Since Windows Phone is dead, Continuum is not on the table anymore

Since Windows Phone is dead, Continuum is not on the table anymore.

I find this really sad, I was getting hyped to the idea of having a Windows computer-phone.
How long until we get that kind of technology mainstreamed? Since Windows won't do it and Apple are such jews they'd rather have you buy more different devices, they wont either.

Do you see Android do it at some point? With the coming of USB C, I guess the port will also be used to connect to a monitor. And from that we'll be able to open a remote control and work or something.

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Bump for interest.


That's the future I'd like to see. I'd could ditch my laptop entirely then.

The entire point of the Ubuntu phone was to allow this functionality. Along the way Canonical realized that the Linux community has too much autism to respect user space and GTK fucking breaks API every release making the project impossible.

samsung's working on it.

MS would rather focus on their surfaces

Eh, It would’ve been good for normie tasks but I like actually having decent hardware and having mass storage so I’m not reliant on “the cloud”

>samsung's working on it.
Got a source on that? So we'd have an Android OS on monitor, a bit like tablets?

For work and stuff, I think I would use it to replace a laptop, especially if remote control works well.

Already exists. Works pretty well.

>Samsung DeX
>only works with S8, S8+
>costs 150 USD
>only one monitor
>not over 1920*1080

I-It's a start, I guess.

Chances are these will support Continuum whenever they get around to releasing it.


works with note8 also

would probably work with any android phone with typeC connection (and the right rom)

rumors are that DeX 2 will have dual monitor output, but don't hold your breath

the gigaport is nice though

Samsung dex

Using convergence right now to post this AMA


Because it is pointless to have a bulky computer at your desk when you can do everything from your pocket with the same power, if you have the right tools. And if you need power you can connect to your desktop anyway

In retrospect I believe this is what computers will look like in 10 years

maybe but i would hate to have to undock my phone whenever i step away from the computer or possibly miss messages and phone calls

maybe the phablet becomes the laptop and the watch becomes the phone? still, having two separate computing devices seems like a net positive convenience

It's not the same but KDE connect is almost like that. I wanted to try it but I am using Xfce and fuck KDE dependencies.

How do I install this on my Nexus 5x?

Microsoft didn't stoped with x86 on ARM continuum however those Kind of devices won't be available for consumers only for businesses

It won't catch on until you can do it all wireless.
Eg, shit down at a desk, monitor and keyboard automatically gets connected, you don't even need to take your phone out of your pocket.
Then I think it might be good.
otherwise, it is just a slow computer you have to do a ton of shit to get up and running.

>with typeC connection (and the right rom)
Assuming the type C port is wired up to support it (spoiler: on most phones it's just a simple USB 2.0 port), there's more to that than just software support.

In a world where desktop CPUs are finally breaking it if the quad core doldrums and a workflow comprising a modern web browser and a suite of productivity apps bumps against 8gb if RAM, you all want me to resort to computing on a fucking phone? Why not just suggest a 1ghz Pentium 3? Cuz that's about the level you're talking about here. Yeah. Fucking. Right. Get real people.

You can do it full wireless already, in fact, the hp elite does it like that, Ubuntu can also cast over miracast

That is the ultimate flaw of trying to direct a Linux project in that direction. The dozen other projects you rely on might do something stupid and render anything you do moot. It's the inherent flaw of FOSS. It's not practical to fork and maintain your own version of every single little dependency you need and it's not assured that the people maintaining them will continue to do so in a fashion that works for you.

You should be using qt anyway