Is Intellij good?

I've been using eclipse for the longest time but i recently found out my uni gives licenses for all jetbrain's IDEs. are there any real advantages that make it worth switching to?

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It's Java, it's all bloat by definition.

I personally like IntelliJ's interface better, but both are plenty capable IDEs. As a bonus, the other language IDEs are based on IntelliJ, so if you know how to use IntelliJ, you'll also know how to use PyCharm, RubyMine, CLion, etc.

Support for frameworks, support for multiple language in same file even sql with checking on database after configuration, superior git support and best autocomplete on one IDE.

>Closed source
>Abusive subscribe model license.

Ewwww lad.

Ewww lad.

And slow as fuck

who cares? jetbrains products are crazy good

why don't they make a "community edition" for their other IDEs too? i think they would get more money this way for the premium features instead of completely locking away their products.

They're obviously doing fine without wasting time pandering to poor people.

this, even more considering that their software requires some absurd hardware to run properly too, something that's out of reach for people who can't even pay for the product itself

>closed source
No it's not.
And don't even compare the pile of shit that is Eclipse to the best Java IDE.

>No it's not.
Really, show me the link to the source code them oops you can't cause only the shitty community edition is open source, the commercial not.

Just about everybody at my school uses JetBrains IDEs for everything. They can be installed without sudo on GNU/Linux, they're really good and they're free as long as you have a .edu email address.

>free as long as you have a .edu email address.

thanks user

One corona has been deposited to each one of you.

Compared to Eclipse? Yes, it's by far superior but mostly because Eclipse is shit.

CE is kinda shit anyway m8

Too bad my uni revokes student email access a year or so after graduation.

I wish Jetbrains didn't require having to renew license every year.


So you decided to run an executable written by Russian hackers?

IntelliJ shits on eclipse. The UI / shortcuts are pretty similar to Visual Studio too.

>inb4 shill
Sorry for recommending software that is the industry standard.

It's a very capable piece of software and has a good feature set. I use both eclipse and intellij for separate languages. I've found it's often better for pinpointing strange errors compared to eclipse

Eye fucking roll

Even the community edition is better than Eclipse desu

>Installs software from russian hackers
>Pays them through front company in Prague

>Recommending Russian hackerware
>Being this triggered over Eclipse
>Probably runs Kaspersky AV already
>Russians infiltrated his entire company
>Fired and is now a NEET living in parent's basement
>Won't admit Eclipse was a better Idea

I hope you do everything right and use all the vpns and private neutral country bullshit and dumb fucking fork of Linux and encrypt all of your shit with the finest AES and then die in a car accident

even netbeans is better than eclipse. easier to use too.

It spy on me?

modern java is as fast if not faster than c++

I'm glad I don't have your schizophrenic brain. Fuck

It's fantastic, code completion is the most underrated feature in IDEs and IntelliJs is god tier.

Lol what? I am running it with a first gen i3 notebook cpu, and 4GB ram without trouble

>>Fired and is now a NEET living in parent's basement
Everywhere I've worked in intellij only

You lot must have never developed anything bigger than a fizzbuzz implementation if you would have you would not even remotely consider eclipse to be viable. Your opinions are thus obsolete.

Its not a bad its a hell of a lot better than eclipse grab the copy of the license and give it a try you'll prob end up liking it and switching to the free community edition afterwards or maybe even pay for it. There's a few good ide's out there pick the one you like and that works so no electron trash or eclipse and you're good to go.

Good thing IntelliJ has a pretty good vim emulation plugin.

>only the shitty community edition is open source
Wew pajeet, nice damage control . CE is literally jetbrains response to free ide's , for the premium stuff other ide's don't even have , you pay .

This just get a faster computer
its 2017

If you're already settled with Eclipse, nothing is going to feel quite the same.

I tried the free version of IntelliJ, and it was fine, but I've got too much muscle memory for Eclipse (and Emacs) at this point, and there didn't seem to be enough compelling exclusive features to switch.

Certainly worth trying though, especially if you aren't stuck with some specific Eclipse plugin for your projects.

For me it felt like a breath of fresh air compared to eclipse. Just try it and see what you think.

>moore's law dead for 7 years now
>"just get a faster computer"
OR...just don't use bloated shit languages, frameworks, and coders.

