Why were the 00s so aesthetically pleasing?
Why were the 00s so aesthetically pleasing?
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Because Apple was still recovering from near bankruptcy.
Man I miss having a simple phone.
sony erricons were more advanced than the modern android phones.
I want a black one so I can feel like I'm in a Splinter Cell game
Design wasn't hampered by how thin things HAD to be since everything had to be chunky.
Theres a point where this has to stop, how thinner and bezeless can we go? I don't care about that stuff.
>that shitty charger/phone port
I was so glad to ditch this stupid fucking shit and have a normal 3.5mm jack and microUSB charging.
Good lord the amount of adapters I went through because they were all flimsy pieces of dookie
FastPort was way better than microUSB for that purpose though, it sucks that it's taking so long for Type C to replace that super brittle port.
No it wasn't. Proprietary standards are automatically garbage.
And as far as proprietary connectors go, Nokia's pin connector was far superior charging port. You could actually fit a 3.5mm jack next to it and still take up less space than a single Sony Ericcson port
Though I preffered the old big one rather than the tiny poker in the N73 era.
I would kill for this
Sony NW-S202
I have one of those with hibiscus and stuff all over it. Nice model.
The golden age of electronic aesthetics is long behind us
Its all about pandering to the blacks and women now.
>t. capeshit RedditHipster
The demographics whose money is extracted by force from (divorced) working white men.
>everything is american identity politics
I hope north korea nukes your piece of shit country so we can stop hearing about your gay ass politics and your "right" and "left" crying and calling themselves the victims of the other side.
because you are an edgy hippie transsexual nigger-loving liberal anti-gun self-hating faggot millenial.
neck yourself
neck yourself
who /fa/ here?
This thing is great.
>who /fa/ here?
yes, I too am an ugly homosexual trying to ignore his looks by wasting money on meme clothing
They weren't.
I don't live in America and I didn't mention "left and right" at all.
yet you are using their meme politics
Is it a "meme" that women are more likely than men to be recipients of alimony or that blacks are per capita more likely to receive welfare?
it's a meme and retardation that you try to make the lack of industrial design in consumer electronics be about your fagget ass divorce and other nonsense.
I was making the point that the marketing power of women and blacks wouldn't exist without giving them money from white men.
again this has nothing to do with industrial design being neglected in the industry you cuck
Surely it does unless the laws of economics are frozen just because you say so.
you are a fucking retard if you think this has anything to do with industrial design
>dude marketing guys said don't bother hiring industrial designers because dude women and blacks haha
00's design was a confused and aimless. Now that the decade has more than passed, certain design trends were weeded out and certain ones survived. Unsurprisingly, the bauhaus braun-y stuff made the cut.
man those SE phones were the shit back in the days - friend of mine still uses one. always trouble with that stupid plug with its exposed contacts though...
>always trouble with that stupid plug with its exposed contacts though
This is the reason why I can't use mine anymore. I still have it, it's in perfect condition except for the contacts. It won't charge anymore unless I fiddle with the charger.
I loved that phone. Still do. The only thing I disliked about it was that I couldn't charge the phone and use headphones at the same time but it wasn't really important. And being able to plug in two sets of headphones was fun.
> blacks are per capita more likely to receive welfare?
and yet whites make up the overwhelming majority of welfare recipients. "per capita" is just bullshit smoke and mirrors to distract everyone away from the reality that there are far more white people collecting government handouts than Blacks or any other race in this country. Just like the whole bullshit about how there are more blacks in prison than whites, which is also bullshit: the number is about even.
> The only thing I disliked about it was that I couldn't charge the phone and use headphones at the same time but it wasn't really important.
yes, yes, but the technological progress is UNSTOPPABLE
could that style make a comeback with a memephile phone
I have one of those, got it from an old friend of the family when I asked for some old 00s cell phones. Haven't gotten it to start though.
The Cayin N6 is so fucking amazing. I wish I could afford it.
>I miss having a simple phone.
are you unironically retarded?
It's amazing to have a literal pc in your pocket at all times. I love smartphones, one of the best inventions ever
Per capita is the only statistically relevant measurement. The question is, given a random white or a random black, which one is more likely to be a welfare recipient. In other words, the question, "which is more likely to be on welfare, a white person a black person" can be answered with per capita stats. The same goes for crime, or any other measure.
This. I don't understand the love for cheap feeling plastics ITT. I guess it's been long enough that people are starting to feel nostalgic but don't remember the shittty UI's.
Raw numbers, however, tell the whole truth.
Shit, if you wanna go there, stop by any Walmart anywhere in the country between the 1st and 3rd of every month and tell me who's paying for their cart load of Tony's frozen pizza's and 2 liter bottles of Big Red pop with SNAP and WIC.
good phone, had this for 2 weeks and then it toppled in a river never forget
>simple phone
Kek why do you need an mp3 player,FM radio, crappy java games, gps and internet browser in a phone if you just need a "simple phone"
maybe the problem is that in the early 00's, manufacturers actually put effort into their designs instead of just cranking out an endless stream of uninspiring, bland, soulless slabs.
True though.
This is a simple phone. I have one, about as simple as it gets.
cowon makes insanely nice media players if you want to spend a ridiculous amount of money to have a small brick that plays your artisanal bespoke FLAC files really well
why does your mom suck dick for money
I don't consider the 00's a great age of design, but I liked the iBooks a lot.
