Do companies really care

If I fail a hair test for weed?

I've heard mixed things (comp sci btw)

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Fuck off druggie.

depends on the company

Depends on how big they are, but if they're testing you then they probably care.


>doing weed
stay safe user

I have never been tested for drugs in my life.

If they don't test, they don't care. The converse also applies

fuck it user
face the future head on

Probs not for anything beyond 40 days.

If you are vital to their needs you probably won't get one, ever.
Trust me.

I've only been drug tested when I worked retail

Shave your head

>hair test for weed
Oh wow get a load of this retard.


Hair-strand tests are draconian and intrusive. They collect samples of hair from the root and attempt to detect drugs and metabolites by performing ELISA (basically enzyme staining) as a first-stage, and then the more reliable GC-MS (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) for confirmation.

I personally have refused one, and a contract that came with it, even though I do not abuse the drugs in question, because I was a contractor, and I would have wanted an enormous payment upfront, regardless of the test results, for me to consider giving you a big chunk of hair for one contract.

They are used for certain legal purposes, which I cannot advise you on here. Whether they are approved in employment law is a function of your jurisdiction and other matters, that I cannot answer here (the incidence of false positives, whose rarity depends roughly on the drug being tested, multiplies with the number of tests - taking repeated tests, or blanket screening with no probable cause, is not advised).

Cannabis metabolites like tetrahydrocannabinol and Nor-9-carboxy-delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol incorporate quite poorly into hair compared to the active ingredients and metabolites of other recreational drugs. Also, the increased rate of passive smoking incidence, particularly if people you spend time with or live with smoke cannabis, has meant the cutoff beyond which they can be relatively sure of use is quite high.

False negatives are therefore much more common for this specific drug than false positives, but I have seen both.

Note that synthetic (pseudo) cannabinoids (given names like "Spice" and "Black Mamba") are a separate, more expensive test, and there are hundreds of them to test for. You should definitely avoid taking them: they are much, much more dangerous than cannabis.

Tests are not always segmented. That usually costs a lot more as it requires chopping the sample into 10mm segments and testing them separately.

>weed is bad mmk

yeah this meme needs to die.

>smoking weed

soyboy detected.

>giving a shit about weed testing
Just say you need it to control your autism and get yor doctor to sign off on it.

What the fuck is a soyboy

if you are doing your job and don't have any problems or go to work stoned, probably not.

Um, no, maybe don't shave your head. They're not retards, user.

Depending on your jurisdiction, people and courts might be able to draw inferences that you probably have used drugs (and that you have lied about/don't want to get caught for doing it) if you do something obvious and stupid like shave your head or attempt to use some aggressive hair treatment in between being told about a drug test requirement and actually taking the test sample.

However details are of course a legal question specific to your individual circumstances that obviously I cannot answer, and only an idiot would ask, on Sup Forums.

My mind boggles when hearing about that kind of workplace doing that. There is no legitimate, justifiable reason for it in my personal opinion - it's not like you're a forklift driver or a nuclear technician - it's just pure "stoners = lazy" prejudice from asshole bosses that ignores actual incidence, risk and consequence and doesn't help with staff turnover.

(Again, whether it is legal for them to do so is a completely different question that is not appropriate for this venue. You may wish to take independent legal advice about whether that is a reasonable condition in your employment contract in your jurisdiction - but if you're working retail, you probably can't afford to do that: and that's probably what they're banking on. Assholes.)

Hair tests are expensive. Usually employment tests are urine. Which is just as bad for weed. My mate has an apprentice on bail for murder he reckons he has smoked an oz of dope the past month and passed his fortnightly with a drink u buy. I was like wow so they do work. Shave your bag btw

I reckon do shave your head. Do military buzz cut. People are like oh he isa cop but u just say security officer part time

Weed turned me into a fucking retard when I smoked it every day and most my friends are psychotic and eventually went onto meth, as did i. But I only did it to be cool not coz I was an addict. I also have mental issues none of my 7 brothers or sisters have and I was the only one to smoke bulk weed.

Don't say it doesn't do anything. Coz it does. But I'd rather deal with a stoner than a drunk asshole any day.

I empathize with you and I'm sorry that happened, but that argument is stupid.

