>GNU is only 8% of GNU/Linux, less than the kernel itself
>the amount of work spent on Linux is magnitudes higher than the amount spent on the entirety of the FSF and GNU
>most of GNU is absolutely not needed to have a functioning OS. it is mostly compiler, debugger etc.
>Richard Spergman insist on calling the OS GNU/Linux instead of just Linux or Linux/GNU
>His own philosophy allows copying and forking software without the need to name your stuff after it
Stop calling it GNU/Linux. It should be called Linux/GNU or Linux for short.
It should be Linux/GNU, or Linux for short
ACTUALLY, GNOME, GTK are GNU projects, linux is 9% but can't compete with the vast amount of gtk applications in the userland.
Sorry OP. It's still GNU/Linux.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>Gnome and GTK
So GNU only contributes trash, got it. KDE is superior and the only good GTK based DE is Xfce.
You can use Linux without GTK or Gnome, so Linux/GNU is still accurate.
To be honest, KDE is more buggy than most of the gtk DEs
I call it Linux to annoy autspergtards. I never use GNU in verbal conversation and I don't promote Linux because it's a server OS irrelevant to the desktop.
The only Linux fork worth anything to users is Android. I can't wait for Google to unleash it and slaughter all other desktop OS.
I would actually like to use more kde tools
E.g akonadi, pim, file manager with metadata etc
Lots of nice and good integration
But then at some point I figured out that kde was full of unnecessary shit and made tasks just more complicated eg torrenting. Transmission is the best general purpose torrent client. (There are clients better suited for specialized tasks but transmission "just twerks"™)
i'm running the latest KDE plasma, no bugs here at all. it's a really great and complete DE if you PC has the horsepower.
>I wrote GCC in a single night
Terry cuckolds utterly, eternally, thoroughly, completely, undoubtedly, publicly, metaphorically, literally, figuratively, instantly, universally BTFO.
terrys compiler doesn't even have an AST
All these are compiled with GCC.
You're forced to use an AMD GPU if you want no bugs.
Which means ~50% of users with the power to run KDE can't because of Nvidia KDE relations being shit.
Nvidia does run on KDE, just not KDE Wayland and it runs with bugs.
>can't edit ganoox source code on the fly
Love how the charts lists Gnome (short for GNU Network Object Model Environment) as separate from the GNU project.
I'll keep calling it GNU/Linux just to make spergs like OP angry.
>running on an REPL
Yeah but only in text form. You never actually utter "GNU/Linux" when talking to people.
Why not GNUX for short?
Gnu/linux is Not UniX
GNu + linUX
>Jews have a thing of making big simple lies and repeating them over and over
Why am I not surprised?
>Stallman has said that he is "an atheist of Jewish ancestry"[99] and often wears a button that reads "Impeach God".
Everything else about Stallman makes sense when you consider he's literally a kike.
What exactly did he mean by this?
why not Linux?
LInux/gNU's not uniX
I run Alpine Linux, my system is 100% GNU-free.
I hope the rest of the distros will successfully de-GNU their systems and adopt BusyBox and Clang.
Yesterday I suggested GLOS which is short for "GNU and Linux Operating System". It's hard to make an acronym that's easier to open than that. Also it's pronounceable.
you can use Linux without ANY of GNU's HARMFUL BLOAT.
Sup Forums lacks the basic reasoning skill to realise that one cannot be both Jewish and Atheistic simultaneously. They see it as "he bad coz Jew, and he also bad coz atheist. one bad plus one bad equals two bad. he double bad!" There's a reason nobody likes it when they stumble out of their containment board.
>inb4 "he's bad because he's the descendant of Jews, even if he doesn't practice"
If people inherit the crimes of their ancestors then there’s a good chance that you’re guilty of genocide/slavery. This goes for +90% of the world’s population.
Jewish Atheist here.
>that one cannot be both Jewish and Atheistic simultaneously.
Just like they cant be white and non white at the same time, right Schlomo?
Oh wait....
"GNU/Linux" should only be reserved for distributions that are an official part of the GNU project.
Yeah. Sup Forums suffers from an incredible amount of cognitive dissonance. The hypocrisy of the little faggots coming out of that board is astounding.
As I see it, gnu is more of a philosophy than a selection of tools.
Sort of like the kde vs plasma naming "debate".
Linux is mentioned when the technical differences matter.
I say gnu/linux when the ideology matters.
>b-but the politics doesn't matter, t-this is a t-technology board
It does matter because politics around technology influences the technology.
I use gnu/linux because of gnu.
I honestly don't care that much about the technological aspects of the OS, I think BSD is better in a lot of ways on that front.
But I use it because it is free software.
I don't have time to read the code of every application I use. Instead I select the software that seems most trustworthy.
And I think copyleft is a necessary evil until the majority of software is free software. Fight me.
>gtk applications
GTK is a library. If I write a program that depends on the GTK library, that doesn't make it a gnu program.
Actually no you're very wrong. Jews are both a religion and a race which is why "atheist Jews" even refer to themselves as Jews
Sorry you're too much of a brainlet to understand Sup Forums, but go ahead and keep mumbling about "much containment board" while the rest of us laugh at you
Depends on the linking
But actually if you include gnu code everything becomes gnu
(Except for LGPL)
>inb4 "he's bad because he's the descendant of Jews, even if he doesn't practice"
I'm sorry that you can't read, but you're just proving my point that Sup Forums is full of retards. Go and play in your ball pit.
strawman argument
I'm left wing but you are retarded. Jewish people are an ethno religious group. You can be an ethnic Jewish person without believing in Judaism. However, Ashkenazi Jews are so mixed with whites that when they drop their Jewish beliefs and culture then they basically become Poles or Germans with some Jewish ancestry.
Actually no, I like RMS. I'm refuting your point about not being able to be simultaneously a Jew and an atheists.
Judaism is a culture, a race, and a religion, which is why, as I've said, many Jewish atheists still call think of themselves as Jews. Its no a contradiction like the brainlet brain in your head thinks it is
>Jewish atheism refers to the atheism of people who are ethnically and (at least to some extent) culturally Jewish. Because Jewish identity encompasses ethnic as well as religious components, the term "Jewish atheism" does not inherently entail a contradiction.
It even has a wiki article you fucking brainlet cancer. Go back to /lgbt/
What's wrong with being ethnically Jewish if not for the connection to religious Judaism.
You mean it becomes GPL. You are confusing the license of a program with who deserves credit for writing it.
The Linux Kernel is licensed under the GPL. Does that make it a GNU program written by the GNU project?
even "ethnic jews" are like 60-99% European genetically
>His own philosophy allows copying and forking software without the need to name your stuff after it
Yeah, this is the most retarded, ironic and hypocritical thing of them all.
It's like when a pirate group asks for donations and calls their fanbase selfish for not compensating them for their work
Just call it LXG or GLX. Sounds modern as well.
Sorry, but an application using gtk api calls isn't part of the GNU project any more than an application using Boost means it was written by Boost
Linux kernel itself operates under GNU. So 100% of Linux is GNU.