Okay Sup Forums I've heard (on this board) conflicting opinions

Okay Sup Forums I've heard (on this board) conflicting opinions.

Startpage or DuckDuckGo?

>Currently using DuckDuckGo for privacy and maximum comfy
>Informed DuckDuckGo is secretly, unironically, botnet
>Counter informed that's just a meme and DuckDuckGo is absolutely fine
>Told Startpage is far superior in every way
>It looks nowhere as comfy though

So. Is DuckDuckGo a botnet and should I migrate to Startpage?
Is someone fucking with me and DuckDuckGo is fine?
Is there ANOTHER alternative that's better?

You can't really be so sure if DuckDuckGo or Startpage is a botnet. No one has the answer.
inb4 "muh open source", yeah but they don't HAVE to be using the code they provide..

I've seen that image showing that DuckDuckGo was run by a corporate jew but I'm unsure if it matters or is relevant.

I just want to search privately in comfort =(

that infographics main evidence of "botnetery" is that it uses apache

it implies that the created doesnt even know what apache server is or a LAMP stack for that matter.

its pretty hilarious.
to be fair nginx is better in a server stack :^)

also startpage isnt any better unless its hosted by you on a VPS seperate from your home device.
otherwise it lost any value

So stick to DuckDuckGo?

Yeah okay.
It's pretty comfy.

No one will ever know my asian labyboy fetish.


Since I'm not sure about what is botnet and what isn't botnet anymore, I simply go with Google search bar and call it a day.

It's probably selling anonymous data.

I stopped using it, and am using a combination of qwant(probably also a botnet) and searx.

Fuck off paid google nigger

qwant is nice and feels modern but it isn't available in vivaldi so i use startpage which looks old fashioned IMO , i mean web 1.0 style old fashioned. but it's fast so it got that going for him

duckduckgo is just retarded, the name, the logo, the deign

qwant shills are the worst, at least shill a functional botnet
>you are a robot, solve captcha to search

My searx instance works pretty well

the browser/searchbar integration was a stroke of master evil

who cares if he is a jew? rms is aalso a jew and bill gates is gentile

Block all scripts and use qwant lite.

It has shit location specific results
Which can be frustrating as an australian

>it is my responsibility to accomodate a botnet

reminds me of the 'please delete your files' virus

can i use it?

>implying im going off my own way to use some shitty search engine and try to get used to it instead of simply googling it
Try again, Startpage shill.

It absolutely is available in Vivaldi, just go to Qwant, right click the search bar and click "Add to Search Engines"

LOL, will anything ever NOT be considered a botnet by some troll on Sup Forums?

Nigga you don't understend, my choice is the best. If you pick the other thing i heard it's any of the following:

- Jew
- Pajeet
- Botnet
- For noobs
- For cucks
- Shilled

What are people's thoughts on Ecosia?

no different than the argument of most windows 10 users on Sup Forums

use duckduckgo.com/html if you're concerned

RMS uses DDG, I would trust his judgement

Stallman uses Duckduckgo, so it should be safe.

DDG founder has a history of selling user's information
Also it's three fucking syllables and 2/3 words are identical it sounds like complete shit

or duckduckgo.com/lite if you are really concerned