
>can't even post without google trying to steal your data

Other urls found in this thread:


it's almost as if this site is shit

>site run by a money grabbing gook is selling out at breakneck speed
Call Fox News

just buy a pass

>Paying jewish chink for using his shitty website

If you visit the site almost daily the pass is a lifechanger

That will just commit you to shitposting. Don't you ever want to do something with your life, user?

Papa John's wants me to starve

I have a job, a gf and some hobbies.
This just makes shitposting faster, eating less time of my life.

That's just making things worse since every post made can be tied to the pass

If I would, I wouldn't be here, or even if I wanted to, you cannot escape this place once you are addicted

I'm close to buying that shit too.
I post maybe twice a week, I really like this place, but the captcha is killing me. Another possibility is to stop using this retarded niggerlious website.

oh vey, shut it down

4ch ans the transport infrastructure on between you and it might know anyhow who posted, its making nothing worse.

PS: I still wished hiro had a better method than recaptcha.

I kinda impulse bought it also to test bitcoin payments, so it's just tied to a bitcoin wallet

good goy

Do you see a clover next to my name?

this desu

That's what you get for using a CIA nigger honeypot

Get a pass.

Truly a life changer, isn't it?

OK stop using the site

That's why there's a better chan with an 8.

Also get


if you visit this site daily, you need a lifechanger.