What is you favorite Firefox addon and why is it Reddit Enhancement Suite?

What is you favorite Firefox addon and why is it Reddit Enhancement Suite?

thanks for the kek, have an upvote!

upvote! ;)

EDIT: Stop blowing up my inbox guys lol
I didn't think a shitpost would become my highest rated comment xD xD xD

EDIT2: Thanks for the Gold!



There is literally nothing wrong with using reddit


here you forget these xD

My favorite Firefox addon is using Firefox to download Chrome.

t. redditors in denial

>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer

i only lurk reddit, post in Sup Forums moar.

>There is literally nothing wrong with using reddit

>slowly pushing new profile interface on people
>le reddit chat xDD (get it like facebook?)
>cat memes

wow I sure am missing out ever since I deleted my account.

profile and chat thing are both cancer, but the other complaints are all true about Sup Forums as well.

Sup Forums chat would be great

>falling for the meme

Everybody here uses reddit and has at least one account.

Fuck off to reddit


you don't think people actually believe all the Sup Forums memes they spout? it's called having a laugh.

What the fuck