How weed affected you is how cookies and junk food affects compulsive eaters. It's the same argument. Someone could say: "I have 7 brothers and sisters, and none of them have the same compulsive eating neurosis I do--none of them eat cookies in bulk. Don't say junk food doesn't do anything. Coz it does"

You see? The problem isn't cookies (although granted, they are garbage for you but that's not the point)--the problem is the person who's eating them and their specific mental issues.

Weed isn't "bad" for you. Can't control yourself? Don't smoke.

Great argument I might use that one next time someone says meth is bad

Meth is objectively a lot worse and much more prone to physical addiction than weed. Take two people: 1) can't stop drinking tea and 2) can't stop drinking green monster energy drinks. The problem here is that they can't stop drinking their respective drinks; however, no one's gonna argue that drinking obscene amounts of green tea is the same as drinking the same quantity of monster energy drinks (the green kind). One is objectively worse than the other but the problem isn't the liquid, it's the person.

I tell u what I enjoyed weed for many years. I despise alcohol now (having done security work). Demon semen I call it. My concern is that the weed these days is so fucking potent. It's not the nice stuff anymore. it'll make you actually trip. I tripped off the strongest weed the same as I did after dropping 4 pills. CRAZY. Legalise it - but limit the THC content

Yeah for sure, I definitely agree that weed has gotten to crazy levels of potency. Not to mention these suspicious "dab rigs" I see around these days. It's all very strange. I guess I'll just stick with a few puffs from a joint to limit my intake instead of smoking a joint and having to clear my entire schedule.


Sheltered Christfags detected. You don't belong here.

Cool, cool.

Can you make one with crimes that don't hurt other people? Rape, genocide and stealing have a victim who isn't the person committing the crime. Drugs only hurt yourself.

Dead beat druggie detected you don't belong here

>Drugs only hurt yourself.
I don't want to be a dick but just being on drugs can hurt others.
I have a family member who does nothing but fuck around and smoke weed, he'll spend money on pot before he'd spend it on buying lunch for his kid to take to school.
That kid has a shit life because his parents are both stoners who can't hold down jobs and don't give a fuck.
>but alcohol can do that too!
you're right, it can.
But alcohol has been part of our culture for over a thousand years, marijuanna is relatively new.
Which is why it's so easy to make one illegal and not the other, see prohibition.

I enjoy a good drink and if you like smoking pot in your own home that's up to you.
But smoking pot as a parent, at work or while driving is unacceptable.

im not the guy you are responding to but seriously man this is Sup Forums if you think you are so virtuous for not smoking weed maybe you should go back to christian mingle you pussy

It's the same deal as drunk driving then. The fact that people do it doesn't mean the nanny state has to stop alcohol.
That aside, being self-destructive around your kids hurt them, no matter if it's drinking too much, smoking, hurting yourself, pretending to suicide or whatever. It's traumatizing, and you don't need drugs to come into play, though I guess it's easier when there is an addiction as a factor.

Is that sum false equivalency I see over der?

>Marijuana is relatively new

No. No it isn't. Human beings have been consuming cannabis in one way or another for thousands of years. Honestly I have to ask you: why do you feel entitled to an opinion on something you don't actually know anything about?

I'm going to assume that you're young, because most people over the age of 20 don't spout the kind of stupid shit you are.

I earn about 68k per year. I take good care of my children. I smoke weed. Is it so hard for you to accept that you are wrong and that in a lot of cases it's not actually the drugs causing people to reject society (except opiates, fuck that shit) but society rejecting an individual for doing with their own bodies what they will. You might actually be surprised at the number of very functioning drug users (and I mean "heavy" drugs like coke and meth too) who work and take care of their kids. You'd never know they had a drug "problem," because it isn't actually a problem. You, along with most of society has been brainwashed into being judgemental and biased. The judgemental part is what tells me you're a butthurt Christfag.

I hope you're using a VPN, you might lose your kids

I live in Colorado buddy. Not too worried about that.

btard detected


it doesn't matter where you are, once child services hears you spend your time on an anime nazi child pornography forum they'll come knocking.

alcohol is way better than weed

drink alot of milk and keep clean for a week

thats how i passed the drug test on driving licence in my country

So in other words you're such a butthurt Christfag that you actually reported an anonymous post on the Internet known for being filled with complete bullshit?

