/hpg/ - Headphone General

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what is the second best headphone behind the ma900?



PC need Dac and Amp recommendation

>Type of headphone
Full Sized

>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Sound signature

>Past headphones
Beyerdynamic DT880(1980) Pioneer Monitor 10II AKG K701 Quart Quart Phone 70

Id like to get an amp and DAC but its not Important as I can Buy one at a later date as what I have is Sufficient at the moment. Still open to recommendations though.

What do you mainly listen to?
Are they for gaming or pure music/movies?

bottlehead crack + hd800


a solid 90% music and the other whatever

Well this is the world of audio, so the shilling is amplified (pun intended) because it's the most subjective thing ever. Also I wonder where ATH-M50 shills went, and why no one talks about Sony MDR-V6 anymore.
I personally got beyers due to some infographic shills and can't be happier.

What is the second best headphone behind the HD600?

What type of music?
Classical? Pop? R&B? Jazz? Hip hop? Metal? Techno? DnB? etc

Knowing what TYPE of sound you'd prefer would help a lot towards giving any sort of recommendation.

Mr speakers aeon open back and JDS labs element.

Sennheiser HD600 for the headphones. No, you literally can't do better for more money.

If his budget is that high he's probably going to want something with better durability and actual bass.

Up to €200
Phone mostly (Oneplus One right now)
>Type of headphone
>Comfort level
Something I could comfortably have in my ears for 4+ hours.
>Sound signature
A bit V shaped
>Past headphones
ATH M50, Klipsch Image S4, and some old Sennheiser CX400-II. Have tried the Sennheiser IE60 before and enjoyed them quite a bit.

I mostly listen to EDM but also to some rock and ambient.
Was currently looking at the TFZ Series 4.

mfw this kind of threads are not an excuse for feet and people actually discuss audio

Stop posting. Balanced bass, mids and treble are ideal for all genres.
>muh color

AH yeah Mainly Classic Rock Blues Jazz But a lot of emphasis on Progressive and Psychedelic Rock from the 60s and 70s

I mean yeah but they look odd and all but yeah they look like a good deal but just to odd looking

Nah I'd rather not have Snapheisers

Ha you beat me to it

the ma900 sounds great, so does the atticus. tell me why they aren't user I would love to see your opinio.. pics and timestamp of setup

Okay what about soundstage? The motherfucker said he has no preference for open or closed back.

You can't recommend shit based of what he said.

>says the Chinkshit-owning laughingstock of /hpg/ who doesn't even understand HRTF

maybe the lcd2c coming out soon would be a better fit.

Unironically stop shilling headphones you don't own

only two of those headphone frames are actually broken, and my pair arrived fine and has been mechanically fine.

Nice try though, it's cute.


MDR-MA900, the best headphones at any price.

I actually had a chance to test a pair of LCD-2s



The headphones you own are not very important. What matters is what you think of them. Tell us.

The 2c is supposed to be lighter on the head overall while retaining the same sound signature.

Another one to consider is the AR-H1, which from both measurements and build quality impressions looks nice.

how do you like the QuickFire? are they blacks?


reds I think, it's alright, I still want something smaller. I'm thinking off making a padauk atreus + padauk bottlehead crack to match the atticus just for shits and giggles.

>Beyerdynamic DT880
Its Great like the detail on it. Its Clean and precise Can be a bit bright at times even with a 20dB hearing loss at 8khz Favorite Headphones of the 4

>Pioneer Monitor 10II
I like the way the impact of the bass is it has serious impact and a decent soundstage for closed cans

>AKG K701
Well its nearly a mix of the Monitor 10II and the DT880s more rounded Treble more bass but has a huge soundstage Like the way they sound overall. Have a K-400 on the way

> Quart Quart Phone 70
Just got them has a similar sound to the Monitor 10IIs but they they seem to be a bit less transparent I can't remeber though. I can't do an AB with half of these as the DT880s and Monitor 10IIs are Currently in Austria but should be back soon

>that fucking scope
What the fuck

Why even now when everyone knows how bad schiit is they still try to shill their product? Looks like they put all their revenue in marketing trying to get at least bottom audiophool market share

Why do You Type like This?

