X or 8?

X or 8?
Which one should I get?

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Get the 8 desu

X has a lot of problems with its screen, plus that notch isn't good

If you want a solid phone, the 8.
If you want the next gen get the X, but you'll have to wait until its fully optimized (like the notch, gestures, etc.)

>am i poorfag or not?


>takes loan every year for hix next iFad
>w-we RICH now!
even if I had all the money in the world I still wouldn't buy that fashion parody of a phone

But note8.

If you could afford it, you wouldn't be asking this question.

Literally any nigger on welfare can get the iPhone X.

OP, go for an actually respected brand if you don't want to be associated with lower class filth.

The X is a 1st Gen product, so I say avoid it for now. The X1, or whatever they plan on naming it, will be vastly improved and put the X to shame.

who have any respect for a current phone manufacturer?
They are all trash, making the pricepoint higher doesn't change that they are cheap filth.
Oh and all mobile devs are shit too.
When a programmer gets mentally damaged from a car crash, they become webdevs.
If it happens again, they become mobile devs.
Both phone hardware and software were better a decade ago and they were pretty shit back then.

ideally neither, but if you have to choose. I'd go with the 8. FaceID is a gimmick.

>using LG's shitty pooOLED panels
>will be better than 1st gen X in any way

So if I were to get an iPhone 8.
Should I go for the small version or the plus size?

small is objectively superior.

in my opinion the X have nothing to offer except for the screen and different design
the 8 is pretty good

Isn't the plus in terms of spec superior?
e.g. better camera, 1080p display, battery life

samefagging soy boys

If you can't afford the X, you shouldn't be buying the 8 either

1080p doesnt matter if the dpi stays the same.
but i guess battery life/camera are better

good one poorfag


How much soy do you drink every day? Did you already develop breasts soy boys?

X if you can afford it. I had to settle with 7 Plus because I'm poor.

Does that mean you buy powdered soylent and mix it with tap water?


That font rendering is ass

thank you

Samsung is calling it 9, not X. I wouldn't bother waiting for it though, go ahead and get the Galaxy S 8. Thank me later.

Yeah it is. Nigga needs to get on a higher level

Wondering the same. I don't care about the price difference but on the one hand you get the iPhone 8 which just works perfect. It has that same aproved design as the last ones with the best technologies and improvements. It probably lasts for years without any problems.

On the other hand the X. Modern, nice display, OLED, better looking, better size, face ID. But it's the first model of it's kind. It might have some problems(?) that are going to be fixed within the next generation of X.

Even if I could afford it paying 1000 dollars for a phone seems freaking ridiculous and I'd rather be more efficient with my purchase decisions.

The X is the first gen of the next generation of IPhones, I never recommend getting into tech the first gen as its problems will often be fixed in the next version.
You already have the tried and tested design of the 8 and it works well.
So the 8.

>Imagine being so insecure that you go to Sup Forums and call other people "Soy boys"
I'd rip you with my cock little man.

I really can't get into Android. The UI, usability, etc. is just worse than apple. You can really imagine a group of Indian programmers making the "design" in their small Indian office.

However, I'm worried of buying the X. If the next X generation comes out without that black thing on the top, all the first X owners get laughed at. Also no more support from apps, etc.

So I might go with 8

The iPhone SE is the only good iPhone right now.

Aids desu

ITT: soy boys

spoken like a true soy boy

>Thinking that plant based phyto-estrogen has the same effect as animal based estrogen

No user, you seem confused, go to bed


Don't you have some vegan gluten-free organic all natural non-gmo antifa rally to be at?

lmao, so you don't deny being a soy boy?