So what happened?
So what happened?
Won popular vote didn't win electoral college
>So what happened?
But still werks just fine.
i'm not a furry but i'd smash
desu as cute/fuckable as she is it's a clusterfuck of the design with all the flat-shaded polygonal elements
Libbie is way too spiky and similar to krita's mascot. Tyson Tan really only knows how to draw one kind of character, typical of most porn artists.
What I think happened is that someone objected to tyson tan getting their character nominated because he has a habit of posting trap versions of krita's mascot on his tumblr and some free spirit genderqueer found it offensive to them.
So, can we still use it as 3rd party?
>Tyson Tan
>porn artist
this meme needs to end right here right now
Rigged by SJWs
what is this then?
They were fucking awesome, and thus, not minimalistic enough.
>what is this then?
safe to post on blue boards?
>what is this then?
THere are "Mascots" what passed to semifinals (Article:
This is a fucking joke?
5 of them are literally fucking logos.
Penguin is a fucking plagiat(just changed color version of
Rest are fucking 5 years old drawings... what i say, i seen 5 years old kids able to draw better than that.
Seriously where is libbie and libre chan? They were the only mascots with some good stuff.
Kiki fits krita because they needed mascot to express software made for creative people
Libre office needs its mascot to express professionalism and freedom, a bird would fit imo, we dont need furfaggotry everywhere
Who the fuck actually uses libreoffice?
It's so shitty and painful to use that I literally go out of my way to use google docs.
It might have a reduced featureset but it's easy to use.
Libreoffice doesn't deserve a nice mascot.
>a bird would fit imo
Go fucking die.
But well all bird "Mascots" are mostly logos or bad quality kid drawings
Daily reminder that the best mascot was discarded in the preliminary round because they were trying to rig the vote for the other one.
fucking SJWs ruining everything again
>with all the flat-shaded polygonal elements
But that's what made it good. Flat shaded polygons are easily converted to a vector graphic and presto you no longer have to give a shit about your logo scaling poorly in different sizes.
>FOSS chose furries all the time
>this is fucken the best one
>tfw we will end up with a fucken penguin
Penguin stolen from stock photos.
Fuck them for dumping Libbie and birb
>Sup Forums somehow manages to work "muh ess jay dubbyas" into a mascot selection
Never fail to amaze, anons.
Open office is better.
Open office is literally dead
To be completly honest it's ironic that the only 2 Chars that we loved where the only ones to respect the rules.
All other logos break the rules and clauses defined by contest and even then just because we backed up the ones we liked and had the popular vote they got removed.
I'm guessing Libre and Open Office projects are dead.
Why fix what ain't broke
Where is the one where she sits on a photocopying machine?
Because the world is constantly changing so software are always slowly become bad without updates, even if they were good before. Security holes, unsupported new filetypes and standards etc.
Say it out loud user
Do it
_ ____ __ ____ _____!
that one violated the basic principle.
>edit a logo he did not own
>no attribution
I want to fuck that triangle.
I want to fUUUAAAAAACK Libbie!
I want to see Libbie's bobs and lasagna.
I happened
I want to fuck polygons?
Yes anons.
The sooner you accept it,the more time you will have more time for the funtimes
Contest was rigged. I posted a comment on the blog post asking if they would release the numbers from the vote and the comment was deleted and I was banned from commenting.
It's not art. There's no flowerpot.
I'm insulted that you are actually implying I didn't come to this conclusion years ago.
Please do tell me that these are the chosen ones! They're adorable!
Except it is broken.
>a bird would fit imo
this guy was rejected before the first round
This should be Sup Forums's mascot
Not minimalistic enough.
I like more this style than the polygonal Libbie
I used the (at the time) latest version of OpenOffice to make a multilevel list for a group assignment. When I reopened the document, all of the formatting had disappeared, including line breaks. I had to remake the whole thing in Google Docs just to be sure the formatting wouldn't disappear when I exported it as a PDF. OpenOffice is definitely broken.
I want to fuck the bird.
>copy machine
Where/how can I find porn of her?
I dunno but I'm gonna masturbate to it
What happened?
A bunch of perverts voted for furry art as a joke.
Those aren't icons.
they can be you nofunz'
>doesn't like logo
>project is dead
ok user
Shrink one to 16x16 or even 24x24. So, in addition to the fact that they are unabashed furry porn, they are also completely unusable.
I want to fuck libbie
>Best mascot
>Can't vote for it
They're not supposed to be icons, they're supposed to be mascots. None of them would look decent in 16x16.
Furfags should be burnt to the ground without remorse. They are degenereate reprobates and can't be loved.
The vote was RIGGED.
Why does every fucking open source shitfest need some fucking animal mascot? Is it so retarded art majors can contribute to the projects?
Literally fuck off
we humans are superior to animals user,that means we have the right to do ANYTHING with them
That's pretty cute.
You do know that all open source projects that have an animal mascot had said mascot drawn by the same furfag right?
Including the one in the OP
But she is so cute i wanna headpat and cuddle her.
I want to cuddle kiki to.
what, you want real people as mascot?
Someone has summon lewd drawfag spell? .
The "Comunity" is dead.
Ence forth the project has died.
Doesn't mean the program doesn't work.
This guy is winning by 24 likes, I want to hang myself now.
All according to keikaku
Cant wait how libre office will be sued if they use this penguin
Drawfag reporting. You guys want some rule34 of this? suggest ideas
I'm into it, anything
Libbie should be Vim's mascot.
I suggest the intellectual's fetish: diapers.
with herself on a copy machine?
Yes, but do normal porn, no futa or scat trash
And definitely not this
Libbie getting gangraped by the other mascots
Or Libbie and Kiki fighting over user's dick
Or anything involving dark theme Libbie
Classic blowjob.
>too smart to poo in the loo
>not liking diapers
>not wanting qtπs to look even more thicc
Are you fucking gay or something?
Dont waste drawfag for fetish for few degenerates.
First libbie's rule 34 shoupd be appealing for most people Stuff like missionary or blowjob will be the best.
Unlike you, most people don't find shit eating arousing.
A simple nude.