
Thoughts? Is it a con or actually a safer alternative to Google, Micro$oft, etc?


I only ask because I'm trying to switch to alternative sources for search, email, OS, etc. I know DuckDuckGo is a popular "privacy focused" search engine for example, but it was discovered that the owner previously ran a very privacy intrusive site.

I'm wondering if this has anything similarly shady about it.

use it for over a year now and it's great so far.

Yes. Don't use leftwing services. Stick to /our guy/ Vincent Canfield

google and microsoft emails are just as 'secure' as any other email provider on earth.
if you use encryption ON YOUR END with every mail, it doesnt matter what provider you use.
same goes with dropbox/google drive etc. encrypt it before sending it to their servers and it doesnt matter who you use. its all the same shit

you are forgetting the part where they sell your email contents to 3rd parties for money,

Yeah nice guys, still can't release android version without GCM dependency. Really makes you think.

If your email doesn't have cock i feel bad for you son.


They can't read your contents if they're encrypted.

Did you even read his post?

Safer in the sense that it probably respects your privacy (unless the Mossad rumours going around a year ago were true) but only having 500mb for free and no IMAP is an absolute joke and inexcusable.

I'm going to say no, because your emails get sent as plaintext unless you explicitly encrypt them yourself. There is literally no reason to believe they are any different than Gmail etc, and that goes for most things under the guise of 'privacy focused'.

Just use pic related

I only use them because hosted in Switzerland and therefore not liable to gag orders.

I'm assuming you mean PGP. You're not wrong, but you're not being realistic either. Hardly anyone uses it.

There's still value in having an email provider that allows encryption of your actual inbox that only you have the key for.

t. someone with no idea what he's talking about

I wouldn't trust them as far as actual privacy, but as an email service its pretty nice.

Safer... no.

This. The world just needs to fucking move away from email. But it probably never will.

Hey did you know that protonmail routes all traffic through Mossad servers?

Doesn't matter, it's encrypted.

Proton Mail is a good, secure, reliable email provider. Your email is stored encrypted on disk, sent end-to-end encrypted from your device to them, and sent end-to-end encrypted to the recipient's server. Naturally if you want to encrypt the actual contents of the email you can do so, like anywhere else, just make sure the recipient knows how to decrypt it (lol).
Proton Mail can't read your mail because they don't have the encryption key, you do. That's what the javascript is about.
Proton Mail doesn't provide imap/pop access to free users, just the web interface. That's about the only drawback I know of.
They kicked out some asshole Neo-Nazi fuckheads who were being dicks elsewhere and posted their account names, so that's all that was about.
Btw, some of the posters in this thread seem to not know their ass from a hole in the ground.
Tutanota is another good alternative email provider.

I'm not sure exactly how secure protonmail is, but its a hell of a lot better than my isp email which doesn't use any sort of encryption, or security beyond the password, at all. And they have less of a motive to sell your info than google at least.

They serve you then means to encrypt/decrypt the service, they fucking own you.
You might trust they won't break your privacy, but the fact they advertise that they can't read your email, is proof enough that their already deceiving you.

Don't be a faggot and use pgp.

used for a month already. seems good but they ask money to toggle off the automatic sign when you write a new mail (something on the lines of 'sent with protonmail')