...and the home of the braaaavveeeee

>...and the home of the braaaavveeeee

can you stop reposting this ?
Nobody uses MySQL in a professional environment, this shit is fake

>not using VPN 24/7 to avoid the fucko

VCAT is Australian

>head of HR
>$50 bucks
>$100 bucks
kek they must be dreaming

They can't be that bright if they had to waste 6 man hours to figure out someone was bluffing about Erlang. Would just trash this and move on


Wait what, we do that for one of our customers. MySQL, MongoDB and DB2

they couldn't get a startup going to their big idea was to sue everyone they interview

great idea


>as a matter of principle
Thats what someone says when they want to justify being an asshat.

Good business idea, bit of a scam but then what isnt a scam these days.

i know these people on CL that charge $100 for a "job interview" that they claim is guaranteed by them but they end up just giving you a list of employers and tell you 'yeah now just go here and they will hire you'

everything is a scam and really you don't have to pay anyone anything in life. like you can go buy a car and never pay for it and they can't do shit to you.

>2 hours

Can you really get sued for lying on a resume?

>wagie has to go out there again on monday, risking his money to get a job he doesn't even want
>meanwhile us neets with autismbux enjoy an eternal weekend
Feels good man

>Start tech company
>appoint my self owner, head of HR, and head developer
>put out the call for open positions
>tell everyone I interview that they were obsviously being fraudulent on their resume
>charge them for time taken during interview

sounds like a pretty sustainable business plan desu

>hur dur 'what does allotted mean'

We already had this thread a couple of days ago and if I recall correctly it is completely illegal for someone to charge you for an interview.

>Nobody uses MySQL in a professional environment, this shit is fake

CS students, everyone.

This is actually great. Fuck incompetent retards who lie on CVs and take away interview opportunities from those actually qualified.

brah I'd fucking name and shame

>look mom I posted it again

>$55 per hour
>$50 per hour
>$100 per hour
thats a expensive blowjob

>to waste 6 man hours to figure out
user, when you'll grow up and hopefully stop being this stupid, you'll realize there exists a thing called "schedule" and even if pre-planned 2 hours ended up being 15 minutes in reality - it doesn't mean that the remaining 1h 45m can be put to use as they are completely out of the schedule. This especially applicable to HR.

yes it looks like robert half technology layout

I wish it was true and applied to everyone who lies on skill and experience.

most jobs ask for a ton of experience and just get the employee closest to that, doesnt have to actually have all of it, thats what the "eager to learn" shit is for
If this were legal, literally anyone could interview a shit ton of people, get a bunch and make the rest pay

eh but eager to learn is not lying..
thats a big difference looks like this guy lied all the way saying he was a "experience engineer"

dont forget that the only people that would pay would be straight white people, as noone wants to have to make a diversity person get on the headlines about them
In turn, white males will be afraid to apply for jobs and the entire sector will be flooded by pajeets

lmao wtf?

actually are the pajeets who lie about experience and skills

yeah this one is probably a retard, im pointing out how what you said could easily be exploited tho

yeah i understand but what i say heaps of people plain lie on the resume about experience and skills.. they prob get blacklisted if caught but still
i literally know people got 100k jobs but bullshitting on resume..

someone got network engineer job just few months ago saying he was one when he only worked cash in had in a training company

Except destroy your life by fucking your credit...yeah

i am not lying another one got a network engineer offer saying he was one at the same training company.. he was actually a pizza maker to pay for his CCNP course.

although a lot of it has been censored out i doubt there is enough detail there to constitute a legal tax invoice. for example there is no reference to how much GST there is.

So either the company is completely retarded (given the tone of the letter that's not surprising) and will instantly get thrown out of VCAT for trying to issue an illegal tax invoice or...it's fake

worst thing I did was paying someone found on linkedin expert on red hat and help me during a phone interview with amazon (amazon data center)
i studied basics red hat for the on site interview and got the job.
I fucked up a lot of things about red hat during the face to face interview but i was good on networking and server infrastructure

also this isn't really suing per se. VCAT/QCAT etc exists in australia as a very simple court that works in plain english for normal people to basically filter out fucking retarded cases like this that clog up real courts.

for example if your neighbour is pissing you off instead of going full land of the free and suing them for 10 million dollars you go to QCAT and the judge tells you to fucking relax and your neighbour to stop being a dick and be on your way in a few hours.



>answer emails
>write proposals
>check up on projects
>work on schedule
>etc, etc


>answer emails
>write proposals
>check up on projects
That's not work, user.
>work on schedule
You can't - your schedule is already fucked up You have a meeting coming in a hour and a half and you can't start it immediately.

Had you ever worked in your entire life?

>became immediately obvious
>still waste 6 man hours interviewing


This is from Australia. VCAT is the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

>Pajeet thinks coordination and communication isn't work
>Pajeet is stuck in his dead end code monkey job and wonders why

>learn erlang
>take them to the court
>get job
>fire the fuck for fake allegations

>Nobody uses MySQL in a professional environment

Those are pretty low hourly rates anyway.

To whom it may concern,

There was no agreement made prior to the interview to pay the aforementioned sum of money should the interview not turn out to your liking. Therefore, no amount of money is owed. Go ahead and take this to whichever government office you wish. It will ultimately fail because you cannot show contractual evidence of money owed, and courts don't tend to consider "time wasted" as a form of damages.

I wish.
If that was true, I could use window functions and CTEs.

Kek, probably some recuiter trying to scam you

not really, for a variety of reasons

but you're likely a scared neet with no dl so w/e

Lol I would send them a pictures of my hairy balls and tell them to suck them.

Those rates are pathetic.

I am a mechanical engineer and my chargeout is $200ph. My boss is $285ph. And he ain’t the owner.

They have no legal right to charge you any money. You signed no agreement that would imply such. Toss right into the trash bin.

OP should needs to jump off a bridge.

Not to mention, it's illegal to charge people for interviews in the US.

So let me get this straight.. You got billed for being rejected? This is a whole new level of late stage capitalism not yet seen before. Pretty soon we will have to buy jobs.

> (owner)

OP should send back an invoice for his time spent. Because he owns himself, he should charge at least $150/h.

Kinda do for school and university

If it wasn't mentioned that unqualified candidates would have to pay a fee then this is a crock of shit in any country.

You cannot force someone into any kind of contact or agreement without first obtaining consent and fully disclosing terms and conditions.

This threat isn't worth the paper it's written on. They don't even disclose a cause of action.

If you tried bringing this to VCAT, they'd tell you to piss off.

t. Solicitor qualified to practice in Victoria, Australia

we all know rebekah is less worth than a man, so lets be generous with 80%
failed 1/4
immediately obvious, lets be generous again and count 30 minutes
but really, this should have been a 2 man job max

"please check your balance and notify me when the 15.42 monies have arrived"
>dont send money
>maybe ask for travel expenses
>bill 2 hours as independent contractor

damn kangaroos

>charged for interview

We get it user, you're trying to low-key get revenge on the company by circumventing the NYPA protocol, but hoping to enrage and drop enough breadcrumbs that shit happens organically
We know it's an Australian company
We know the owner's name
We know they recently advertised for a position involving fucking Erlang
It's a nice try user, but your mistake was this - nobody cares.

Less of a scam than most ICOs desu

This picture has been posted about six times and every time it gets grainier and shittier. I expect this shit on Sup Forums but I would have thought Sup Forums somehow would be capable of not turning images into pic related.

doy everyone uses csvs for storing information. i do a quick little caesar shift for security :^)

this is fake tho