Have YOU overclocked your i9 yet user?

Have YOU overclocked your i9 yet user?

I can't afford one :


I have an overclocked Threadripper

The face of sold out man. pls buy intel

i9 just sounds wrong after years of "muh leet i9 pc with gtxeleventy12s" shitposting

Not yet, I need to recharge my fire extinguishers.

i actually learned a lot about overclocking from this video. when you go by asus' tutorial, it's pretty much just 'increase voltage increase multiplier drop voltage stress test be happy' and i didn't know that there were so many other factors involved in applying voltage to the CPU that were load dependent.

Poor NEET here.
Haven't had a job in like 5 years so I can't afford a new pc.

You don't need to worry about having to be an electrical/computer engineer to overclock. Most motherboard will get you to 98% of your silicon potential. It's fun for the enthusiast, but an extra 100mhz won't make a difference for any consumer task.

All his videos seem to appeal to 14 year olds with no solid concept of efficacy in hardware. When will he stop?

That’s what they’re designed to do. Clickbait for newbs. LTT is the worst.

probably when 14 year olds stop watching and he stops making that youtube money.

Personally I dont have a problem with it, there is value behind his cringey memeing, and he's generally not wrong about stuff. I'd rather just not watch his videos than put energy towards hating something Im indifferent about

>All his videos seem to appeal his target audience


no shit Sherlock

Saving it for when the sun goes white dwarf.

Stop adverstising this faggot


I haven't filed for fire damage

I have an i5. An i5 that is only technically in i5, but is from an older processor generation so can barely be called an i5.

Ah, how time flies. Is this computer nearly 9 years old already?

someone shop JUST hair and red eyes on this

Well kids gotta start somewhere, I used to watch Chris Pirillo when I was 14