I fucked up. I tried to make 777 all directories in a directory and I did

I fucked up. I tried to make 777 all directories in a directory and I did

sudo chmod -R 777 /

Now sudo doesnt even work, shit doesnt load correctly

Is there any option besides reinstalling?
Debian on a raspberry pi 3

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try turning it off and on

yeah, that didn't work

Install gentoo

You just gave everyone and everything root.
You mother fucking idiot.

Try control+z

I stopped after a few seconds, only a few things got the permission

le dank maymay 2018 master trolle xD

>I fucked up. I tried to make 777 all directories in a directory and I did
>sudo chmod -R 777 /
>Now sudo doesnt even work, shit doesnt load correctly
>Is there any option besides reinstalling?
>Debian on a raspberry pi 3
Reinstall rasping on a new card and copy permissions on the fresh install and manually put the permissions back on your old install.

Just copy the permission on a usb stick, right?


You fucked up and disabled all the suid flags. Your easiest way forward is to grab a tar of /etc and /home, then reinstall.

this should work:
chmod -R 755 /bin /boot /dev /etc/ /home /lib /lib64 \
/media /mnt /opt /run /sbin /srv /usr /var
chmod -R 777 /initrd.img /vmlinuz
chmod -R 1777 /tmp
chmod -R 555 /sys
chmod -R 555 /proc
chmod -R 700 /root

but you should probably reinstall anyway

>sudo chmod -R 777 /
Why the fuck did you do that?
Never use linux again

Doesn't fix suid flags for sudo and such. OP system is toast.

total 4
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 168 Oct 16 15:27 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 168 Oct 16 15:27 ..
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1760 Oct 4 15:47 bin
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 960 Oct 25 13:56 boot
drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4280 Nov 12 04:16 dev
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6136 Nov 12 04:16 etc
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 4096 May 10 2017 home
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3118 Oct 28 01:05 lib
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5210 Oct 28 01:05 lib64
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 58 May 10 2017 mnt
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Oct 16 15:27 mounts
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 May 10 2017 opt
dr-xr-xr-x 247 root root 0 Nov 11 03:04 proc
drwx------ 1 root root 648 Nov 11 02:11 root
drwxr-xr-x 35 root root 1060 Nov 12 04:16 run
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 5178 Nov 7 17:22 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 May 10 2017 selinux
drwxr-x--- 1 root root 166 Nov 12 02:12 .snapshots
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 34 Nov 11 02:00 srv
dr-xr-xr-x 13 root root 0 Nov 11 02:30 sys
drwxrwxrwt 1 root root 41396 Nov 12 11:08 tmp
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 130 Oct 4 15:42 usr
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 156 Oct 4 15:42 var

This is how your permissions should look

>entire system gets trashed because of one command, in a system where using commands is normal
So... this is the power of Linux...

Stay retarded freetards

Just like installing some executable can destroy Windows? Oh wait you don't even need to do that, just have it installed for over 8 months, it'll do it for you

with stupid people like OP it doesn't matter what os are you using

Linux bloats up too, you need to reinstall it over time

Keep dreaming.

Login as root first, so you don't need muh sudo.
Think twice before you do stupid shit.

Why wouldn't you just reinstall it's not hard- oh wait it's you. Nevermind

Why would I even care about permissions if I'm the only one using the system?
It just seems an useless complication to care about.
And why would stuff stop working when permission is given? Who codes this shit?

All OSes have permissions, they just hide it from you.

and they actually do a good job, unlike gnu/linux

>my os hides stuff from me and thats good

They're the exact same shit, user:group:world permissions and r/w/x

so this is the power of linux

>reinstalling to fix a problem

>sudo chmod -R 777 /
Is this the new sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root?

It might protect you from fuck ups and viruses
>It's the Systems fault that don't want to learn about it
>Show me the irrelevant data too

No, at least you'll still have your /home usable with this and not simply gone.

I know a guy who has been using ubuntu for 10 years now with a single reinstall (to switch from 32bit to 64bit)

goto loop

So this it he power of Windows

Must have no life just like you if he's using shitnix

So says the Rajeesh shitposting on Sup Forums.

If I see 'chmod' followed by numbers in a forum I immediately skip to the next answer.
Changing permissions is always the lazy solution.

If you need to run something as root JUST FUCKING USE SUDO.

If you need to execute as user, keep the executable in your home folder.

now type
chmod -R 000 /

rm -rf /

Well he has at least one friend, unlike you

Then change it back.

just install gentoo

Not the same way.
The way linux bloats up is when you use a library that you retrieve over svn and checkout a bunch of revisions just to compile them all without doing any cleanup.
Downloading the same files over and over again.
installing more and more packages without removing anything.
I mean it takes a lot more work to even get to the same size as windows.
On the other hand, making a functional windows system small is a lot more work.

Just reinstall and never do stupid shit like that again.

>I stopped after a few seconds, only a few things got the permission
you already fucked up bin, boot, and etc
you are totally fucked unless you have a backup.

Your /home is on a different partition right? Then who cares, just backup whatever settings from /etc are important to you and reinstall.

what if i need some other user to have permissions on some folder, like many services which run as their own user do

>you will never fuck these staycies

why live guys?

This is absolutely false. I ran Ubuntu (not LTS) for something like 6 years, went to all versions and had a lot of packages installed (full dependencies for Gnome and KDE etc). It never felt laggy like Windows does when the registry gets huge.