I really pity you.

>hey why do you drink alcohol
>none of your business, fuck off.

>hey why do you smoke weed?

You are toxic though. You want to subject everyone else to your retarded backwards views through laws ruining lives FOR THE LAWD. The funniest part about it is that Christfags can do some of the worst things and justify it in their own heads that it's "God's will". How fucking self-righteous can you get?

are niggers on this board still arguing over smoking weed?
underage nig nogs need to LEAVE

[citation needed]

I'm a christfag and I was sticking needles in my arm when I was 15 lmao then bigger needles for roids when I wanted to fuck hotter chicks. Now I have prescription for dex, alprazolam and codeine (for legitimate issues) but they don't get me intoxicated. I don't even like getting intoxicated. Unless it's speed lmao. Seriously tho. I like being sober. When I kick the shit out of some annoying guy guess who the cops believe? Christian or yelling drunk

I work in a hospital user if I get hurt I get tested for drugs.

Man, you are doing so well. Why did you have to assume he's a Christfag and bring religion into this? You could have just kept punching from within the pocket of the argument. Good points though.

>child pornography

what? hate to break it to you fucko but if the mods let cp stay up for extended periods of time, this place would get shut down and its staff run through the ringer. If you're talking about loli, its presence is unfortunate but it's not illegal.

Out of my board!

Now stop eating animals in moderation

>What did you do after work?
>Took the dog to the park, smoked a joint and then cleaned my house, nothing special

The biggest problem with pot is how it makes you gay.
The one time I tried weed I ended up staying up to 5am fapping to traps and I had to come to work the next day with an erection.
Luckily because of the 3 hour rule I was able to leave on medical reasons, my boss was very understanding but it was still very embarrassing.
I will never smoke weed ever again, I don't want to end up like Michael Jackson.

Go shave your head and put off the interview for a couple of weeks. Shave your head again the day of the interview. If they suggest taking hair from elsewhere, overreact and accuse them of sexual harassment.

My country is considering castrating all the marijuana users so they don't pass on the stoner gene but smelly potheads keep complaining about it.

to be fair you really shouldn't own pets if you're a marijuana user.
I'd probably report you too.

That dog didn't do anything wrong, he deserves better.

>That dog didn't do anything wrong

Neither did the guy smoking cannabis you nutter. I wish Christianity was illegal in this country. I would relish ratting you out "for your own good" of course.

Newest Sup Forums meme word. It means a man with low testosterone levels (who probably has different political views than Sup Forums). It comes from the fact that eating soy might lower your testosterone levels

actually Christianity is illegal in my country for promoting homosexuality, which is why marijuana is such a big deal.
Bestiality would be the prime concern, even large dogs can be severely damaged from intercourse with a human and it can be traumatizing for them at the very least.
When I volunteered at the dog shelter there were 3 dogs I had to care for that had specifically been molested and/or raped by stoners.

Let me first say, I don't smoke weed (or anything for matter, I like my lungs to not be full of garbage). That said, there's nothing wrong with weed. There's no conclusive proof of any harmful effects, and only anecdotal evidence suggesting that it MIGHT lead to heart problems in certain people. Weed users are also generally non-violent, they are really chill and the only downside of hanging out with them is the need to buy them lots of fucking food.

Considering the beneficial medicinal effects that it has, there is really no way to justify keeping weed illegal. Not to mention, a large percentage of US inmates are in prison for possession of this not-so-harmful drug. How much money is our government wasting to keep these people behind bars? Weed is a potential source of profit for the government if it is legalized, taxed, and regulated. Not only this, but if weed is legalized, it opens the door to growing hemp plants, which are an even larger benefit.

The real reason weed is still illegal is because the paper industry doesn't want to see any upstart company making paper from hemp, they want to keep cutting down forests and making bank. Oh, and the private prison lobbyists who have a vested interest in locking up as many innocent people as possible so the government will pay them more money.

