What is Sup Forums's opinion of makeapp. Judging by his twitter he's a Sup Forums user

What is Sup Forums's opinion of makeapp. Judging by his twitter he's a Sup Forums user


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popsugar articles are cancer

>or You Can Just Get a F*cking LIfe

Spotted the mad woman.

pure salt. angry thots attack man that exposes their shrek-looking-ass faces.

He obviously browses Sup Forums.


I can't even understand why women like makeup.
It makes them look worse.

>it's real
Someone call Sup Forums.
This has great shitstorm potential.

It ain't election night, but I think this salt mine is going to be pretty good

bost it :D :D :D


Are women ugly because they use make-up?
One way to thing about it is that all the chemicals in the make-up might have long term damage, especially when they start using it at the age of 12.
Another way to think about it is that make-up makes ugly traits less affected by natural selection.


>charging $1
Why are all of these apps targeted at phoneposting consumers? Where is the open source project that allows anyone to host their own instance? This isn't technology related, it's just the newest gimmick


I really have no interest in looking at photos of 3d women, with or without makeup, but the fact that it upsets them makes me think this is a worthwhile project.
I wonder if you'd be able to GAN on porn photos to create nudes? That would be entertaining

W-why does it make them look like shitty traps?

This guy sucks though. Instead of using this for great troll potential, he just goes all personal and SJW on other SJWs that are at the other end of the spectrum.

because women are ugly.

Ugly women are ugly*

Sure, but it's not turning them into ugly women. It's turning them into ugly pubescent boys.

man do i love technology

because women look like shitty traps on average without makeup? the biggest problem traps and tranny have is they suck at makeup. if they could wear proper wigs and do makeup well even the worst of them could look like an average woman

Is make-up the western version of the burqa ?

>a black SJW
pretty much

Seems amazing, if only for the salt.

>I'm surprised there wasn't a divide by zero problem


Honestly this, it even makes their skin worse than if they didn't use it, making them slather more on. Our great grandparents had it right calling makeup wearer's prostitutes and whores. Its gotta be such a nightmare to be so dependant on a product for your physical self esteem

I don't had android phone :(
Sometimes iPhone sucks.

>There are many questionable things about MakeApp. For one, its Kremlin-linked founder, Ashot Gabrelyanov, used to write pro-Putin propaganda.
>liking your country and it's government is bad


>Without Consent
Well shit. Fucking Face-Raped.


I dated a girl a long time ago who had permanent eye-liner. It was amazing what a difference it made. She always looked better than average in the mornings.


I feel like there's still one more layer to get through


Damn, that works pretty well.


hopefully this based russian can turn the race changer feature back on to

fucking disgusting fascist app should be illegal

Everything is a Russian conspiracy

what are your phone's specs? This shitty app keeps crashing on mine


Everything being a Russian conspiracy is a Russian conspiracy

So, it's okay if the retard supports Obama.
But it's bad if another retard supports Trump or God forbid, a citizen living in Russia supports it's own government and Putin?

Don't they understand how obvious this is?
It's like "I'm the centre of the universe and only I matter" and "ugh freedom of speech...BUT ONLY IF I AGREE WITH IT!!11".

Retarded American shit.


lmao at this new method of literally rape

We need to put this into HoloLens or Google Glass.
We need to spread it to everyone, the poor and rich man.
Once makeup is literally useless, maybe they stop wearing it in public.

The second part of that is also true with Sup Forums


celebs look freaky without makeup.

I have been using this app in my imagination for over twenty years.

I'm really amazed at how much butthurt it's causing women.

Shes still fucking gorgeous

We are gonna crash the pussy market so fucking fast

>maybe they stop wearing it in public
I mean, it's quite useful but why would you want it?


I still waiting for the app that tells me if a girl has ever had a Tinder profile or not.

Piss them off and stop them from being fake sluts.

>this is problematic also give me money

Sup Forums is politically incorrect.
What we refer to as feminist SJWs try to be "politically correct".
They are two sides of the same shitstorm, this isn't news, son.