Eventually I got some problem with the Nvidia driver I wasn't able to figure out, so I did a reinstall. I had home on a seperate drive. After reinstalling I just did a apt-get on a list of packages I needed and was back in action. Good luck doing something like that on Windows.

Loonix releases are so unstable that you need to use it for 6 years AHAHAHAH

>accidentally type crontab -r instead of crontab -e

Right thread for me:
I never understood why 777 on everything breaks the system. Everything can touch and write everything now but why doesn't it just work then anymore? I mean, my whole webserver runs everything as root 777 and I am even logged in into gnome3 with root because root is my only useracc on the system. It is just convenient to do everything I want without entering a password.
Same on windows. As long as you don't do crazy stuff like flash, java, running every javascript possible or something, there is literally nothing that has happened in the past 8 years.
Guess I just got lucky.

########### CRONTAB BACKUP ############
*/35 * * * * for i in "/mnt/Space/ConfigBackup/crontab" "/mnt/Software/ConfigBackup/crontab" "/mnt/Backup/ConfigBackup/crontab" "$HOME/ConfigBackup/crontab" ; do crontab -l > "$i" ; done
############### END ##################

>he doesn't have a crontab to backup his crontab on several drives

Maximum plebe

Better put in if condition that searches for a string in the file, before copying, if there's no string that will just overwrite your backups if your crontab gets deleted.

Or just change "do crontab -l > "$i" to do crontab -l >> $i

and it will keep the old crontabs without having to write scripts and having the crontab execute them.

hahahahahaha fucking idiot

> Is there any option besides reinstalling?
> why 777 on everything breaks the system
Because it's not 777, it's 0777 and some system utilities need a suid bit to work for everybody.

reboot with a live/rescue cd and fix your permissions retard
Although it will probably never work like it did before so might aswell reinstall

> No.
Yes but reinstallation is faster.
> suid bit to work for everybody
Some utils work from their own user and will refuse to work under root.

Not really, ive had an arch for 4 years and only had to update after some serious fuckery.

testing which software works for me, forgetting to uninstall the ones that didnt make the cut, AUR fuckery and testing all kinds of encryption (encrypted home with ecryptfs then ~/.private with encfs) and also manually fucking with your files like OP did and not reverting the changes.

Overall it was still stable but was getting slow (mostly the shitty encfs/ecryptfs encryption) and only had to reformat because i wanted to full disk encryption with luks.

And this is arch which is considered "unstable"

>not backing your crontab to your dotfiles which are synced to your github
get the fuck out pleb

>Linux bloats up too, you need to reinstall it over time
You obviously don't know shit. Linux is designed to be great for servers BECAUSE it does not bloat up or get slower over time. Many Linux machines have gone 20 years without any reinstalls or any problems.

> Many Linux machines have gone 20 years without any reinstalls
Just imagine how wide those security gapes are.

A lot of these machines just ran locally without access to the internet.

why live anyway if you just want to fuck Stacy?

you need to meet your unicorn, have her actually be attracted to you. Make a stupid move on her and blow it, then have her turn to feminism and watch her slowly destroy herself.

really that is the penultimate feel. having relative perfection dangled so close in front of you only for it to be snatched away.

also throw in losing your friends because they got better jobs than you. you're happy for them but they come back because of how hollow corporate shilling is, and it can never feel the same again as when you were sitting on the couch playing vidya and building PCs

only then can you know true sorrow

After you doing something that stupid you should just format and reinstall. Tar whatever you need first
You have to go out of your way to do something dumb like this. Throwing around recursive commands like that when you don't know what your doing is pretty dumb.

9/10 times I browse Sup Forums I end up jacking off.

The machines either runs locally or have continually had every securioty update so it's as secure as the machines at the NSA that also use Linux.

it would be easier to reinstall after doing that

protip: don't do any kind of recursive operation on / unless you really know what you're doing

My perfect oneitis converted to Judaism and moved to some shithole in Eastern Europe. Get to my level, pleb.

It's a pi, just reinstall.

"intuitive UX? what's that? just read man pages for every fucking command you attempt to use" - loonixfags

I'd like to see your "intuitive UX" change file permissions for a few thousand files without opening up a window a few thousand times(also since it's Windows opening up that many property windows is likely to cause a memory leak)

Windows just works without changing file permissions.

Was that just a general mental break? That's actually high level if you had to watch her mind be destroyed.

I just had to watch her cut off all her hair, dye it red, and get pretty fat. She dropped a lot of weight recently but her blog is still basically "fuck all men" on loop.

It also secure as swiss cheese, if you got more than 1 user, either local or remote(samba) you need proper file permissions.

I don't know what went wrong here. OP basically gave everyone permission to run every executable on that last 7. Can anyone tell us how that breaks the install to make it unusable?

User groups

0777 is not the same as 1777, 3777, 5777, or 7777

doesn't really matter for shit you have in /home, but / obviously needs sticky bit, suid, guid etc

NTFS' ACL is inheritable. set permissions on the super-folder of the thousand files and it will apply to everything down the path unless an opposing explicit permission is set

unless you mean a clusterfuck example where the files are scattered, in which case you still will not be worse off than on loonix by using some batch script

ACL is more secure than RWX groups and the file sharing wizard handles both network as well as FS permissions automatically for the user. it's only something like 4 clicks to create a network share