I am TIRED of Makefiles

Is there any sane, easy alternative? Like rust's cargo? Not shilling rust, just soooooooooooooooo T I R E D of makefiles and cmake and automake and all their overcomplicated nutbaggery.

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The Windows Installer package lololol


no memes please. The pain is 2much. Any real suggestions out there?

Scala's sbt is nice. It's not for C though.

Cmake or scons is about as good as it gets.

That's almost worse than make. In fact it uses make in its own autistic environment

Haha. Welcome to big boys's club, OP.
C++ is going to have modules soon, but it will never be able to implement a standard package manager.

This will be the doom of C++ in the future. So now your choices are:
1. Show middle finger to yourself and use qmake
2. Embrace build2 or Rust or D or even Nim, FFI to C++.

makefile, more like breakfile


Its not even close to being as annoying and obscure as using just autotools, though, which is an advantage.

Anyhow sbt is basically the only real beauty, sorry.

did you look into meson? since systemd switched i’ve found the build process to be much faster


>Depending on python just to compile muh C++

IMO almost the same as cmake, but less developed / widespread.


what's mk?

use a real programming language like go.

go build [project name]

is all you need

> real programming language


I just recompile everything evertime. It's really fast in c for small/medium project.

this ain't reddit

scons, ninja


>hating on Make

Fucking nu-male hipster cunts. Make is love, make is life.

### Functions ###
range = $(if $(filter $1,$(lastword $3)),$3,$(call range,$1,$2,$3 $(words $3)))
make_range = $(foreach i,$(call range,$1),$(call range,$2))
equal = $(if $(filter-out $1,$2),,$1)

### Variables ###
limit := 101
numbers := $(wordlist 2,$(limit),$(call range,$(limit)))

threes := $(wordlist 2,$(limit),$(call make_range,$(limit),2))
fives := $(wordlist 2,$(limit),$(call make_range,$(limit),4))

fizzbuzz := $(foreach v,$(numbers),\
$(if $(and $(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(threes))),$(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(fives)))),FizzBuzz,\
$(if $(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(threes))),Fizz,\
$(if $(call equal,0,$(word $(v),$(fives))),Buzz,$(v)))))

### Target ###
.PHONY: all
all: ; $(info $(fizzbuzz))

no rms u r lub, u r lie

shut up bob

Absolutely disgusting

I use a Makefile template I found a decade ago whenever I have to write C

post template PLEASE

>I have to write C
This means that he doesn't write C often


>using loonix

thanks for enlightening this thread.

there's Grift for Go