Mr. Robot promoting FF

>uses twatter
>uses sjwfox
>watches shit shows
End yourself

Were you abused?



What's wrong with Mr Robot?

>Were you abused?

c-c-c-combo breaker
What the fuck, OP

OP is a faggot


They bash Trump too much.

trips of insight

>choosing your browser based on a thinly veiled advertisement on twitter instead of making an educated independent choice based on your personal needs and preferences
it literally doesn't matter and I will never get the time from typing this message back.



Bit cheesy. W/e. Grow up!

Only the chink trap made fun of him the way, as every autocrat do with him IRL.

Fuck, I will give the NTR browser a chan.

Boo the fuck hoo,

the hacking scenes are laughably bad, the characters are boring, season 2 is slow as fucking shit and pretty much irrelevant to the grand plot.

oh and the director uses it as a medium for venting his political views about current real world politics and people when he feels like he isn't getting enough views on Twitter, because fuck maintaining a fictional story when you could bitch about Trump instead.

This, the author is a fucking crypto commie.

you have to go back

Put me in the screenshot

>season 2 is slow as fucking shit and pretty much irrelevant to the grand plot
except the first two episodes answered like 90% of questions leftover from last season and still adds new things in. you dont have to pretend about the reason you dont like it. just say you dont like people talking about your god emperor .

It's boring and very normalfag with all the stupid stereotypes like hackers being lonely drug users. Also to do "realistic" hacking scenes they just load up Linux live cds because normalfags think it's a hacker os.

I couldn't give a shit if people talk shit about Trump. I only even voted for him because I think he's hilarious and thought him getting elected would piss a lot of people off and it did which makes him even funnier.

>watching Mr. Reddit

Jesus fucking Christ. Saged. Fucking nu4chan.


It's spelled "sageta," as "sage" refers to "下げる" (sageru), which is Japanese for "to lower." The past tense form of this word is "下げた." It does not refer to the plant, as many people still seem to think. Just remember that this is an anime website, and you should remember the rest.

Trips aren't that significant you idiot redditor

Oh shit

Holy shit, first satan then god.
What does this mean?