>literally the modern face of america


I wear makeup to hide a big scar on my face.
Am I wrong for doing so? I just don't like people staring at it. I've been told several times how nasty it looks and how unatractive it makes me.
I don't like the idea of people seeing it and I have no way to control it.

the problem with Sup Forums is that is extremely one sided but that's logical taking in consideration that the left is winning in all fronts.

Fuck off woman

Both are one sided.
One's alt-let the others alt-right. They aren't "normal" people.

I'm glad Sup Forums and people like that exist though, they can carry on their war, because as much as I hate that shit, I hate retarded feminists and related movements more. There has to be something to fight against it.

Why do SJWs love David Bowie so much? Rock Against Racism was created partly because of irl trolling he did.

if you're a guy you're a faggot. If you're a women it's acceptable however we know people doused in makeup are hiding their real face, why else would you do it.

>valid thread
>honest opinions
>suddenly there's a female on the premises
>hurr fuck off ree lulz
I won't make any obvious comments about what it tells about the people who post replies like that.

>why else would you do it.
See >I just don't like people staring at it. I've been told several times how nasty it looks and how unatractive it makes me.

you have to make retards kill other retards. The problem will be when you give them weapons and let them lead the front.

How accurate is it? Like what happens if you put a woman without make up? And how does it possibly know how some woman's skin look without make up, like spots and shit?

We individual people don't have power over that.
Like it or not. I better bet on Sup Forums and live my life as good as I can, ignoring the shit as much as possible.
Retards have and will always exist.

>literally the app equivalent of drawing mustaches on magazines as a kid
>people are losing their shit at it

Machine learning meme.
It's no more accurate than the "how you look after 20 years" meme machines.
It's just a best guess done by pre programmed routines and slightly refined by "machine learning".


You're the one taking the time to write about it, Alaina, you dumb twat

if your scar goes across your eye or mouth you could be "punished user"

depends, Sup Forums has been at it for many threads now, by comparing with actual no-makeup images we have of some women it seems surprisingly accurate,

This is further reinforced that none of the women making articles about it provided evidence it wasn't accurate. Only one article compared the result with her real face, seems reasonably accurate despite her denying it.

It does have some issues, it doesn't work well with some lightning, particularly darker lightning.

It also has trouble with women who have WAY too much makeup like nonsummerjack cosplays.

The effect on somebody without makeup can be weird, sometimes . there is no change, sometimes there is, there are even cases where it seems to actually add makeup on men by making their skin smoother.

Not much data to go on however, obviously all women will claim it doens't work(without evidence), and most "no-makeup" images women use still often have foundation.



this will never be not-pathetic and hilarious

Blackberry Keyone, works fine on mine

This shit must work great if it has struck a nerve this hard

>tfw i dont wear makeup anyways so this app doesnt make a difference to me

lel at these triggered womanlets. if you're so mad then why not take better care of your skin or maybe not make makeup such a big part of your identity? i mean shit if men did the same thing, yeah I'd certainly want to know what they look like when you get out of bed in the morning.

tomboys win at life again, per usual


>SFW board
>can't demand tits

If there was an app that showed a guys dick size or yearly income, you all would loose your shit.



Inb4 he's murdered for rape allegations

Dick size can't be faked and income has to be worked hard for.
These sluts are getting buttmad because somebody found an easy way to show what they look like without their clown makeup, showing what they actually look like.

yea because that would be invasion of privacy
and before you try to reply with more shitposting, no, your makeup isn't some privacy layer

That is private info that is only available unless you post it, same with your face, don't want some app to edit it, don't post it online. Once something is posted online it is out of your control.

Holy shit, make a joke and get overloaded by insecure fag replies.
Chill down retards. You won't get laid anyways, doesn't matter how much you make or how tiny your dick is.

>I was just pretending

>can't tell the obvious

Seems like normie shit to me, what do I care about makeup?

OK, now can we make a FOSS RaceApp?

bak to Sup Forums pleb