Nice phones, bus SE created the worst connector ever made...
man, those Word and Excel icons are shit.
and in case anyone thinks I'm lying
I have Verizon's current (and pretty much only) flip phone. It's full price is $50. People try to bust on me for it, but I honestly don't care. Backlit keys, a better camera than any of my older phones, a bare-bones web browser w/ data, and no fucking ad-bloat-crapper-ware. I have a dedicated Garmin for GPS, outgrew mobile games, and rarely use social media, even at home.
I find it ironic how much those people who bust on me, complain about their fucking phones. That shit is not for me.
Are you fuccking shitting me? The amount I paid for my laptop, my smartphone, my mp3 player, and my wife's laptop, smartphone and mp3 player, I wouldn't get to three quarters of the value of that little thing. People are insane.
And before you ask:
T430, T420, Nokia 5, Lumia 505, Sansa Clip+, Creative Zen Mozaic
Fucking THIS. Tech would be so much better if Bill Gates had let Applel fucking rot.
Fuck off toddler
I've got a 10 year old dumb phone that's still in excellent shape that I still use, but it irks me that some of the old features are unusable nowadays. One of my keys is mapped to open IM clients but those services are discontinued (Windows Live and soon AIM). There's no option for me to change the program associated with the key.
Jonathan Ive singlehandedly created the most aesthetically pleasing devices of the 00s
>Not posting this beauty
Unironically, very aesthetic phone. It was the thinnest mobile phone available at one point. Seems like a lifetime ago now.
That gives me a melancholic feel.
Another forgotten beauty
If they made a smartphone that looked like this but slightly thinner, I'd buy it in a second
I love that kind of music player interface
I miss it
>that feel when AT&T axing 2G killed off my Treo 650
It's not fair bros, it worked perfect for my daily driver.
Looks like a washing machine.
t. Millenial
It's beuaitful and feels great in hand. Feels good to answer a call on it
That was my first phone. I got it back in either late 07 or early 08.
I have a w200. They were a big deal at the time becasue DUDE MP3 ON A PHONE LMAO
>yes, yes, but the technological progress is UNSTOPPABLE
And it's got a name: COURAGE
Everything after Zune 1 was better than iPod in every fucking capacity. Brand loyalty is a hell of a drug.
Truly the pinnacle of design.
>glossy plastic became popular
>darker than my soul themes
>$COLOR + Black for revolutionary design
>deviantart-tier design choices
The 00s was where it all went downhill. Only conservative brands looked good in these years but they eventually succumbed to the memery. The 00's weren't aesthetically pleasing at all, you just have some oddly coloured glasses.
Because today every single device HAS to look like an iPhone or a Macbook Pro. If a new device doesn't copy Apple, the press tears it apart for being ugly and outdated.
Is Sony the king of design?
Unlike Applel, Sony makes actual well designed products, in both terms of aesthetics and usability.
>and their design book is only 50€
You're fucking retarded and totally missing the guys point. kys nigger
>"per capita" is just bullshit smoke and mirrors to distract everyone away from the reality that there are far more white people collecting government handouts than Blacks
Maybe because there are more whites you retard? Like 65% compared to 15%? Raw numbers don't mean shit, its all about per capita.
No they don't they only tell you who is the most populous in the nation. Per capita though tells you the actual breakdown relative to their overall population. Literally a 5 year old can get this nigger. You're retarded
Koreans can learn from that book. Or start employing german designers like KIA.
Koreans only transitioned into the modern era around 60 years ago, straight from Renaissance era Europe tier culture and tech. They're still learning. Very slowly, but they are.
because technology always reaches its peak design before obsolescence. These phones are now bottom tier budget models and so there is no value in investing in further design breakthroughs.
Manufacturers weren't afraid to make interesting design choices, instead of just copying whatever Apple does like they do now.
The last gasps of an industry reaching maturity.
Normaltards don't give a shit and tech """enthusiast""" brainlets think putting effort and design into a product is for applel hipsters and will trade it all for $50 off the price tag and an extra 5 FPS in their gamez.
Phones and computers are just appliances now.
i miss using my 5310
still using my zune 120 last gen since the day it was released
What years does the design book cover?
I've always been a sonyfag. I can't get enough of how great their products look compared to Korean or American brands of the same products.
Oh shit I used to have one of those, it was complete fucking garbage even for its day
The plenue D is pretty good, it's got the best battery life out of anything I own and it's only around $200
>Not posting the infinitely superior 5.5g video
>not posting the video-meme free, gloriously monochrome, dock-connector originating, completely uniquely designed iPod 3
I use mine daily still.
Damn that's cool.
I'm still using my video, probably why I'm so partial to it.
Mah nigger
The only thing I wish that M300 had would be a better camera, that's really it. I do have an LG Lotus LX600 in storage that I'm debating on using. I fuckin love that phone. Full keyboard, 2MP camera, mp3 player, mp4 video playback, etc AND it's a fuckin flip phone. I'm just too lazy to go to my storage unit and find the box I packed it in.
I don't miss having a shitty GPS
As an owner, the UI is horrendous
Oh I had one of those. They were pretty shittily designed since who wants a folding thing with no purpose but it did the job.