Discrimination at work in the tech field

Did someone here happen to witness some forms of discrimination while at work ? Either gender based or race based. Be honest

What a cute girl.

white guy here, I teach pajeets and mohammuds. They are lazy as fuck and just expect me to do the heavy lifting.

their code is unreadable php tier shit , i hope they all die.

Are you joking

People don't like girls (male) in the tech field where I live in.
Wish I moved to USA or Canada.

You can't discriminate against women or niggers if there are no women or niggers around

Love my country

Which country are you from


Sup Forums refuses to treat me as a little girl >_

What a beautiful boy.

im 23 and never worked before

Yeah, the chink and the spic keep making racist jokes at each other but they seem to like it. But we can't have this in the workplace!

People say sexist things to the girl dev at work from time to time. Not one cares. I talk about right wing politics a lot. No one cares

I've had more than one recruiter straight-up tell me that my ethnic-sounding last name was the primary/only reason he or she picked up my resumé.

Among those recruiters, one was pleasantly surprised by "how light [I] was."

Being a mulatto is better than being white tbdesu.

>pic unrelated

my favourite so far was working in a school board building in my city on a warm day. Black chick turns a corner to her office, sees me, a white boy, and makes a comment about “smells like fkn wet dog”

Needless to say, i dream to this day of putting a rock throughher eye socket.

I've never been discriminated at work, no matter how hard the feminists try push the meme (woman here). Sure there's a few bad jokes thrown around, but that's just that: a bad joke, not harassment rape, and my coworkers treat each other just the same.

I'm sure if I'd cry about discrimination every other minute, my coworkers would start to abandon me. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. But by proving that I'm not completely nuts my coworkers accepted me. In fact, I'm quite fed up that I have to prove to be a human being contrary to the stereotype the "feminists" have created. Thanks for nothing, you're reversing all the progress we've made.

Can you tell us more about these feminists where you work?

This kind of talk makes it sound like there is a glut of such unreasonable people. But nobody seems to actually encounter them in their actual jobs or when they occasionally do, they are marginalized as nuisances and don't really actually affect anything. It reminds me of the mexicans taking my job or the muslims trying to implement sharia law or the gays trying to convert my children. They generate real fear and outrage even though they don't exist in a way that represents a genuine threat to anything.

So I'm asking for more detail about the people you're talking about, please.

>Be me
>Be female
>Apply for jobs
>Employer constantly talks about diversity or liberal signaling
>Just nod and go along with it because I need work
>Get told how great it is I am in my niche since it's even more male than regular CS
>Just want to program and stumble through some progressive signaling to show I'm a good fit for their culture
>Employer talks about pay and how the system they have set up is better for me because I am female and women are bad at negotiations
>Shocked someone would say this in an interview but just nod along since I want the job
>Employees start complaining about Trump to me in the middle of the interview
>Just want to program and have money for instant noodles
>Get offer
>Stuck in an awkward place where I don't think they care at all about my ability to do the job.
>Take job because it's one of the best places in my industry

People complain about sexism in tech and I agree it's there, but on the non executive positions it's coming from the other end of the spectrum.

No... but I was a job fair I remember talking to a recruiter with this one girl. My gpa was higher and my project were more impressive, but she gave the girl a business card and talked to her more... Maybe because I am slightly autistic and 230 pounds back then... but still. That hurts me every night.

definitely ur weight, fat people look lazy and disgusting no matter what credentials you have (unless you are actually renown for something)

so did you lose weight?

yeah, but it still hurts T_T
Yeah, I got down to 190 when I got a job and time, but my weight is slowly going back to 200...

don't give up!!