Only thing i've seen from them that is shit lately is the Modi.

Their amps and higher end DACs seem fine.

What's it to you The man prompted me to type how i liked the headphones and I did so in a clean and clear cut manner

mindshare, bias, and cognitive dissonance. people don't want to accept that their gear either 1) performs poorly 2) made by a scummy company. if any of the brands I own pulled the stuff that schiit has done in the past I would sell immediately. people get really attached to their shit though and don't want to sell even though it's really not that difficult

He clearly has brain damage on top of his hearing loss. That's why he doesn't own any Sennperiors.

gaming headset recommendations? my friend sold me his cloud stingers because he didnt like them. i know nothing about what good audio should sound like but i took his word when he said it sounds great. not that i dont trust him or anything but i just want to gain better knowledge of headsets and audio in general

but my free airline earbuds sounds better than your ma900 and atticus

you mean Snapheisers?

cognitive dissonance, AstroTurf campaign run by schiit, and viral marketing.

they should honestly just scrap their dac and amp designs and make O2 clones, Texas instruments chip amps, and premade DAC boards in their signature aluminum cases. They could probably keep the same retail model, not have to pay for r&d (not like that r&d gets them anywhere anyway), and have a lot less bad measurements and damaged equipment to answer for.

If you're under 25 and you don't own a decent set of studio monitors your opinion on fidelity related matters is irrevelant.

Just dropping in to say nice butt

It's funny how the TH-02 beats the Atticus in every possible objective metric. Frequency response, distortion, smoothness (lol at the ZMF having a notch). FYI, a notch is an example of a really bad design. It's simply acceptable in anything costing over $50 and this garbage sells for $1000+ kek.

Pro tip: You don't either

Is the copper ring on JDS Labs The Element actually made of copper? I like the color the best, but oxidation is a thing.


For the price they charge I would like a a bit better Construction

is that the issue you have with it? not her wearing headphones underwater?

After owning variants of the big three, the HD600/HD650 usually lasts the longest. But I know you're going to call me a shill now.

The DT family eventually cracks at the gimbal, not quite a major design flaw and easily replaceable. The AKGs will eventually break at the plastic after years of use. This affects usage. Most of HiFiMAN's headphones are built really terrible and it's no secret.

So ya, Sennheisers have been the best for me over a long period of time.

Call me a shill now or whatever.


I need a DAC. I tried the $30 UCA-202 and it'd make a weird popping noise at low volumes, notably during the folder opening sound on Windows. Moral of the story is I think I need to spend at least $75 so I don't get chinked.

In short, should I get a Modi, ODAC or something else? I own an HD800 and LCD-2 by the way.

How would you know that though, you don't own any sennheiser headphones, or headphones in general.

my DT880s are 37 Years old

JDS labs element, monoprice desktop amp

How Does a ReTaRd Like you have 1200 U.S. dollars to Spend On H e a D p H onEs?

Vintage DT880s aren't affected. And I'm referring to the current Pro/Edition DT770, DT880 or DT990. My DT880 cracked at the gimbal but it actually doesn't affect the usage. It's just an aesthetic fault at the moment but it can get worse.

I dunno, my lcd-2 measured better and I never really enjoyed it or listened to it. it would sit on my desk for months not being touched over something like my fostex or ma900 which was more enjoyable to listen to. you can keep jerking off to measurements all you want but if it's not enjoyable to listen to then I don't really consider it worth my money

Is Monoprice stuff actually good? I thought they were a cable maker, now all of a sudden they're making headphones and amplifiers.

I already have an amp by the way, so do you have any recommendations for standalone DACs? I'd like to try both of those someday, though.

