Scrolling main page of normiebook

>scrolling main page of normiebook
>see something posted by a friend
>printscreen it (on laptop) to send to another friend
>twenty minutes later out of nowhere get a notification to my phone from normiebook
>"[person who's shit you just printscreened] has updated their status"
>never ever usually get shit like this

Why is the botnet so blatantly obvious?

I wonder if her mouth ever dries out. It appears to never fucking fully close.

do people still share status updates over kikebook?

it's called facebook

>being this new

You're not funny.

i want my hand where her hand is :^)

She is lesbian as fuck anyway.


on the couch?

I love a challenge.


I can heal her.

Lesbians switch sides quite frequently.

How does it work? Does it detect when you press the print screen key? I can't think of any other way. Also, can anyone confirm?

most cancerous thread on Sup Forums rn, good job.

for (You)

>falling for the bait

That's a cute boy

And pray away the gay Bible camps work too.

"S"he probably guzzles cum all day to compensate.

If they are structured well, few are except for cults, for women they do indeed work. Women much more than men are playthings of their surroundings.

A minority of 20ish girls who identify as lesbians still do so after 10 years, at best they are bisexual ... often just married to a man. Like Anne Heche.