>the green kind
Good thing I only drink the white /sip/

it's illegal because any time people are allowed to/can get away with doing it, they do it whenever they can because they think "weed doesn't affect me lol, i can even drive high", regardless of how much evidence to the contrary you present to them

because while weed shaves off 20 IQ points for ~4 hours, the novel falsehoods and sillinesses you come up with while under its influence register with your brain as divine truth that only a genius could conceive of

>i wasn't dumber, i was MORE CREATIVE! it's a DIFFERENT way of thinking!

Are you any better? Why are you so invested in this?


That's not really a good argument for making it illegal though. Alcohol and many other over the counter and prescription meds impair driving ability and are fully legal.

This argument makes no sense. Alcohol has an even worse effect on people than weed does. We already have the solution to this problem. If someone is driving erratically, you pull them over and test them, then arrest their ass for driving under the influence. The end.

Weed should be treated in the same manner as alcohol. Regulate it, tax it, and arrest people who abuse it in public. There's no problem getting completely wasted at home, but if you do it in public, you will get slapped with drunk and disorderly conduct. So do the same shit with weed. You walk around being a retarded stoner in public, you get slapped with disorderly conduct and pay your fine. Next time, you'll stay at home while you blaze.

It's really not rocket science. Only TRULY harmful drugs which are dangerous and addictive should be completely illegal. Heroin, Cocaine, etc. really have no place in society and are rightfully illegal. Weed? Come on. You might as well go back to the 20s and make alcohol illegal again. It's complete nonsense. Especially considering how many uses the hemp plant has for modern industry.

False equivalency. Your example is pretty fringe, and I'm honestly fucking surprised to hear what you just said. Either way, not all cannabis users are dog fuckers asshole.

Its been a quite long while since I've fiddled with drug testing particulars, but I know that there are certain regulations where hair is concerned. Although not for employment, I was able to refuse a hair test and go for a blood/piss test. And also if any positives occur you can demand a retest by federal law.

Now, again in my instance it was not for job purposes, but it might apply. Citations obviously needed but too lazy to provide. Just an errant opinion.

Uh, no. The other user was pretty spot-on with why marijuana was made illegal. You're just spouting bullshit you heard from other people (which isn't a surprise since you're an obvious sheep who does what he's told with no capacity for independent, rational thought). The police have training goggles that allegedly show you how impaired you become when you've smoked or ingested some pot. Wouldn't you know that it was 100% completely divorced from reality? That the goggles were complete bullshit?

What's the need for such deception on the part of the government if this plant is as harmful as you delusional fucks believe it is?

>not all cannabis users are dog fuckers asshole.
obviously, not all christians are homosexuals either.
And not all black people own a knife.
But you need to legislate against trends in order to protect the public, permitting cannabis to satisfy a few smokers instead of protecting innocent animals is not the way to go.
If they were able to extract the properties of marijuana to make it enjoyable without the harmful anti-social side-effects it would be ideal.

You're acting like a significant percentage of weed smokers like to fuck animals. You're delusional. If someone fucks an animal while high, they were probably attracted to animals in the first place.

not him and goggles seems like a dumb idea but marijuana demonstrably affects your reaction speed which is what makes it so fatal behind the wheel.
Alcohol and sleep deprivation also do this so it's not all on smokers but that's why roadside drug testing is so common now.
No one wants to die because of someone else's habit.

If you want to smoke, you need to do it at home and take a cab/public transport if you need to move about.

You're trying to equate the actions of a handful of sexual deviants with every other cannabis user. It is exactly the same as me saying that because child porn has been posted on the Internet before by a small group of pedophiles, every human being is a pedophile. No exceptions.

Your line of thinking is fallacious. You should probably consider manual labor, because I believe higher thinking is a bit beyond you.

[Citation needed]

Protip: I've been smoking and driving since I was 16 years old and have never had an accident. But please, you seem to have so much knowledge and experience, tell me more.

it's significant enough to be an issue.
Bestiality is rare in itself, the fact 40% of reported cases the offenders were on marijuana or other illegal drug cannot be an outlier.
There's no way they just happen to coincidentally like both animal sex and drugs, marijuana may not make everyone a zoophile but it reacts that way with enough of the population to be a concern.

