rate my code
Rate my code
i want to fuck her ass
if (tweeter.is_gamergater() || tweet.is_negative()) {
>= instead of ==
go back to your salad, karlie kloss
She forgot about her STD
Does it block herself?
It is a SJW transexual for christ sake.
>Doesnt actually block anything
>Just outputs "Block"
(gamergater is true if it belongs to the blocklist or if it talked to someone on the block list, or talked to someone that talked to someone on the blocked list or ...)
nah she's just
>using namespace std;
sorry for doggo it looked cute
>hur hur I type std:: before everything, look everyone I'm so smart hur hur
Reminder gamergate is the one who publicized SJW nonsense in the first place
t. codelet
The "t" does not mean "thank you"
>Tweeter is always equal to Gamergater
>Tweet is always equal to Negative
>second if statement can never be reached
>if it was valid, it would have a fall-through if neither if statement was true (are the else and if considered the same statement, or is the second if under the else?)
>shit style in general
0.5/10 kys
>inb4 name collisions
Why is the else indented like that?
because "she" is a incompetent whore
nice kode karlie
want to bring it to the whitehouse?
And that's how it killed it.
Shit was running under the hood, with the SJWs running this very tight script that allowed em to inject themselves everywhere.
Not an excuse. Plenty of competent code trannies. John Walker Flynt is just a fucking idiot.
How many of those trannies are also SJW?
daily reminder that "sHe" made this "game"
I doubt there's any c++ library that has a "cout" function outside the standard.
'=' is the assignment operator
'==' is the operator used for comparisons
two variables are being compared when it seems like the programmer wants to check if the variable Tweeter is a particular value (Eg. Something like Tweeter == "Gamergater")
No brackets
Another conditional is checked but the same output is used. These two conditionals should be merged into one conditional using an OR operator to avoid repeating code
Again two variables are being checked for equality when it seems like the programmer is attempting to check if the first variable fits into a particular category (such as checking if a number is prime). In this case instead of using a conditional there should be some function isNegative(tweet) that takes a tweet as an argument and returns true or false.
Probably a lot? Off the top of my head, search Micah Elizabeth Scott aka scanlime. Extremely SJW but quite impressive. Somehow going trans was a thing amongst programmers long before it hit broader society, so you may find the older ones are not SJW per se, that's more of a millennial phenomenon.
>revolution 60 isn't the pinnacle of gaming
Why does the first string end with a period, but the second one doesn't?
to differentiate the reason a user was blocked, brainlet.
cout isn't the only thing part of the standard library
what's worse is that she's just printing, and not actually calling a function to block the user
Anyone who has written less than a hundred thousand lines of code is just a beginner.
DAE missing semicolons? DAE significant whitespace? DAE curly brackets?
if penor in mouth;
bust load
put in pooper
because I swear she typed that out to be as infuriating as possible, i.e., bait. She became irrelevant as soon as she wasn't being harassed (or rather, being called out on her shit). She craves attention and loves playing the victim, like many women today.
Copied directly from the main function. Top line lost its indentation because it was copied starting at the i when the rest had their entire lines copied. Then the animal pasted it directly and didn't fix the extra tab in the bottom lines
oldfag here. what the fuck does the t actually mean? I never caught on to that shit
It's in her ass
>implying you wouldnt bang
Who is the better game developer? Brianna Wu or Evaxephon?
There's hardly a reason to be using cout all the time to where it becomes a noticeable pain to type std:: before each one. Unless you're trying to build a super 1337 helloworld.exe
is this a cringe thread?
If you start out your post identifying yourself as an "oldfag" and still don't know what the fuck the "t." is which is literally r*ddit tier shit, you're a newfag. Just accept the title, no need to go on the internet and tell lies to fit into a colombian thumb wrestling website.
rate my code
Well it's C++. You could overload the assignment operator to do comparison instead if you wanted to go full retard...