>Is Monoprice stuff actually good?
No. It's all super breaking-prone cheap Chinkshit, and the tripfag is the last person you should be asking for advice.

yeah measurements are shit, my free airline earbuds sounded better than my ma900 and my atticus, really good bass detail, speed, imaging and soundstage, the things you dont see on graphs

I've had mine for a few months now with no issues, I believe it has a 1 year warranty with service in the US. Uses a Texas instruments amp chip and dac.

10 ohm output impedance, low fidelity amplifier as a result.

Oh how's it going angry newfag user. So let me guess, a $3 monoprice cable stopped working on you after a few years so everything they make is shit now?

Oh hey user that doesn't understand output impedence. So why don't you explain how a pair of 300ohm headphones and a pair of planar magnetic headphones with flat impedence would have issues with a 10ohm output impedence amplifier?

Oh wait, you can't?! What a surprise!

it has nothing to do with measurements though, it has to do with what standards constitutes a good headphone. harmonic distortion can be pleasing to listen to (like tubes), why do you think they added it to the HD800S? the atticus has beautiful cub reverb that I really enjoy listening to, I've never said it was a neutral can.

>Horn Loaded Jr.
>calling someone a newfag

I have a JoB something you don't HaVe If you want to criticize me on an amount I'm willing to spend on headphones

Oh hey user I want to use my 16ohm balanced armature IEMs on my desktop amp... oh wait...

Many moons ago I posted without the trip, and it's completely irrelevant anyway considering you're an asshat who would recommend a piece of schiitâ„¢ from Mike the audiophool sham man over something using much better designed circuits out of the box.

your IEM doesn't fucking need a fucking amp to power it, a high impedance headphonr or planar does.

i agree, i don't believe in measurements, my free airline earbuds sound euphonic in nature, sure on paper it has loads of distortion but this is what gives it that unique sound

i'm trying to have a reasonable conversation with you and you keep shitposting so I guess I won't even bother

>uses incredibly sensitive IEMs with a desktop amp for absolutely no reason.
>dude is using it with high impedence headphones and flat impedence planars.

Jesus Christ you're a fucking asshat.

Whoa whoa whoa. I don't recommend Schiit products ever. And that was my first reply to you.
>many moons ago
kek sure.

Try to never insult people, this is never profitable as you know.
In your opinion, who is the most shiningly honest and down-to-earth person in the audiophile world?

best iem under $400?

It's convenience you retard. A desktop amp sits on your table, do you expect someone to plug in their IEMs in the back of their PC?

An amplifier with a >1ohm output impedance is garbage anyway.

Modi 2 DAC issue should apply to the Fulla 2 as well. Not too many measurements on most of their amplifiers.

Not quite how hearing loss works, but never mind that.
You like the vintage DT880 very much other than the brightness?
What about some of those other headphones you demoed?

Etymotic ER4SR.
Now get out.

what's wrong with modi 2

of the ones I Demoed The HE1000 v2 was the best Hands down but second was the LCD-2


>it's convenience you fucking retard

what is a phone headphone jack or a front PC jack

>thinks output impedence is the most important thing ever
>dude is driving high impedence cans and flat impedence insensitive planars

yeah you're an asshat for sure.

Shure se535 is on sale right now. Shits on everything else.

>In your opinion, who is the most shiningly honest and down-to-earth person in the audiophile world?
obviously not him but hawaiibadboy

not even 2 minutes into a review and he completely shits all over hifiman

better than xr?

>something smaller
same, im making a 15key alpha numeric pad to take everywhere

>30ohm output impedence
>60 ohm headphones

Fucking kek. You don't even read your own sources.

If you want more bass then get the XR.

>HD 650
>60 ohm

For people not named Ja'Tedric, yes.

>phone headphone jack
Not in PC

> front PC jack
Usually even worse sounding than back jacks

most reviews say the xr barely has bass and the sr is even worse and apparently the 535 is only $399

Hello CG. How's the sub-bass on your MA900 today? Anemic like your dick?

>Sony mdr-v6-60ohms
>switches to hd650 and raises the output impedence past 30ohms

hmmm, really proved you're a fucking idiot.