Nope, just means that you have a bunch of mentally disturbed, low education level peasants doing peasant shit in your country. Sorry you have people in your country that fuck animals enough that it's actually a pandemic, but that isn't an issue where I live. I guess you could take solace in the fact that, at least you don't live in India.

if they do test you it'll be a piss test and not a hair test

a drinker could just as easily say that.
the fact you haven't had an accident is because everyone else on the road is watching out for you, not because it's harmless, you've fallen into the fallacy that because you've been fine so far that it doesn't affect you.

Actually weed DOES affect your driving, just because you think it doesn't, doesn't mean you are fine. Actually the BBC did studies about this, they found that, while weed does have a negative effect on your driving, it is nowhere even close to that of alcohol.

No shit Sherlock. If someone who secretly likes animals deep down takes a drug that destroys their inhibitions, what happens? So, we just ban every fucking thing under the sun to protect a few dogs from a comparatively minuscule number of deviants? How many animals are sexually abused in the US yearly? And what percentage of those are from illegal drug use? And what percentage of that is from weed? We'd probably be looking at a few tens of whackos, maybe a couple hundred tops across the whole country? And you want to ban a substance because of that? What a joke. You might as well ban chocolate. How many fucking dogs die because owners feed them chocolate every year? I bet you a lot more than however many get sexually abused.

The paper industry is why it was made illegal

Now it's illegal because the last thing we need is another drug that makes people dumber, let alone one with a longer half life than ehtanol and a base of users who think it doesn't make the dumber.

Actually, what you just said is the logical leap, because you base it on absolutely nothing. Still waiting on that [citation].

>Actually weed DOES affect your driving, just because you think it doesn't, doesn't mean you are fine. Actually the BBC did studies about this, they found that, while weed does have a negative effect on your driving, it is nowhere even close to that of alcohol.

So in other words it's completely irrelevant and you're just depending on being technically correct (you're not because the BBC isn't a scientific organization.)

STILL waiting on that [citation] from a peer reviewed source.
>"I'm fine I never had a crash"
>has a crash
>"what the fuck, I never had a crash until I had a crash!"

Makes people dumber? Gonna need a citation for that as well, seeing as how I have a tested IQ of 168 and smoke marijuana religiously.

>caring about animal rights

lower organisms are tools, not citizens. if some random stray that is far beyond the point of being trained to be useful is "traumatized", and we had no use for it in the first place, fuck it. use its carbon for something else. we have a massive surplus of the things and they do nothing but compete with us for resources (literally everything they eat is something we can also eat by applying different processing methods), shit in the streets, cause physical harm to random people and spread disease.

if weed increases instances of animal "abuse" , then i say we need more of it.

but let's promote euthanasia and reprocessing over fucking. fucking is a waste of calories.

>However, the role played by marijuana in crashes is often unclear because it can be detected in body fluids for days or even weeks after intoxication and because people frequently combine it with alcohol.

They base their conclusions on faulty data. What a surprise. The hilarity is that they openly admit that they don't know what they're talking about with that one, simple sentence, and you STILL take it as scientific.

how come stoners complain about christfags but get so flustered when they're presented credible studies that prove the negative effects of marijuana?
They seem about as ignorant as climate change deniers or creationists, why do they think they're the only ones that can deny science because of their faith?

Point to the credible study again?

>actually Christianity is illegal in my country for promoting homosexuality
christian here, please explain how do we promote homos

logically you think smokers are just naturally terrible drivers then.
if your argument is the data proves nothing because marijuana can be detected weeks afterwards and marijuana is associated with higher numbers of crashes then either intoxication does affect driving, or these people are just not clean after a few days and they coincidentally suck at driving.

gas chromatography isn't reliable wtf are you on

Dont take the test you are going to fail.
Better deal with consequences of having refused

Do you have basic reading comprehension skills? Read the quoted part of my post and you'll see why any conclusion they came to was fallacious from the start because of the methodology utilized. I thought I was supposed to be the stupid one here? You know, since I'm just some dumb stoner. :^)

you're not actually saying anything though, you're just groaning about how nothing anyone says counts because you heard from a friend that weed is fine for driving.
There a reason why stoners don't get laid and it's not because you're stupid or because you don't wash.
It's because no women want to smell dog pussy off a dick.

>any conclusion they came to was fallacious from the start because of the methodology utilized
It isn't, you're just braindamaged.