Finally get the courage to ask a girl out

>finally get the courage to ask a girl out
>she tells me to give her my numbeer
>tell her I dont use a mobile phone because its a botnet
>ask if she wants my moms number instead so we can setup a date
>laughs and walks away

>his mom has a smartphone
tell her to kys.

Literally Sup Forums in a nutshell

Even if you had a phone, if it’s not a top line flagship or iPhone, she would laugh at you too

Just fucking use a smartphone like a normal person you neo matrix wannabe

kys faggot

i’m so drunk because a 10/10 whore ignored me, what should I do /r9k/ ?

kys and hope you win the genetic lottery on respawn

just do a respawn bro

be urself

dumb frogposter

hah faggot

just do a respawn bro

be urself

just do a respawn bro

be urself

t. CIA nigger

>pickup rocket launcher, attach laptop with it
>face wall, fire while pressing spacebar furiously

>not buying a sim card while you are overseas so you can mislead people where you live

Just tell her that she won't need a phone to contact you because you'll be standing outside her window at all hours waiting....just waiting.


this is a joke right. go outside and see some people, your reality is warped

unless america is actually this fucking consumerist, I can guarantee personally that no one gives a fuck what phone you use

but can you get a data without a phone?

America is actually fucking consumerist. Thank god i'm North Korean.
>implying pussy is more important than escaping a botnet
Just buy fucking dildo already and pleasure yourself through the ass.

Your mistake wasn't choosing not to use a mobile phone, it was offering her your mom's number. Next time just give your email address.

or your telegram/matrix/wire/xmpp address

Nice dubs my man

jesus, just buy an old feature phone from ebay and get it activated. If you don't want to look like such a faggot get a slab with a touch screen like an old Samsung Instinct S30 or LG Rumor Touch so you can at least fake having an android phone.