding proteins is tough? Good luck emulating a big structure composed of billions of atoms

There are some mathematical/programming tricks to let computers emulate things more complex than themselves.

>Computers can never emulate something more complex than themselves

Nope. It would be the same as creating perpetual motion, you can't create more from less, laws of physics do not allow it.

It's objectively true though. This is a pretty fundamental law of computer science.

Because we take shortcuts indistinguishable to us.
Like atoms in this simulation.

wrong, computers can emulate literally everything, as long as you have enough time and memory

Name the law.

I'm curious as to how lifelike you mean be a use to some degree it could be almost as simple as creating dynamic player cameras and strapping them to the head of player models like a faggot with a go pro.

Or do you mean the level of complexity where you maybe able to sense something in the game world? Because you don't need to use crazy neuroscience, just use a few mechanical parts that move on a trigger and our brain will fill in the gaps. A good example of this is watching people on that vr roller coaster our brains are SUPER respondent to suggestions like that.

lazy evaluation and dynamic resolution

>the current state of gee

Can a computer emulate itself?


Fun fact. We have never ever perfectly emulated a computer, what makes you think we can emulate something with more mass than the computer perfectly? We struggle to emulate individual molecules; how the fuck do you think a computer can emulate some with even more atoms than itself? This is what complexity refers to. And if you don't do it realtime you don't emulate it at all, you just do the illusion of emulating it

What is real time the thread

Prove it won't execute

more like titpickery

fuck off cazy

Well, the only problems are heat and energy, so let's build a Dyson swarm and send energy to titan where the computer is located.

>more complex than themselves

By what metric are you ranking 'complexity'

Variables that something is composed of and functioning bym the entirety of an existence. For example, a size 8 shoe is more complex than a size 6 cause it has more atoms