>Abusive subscribe model license.
Which your employer pays for, or you can use Community Edition for personal use...

my employer won't even pay for the latest edition, we're all stuck on a 2015 legacy version

that's what you get for working in a dying industry I suppose

Yes, there's a reason why most bank pay $100 per seat for this shit.

You can't even read.

To be hacked by Russians?

not an argument

It's better because it doesn't cause as much eye cancer.

>you can't cause only the shitty community edition is open source, the commercial not.

You can't be that stupid.

>can't open more than 1 project at once
>one ide supports just 1(one) language
um yeah sure

>can't open more than 1 project at once
>one ide supports just 1(one) language

Why do you lie intelllishill?

dude I tried it ike a year ago and it sucked
emacs is eating this shitty ide for breakfst
just like

do you also blatantly lie like that irl?



It's the best for java anyone who disagrees is actually retarded

>don't say bad things about my favourite botnet

dude read the whole thread before posting

jp2gmd :^)

Nice try JetBrains, but I won't install your closed source russian spyware.

Russian is the prace that birthed your pathetic communist ideals

Sorry Mother Russia, I still won't install it.

You dont have to install the best ide if you don't want to. Its not like you have a job writing java.

Sorry Ivan, I won't take the bait, I like my software open sourced and w/o an abusive subscription license (((Stallman was right)))

Eclipse is shit, so that's a good reason to switch to anything else, whatever that is.

Enjoy being an unemployed NEET. None of that shit matters when you use it on your work computer. I dont have it installed on my personal computer, i only write java at work

>So much love for a russoan spyware

You need help user, is Jetbrains even paying you for defending their botnet?

Just letting you know its the best ide in the industry. If you want to use a shittt alternative because of retarded conspiracies then go ahead, its not like you do it for a living

It doesn't matter if its closed source witn an abusive subscribe model licence, it stops being the "best" right there.

>its not like you do it for a living
And yes, I do, and I happily use the most popular and opensource IDE Java has, Eclipse, and despite all the IntelliShill say, it is an awesome IDE.


>good products cost money
Sorry everything cant be free and the best, filthy pinko

Can't do much to mitigate stockholm síndrome.

>using memes to support your conspiracies

>Defending russian closed source spyware

Whatever tou say, comrade

Yes, it's defacto standard in the tech company world for Java development.

Anyone who says otherwise is a poorfag or vimfag.

There is nothing wrong with closed source software or russians. You are just a stupid nigger


Haha wow fuck off eclipse shill xD wew lad kek

>There is nothing wrong with closed source software or russians

Enjoy your free copy Karpensky Antivirus, comrade.


Kek, you keep railing against russia while saying i need to be a marxist like stallman. Do you not see the irony here?


The irony is people defending russian closed source spyware w/o getting at least getting at least a copy of Karpesy Antivirus.

See (You)

Eclipse just works.

if you're using your ide for dumb shit like fucking with version control, running builds or running stupid tomcat instances in it for whatever shitty testing model (that doesn't accurately mirror prod anyhow.). you're probably some retarded winfaggot dev who should fuck off and use nonfree intellimeme.

>nah you dont need all these critical dev features

I use it at work. It's great. And I couldn't give two shits if it means the Russkies can see what I type, if they want our spaghetti code they can have it. The Americans already do.

you don't kid.

maybe learn how to use your toolings instead of having a shitty gui that barely works anyhow.

fucking retards i swear to christ.

It's the only IDE worth using.


> spyware
It's written in Java so it's easy to disassemble and audit it.

Yes it's much better than Eclipse

>It's written in Java so it's easy to disassemble and audit it

And is also connected to the internet all the time to get "updates" and make sure you are not pireting it. It could download anything w/o you know in it.

It is the definition of botnet.

Or any univercity mail

An ssd is enough

Fuck up autist. I know how to do git in command line, intellij is more convenient. Yeah i could just fucking run tomcat from command line, but intelij is more convenient. Your arguements are retarded. I could java dev in vim and command line and do everything, but only a retard would do that because its a waste of time. You're boss wouldnt find it cute either

There, you earned it for your hard work.

I use this shit at work and it's incredibly bloated.

However, it's the only decent thing available for Java, especially Android.

It doesn't update by defaukt you only get notified of updates

Yeah being slow is nice.