Or STUPID QUESTIONS THREAD, but only if you are STUPID. Otherwise, SIMPLE questions.

Other urls found in this thread:


i've got a ws2801 led strip and i'm wondering whether i can use my old nokia charger, which is labeled 5v but actually outputs about 8.5v, to power it or whether it'll fry the leds or controller

How to obtain a scrap (non-working) HP PSU to build an adapter based on it?

HP built proprietary PSUs that can't be replaced by any other PSU because they have non-standard screw holes. So I needed a non-working unit of these PSU to build an adapter based on it, and then use any kind of PSU I want.

dumpster diving at university or it businesses

Anyone ever imported into Discourse?
I tried to run the script and whatever command I could just find, but everything returns with some bogus error.

For example:
> meta.discourse.org/t/migrating-to-discourse-from-another-forum-software/16616
> cd /var/discourse
> bundle exec ruby script/import_scripts/script.rb

> Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory

I also tried to "enter" the Docker container and execute the command inside but I failed. Any ideas lads?

Project Euler 87:
How many numbers less than 50 million can be expressed as the sum of a primes square, cube, and fourth power?

I have this code in J, but Project Euler says the answer is wrong:
+/ (,(p4^4) +/ ,(p3^3) +/ p2^2) < 5e7

Where p4 is the primes < (5e7)^0.25, p3 is the primes < (5e7)^0.333, and so on.
I get 4 when I replace 5e7 with 50, but with 5e7 I get 1139575 which is apparently wrong.
Anyone know where I messed up?

What does this icon mean in qBittorent? Some of my torrents, mostly those downloaded from RuTracker are stuck on it all the time and don't seed.

What was the name of the super expensive phone that was made of gold or some stupid shit? It could take hits from a hammer.

It means you're available to seed to others, but currently, there are no peers and leechers to connect and find them. You're fine and it's working as it should be.

But this happens with every RuTracker torrent, while torrents form anywhere else seed fine, is there a reason for that?

Ps.: It really feels like Discourse is actively trying to make things as hard as possible. They have the manpower and resources, yet their entire import folder and setup is clunky as fuck. Of course, you can 'just purchase' support and call it a day. Wow.

I mean I enter the app (./launcher enter app), then issue the command:
> gem install mysql2
But even so:
> script/import_scripts/smf2.rb:1:in `require': cannot load such file -- mysql2 (LoadError)

Vertu maybe?

I have a folder full of manga. Each chapter is a folder full of jpegs. I know that I can make them .cbz by zipping them and changing the extensions, but there are 70+ chapters so I'd rather not. Is there a tool I could use for this?

Vim + Ranger

Magnet links don't seem to work in Tixati. Why's that?

Tixati fucking sucks senpai. There is literally no reason to use it unless you are a ponyfucker.

i thought it was okay
whats so bad about it?


it's a proprietary client by a literally who nobody ponyfucker who "promises it's clean". like there are 100 other clients out there, tons better too. there is just simply no reason to use it.

what should i use to run ML in my terminal im on fedora if that helps at all

Isn't there a command for ubuntu to download a github repository to a folder?

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

git clone ?

git clone

What's a good USB microphone for ~100$ CAD? I've been thinking about the AT2020 but I want to know about other options

Why is transmit capable SDR stuff so "expensive"? What contributes to the price? Is it just that it's not ASIC circuits but programmable ones?

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ML_(programming_language) ?
smlnj i guess

>magnet links don't work
Isn't that enough for you?

Best phone for $400?

I'm looking for a decent laptop, not sure if I really want a new one. What do you suggest?

I want to replace my old samsung s3, which android phone should I look at from the new ones?

yeah should've specified sml my b

I use the Open With extension on Firefox to open Youtube links with mpv. Today they updated it and now I have to install a Python script to make it work, which would be fine if I could understand how. Yes, I do have Python 3 and pip installed, I just don't get what I need to do after I download the .py file.

So, I dual boot Windows 7 and Slackware Linux on my Lenovo Thinkpad X140e.

I noticed my battery drains faster when I'm Linux than when I'm on Windows. What's the best way to determine why that is?

idk the extension, but my guess would be to write a script that takes an url as argument, downloads the video to /tmp with a randomized filename and then plays the video with mpv

#!/bin sh

x=$(( ( RANDOM % 10000 ) ))
youtube-dl $1 -o /tmp/$x && mpv /tmp/$x

or something along those lines

s/bin sh/bin\/sh/g

>just write a script yourself lol
Nigger, I'm struggling to install a simple python file and you think I have the skills to make my own?

It's quite hard to implement a good analog tract for transmission on a wide range of frequencies.

Anyone replace a broken iPhone 6 screen? It's just a matter of replacing the screen right? I haven't fiddled with iPhones before but I've replaced my Nexus's screen and speaker before
Anyone have any recommendations on kits or screens to buy?

I have a galaxy s2 and youtube is starting to get finnicky. I don't need a new phone. How do I root/mod it? What would be a very barebones rom to install and where can I find a tutorial for it?

Good idea user! The institutions of the Federal government in my city probably have this kind of PSU. But the problem is that, due to bureaucracy, they can't just give me one. The trash is caught in bureaucracy.

I'm having a problem with nvidia's control panel. I set the refresh rate to 144hz, click apply and then after a second it just reverts it to 60hz. Anyone know what to do?

What stops me from going on Ebay, buying used SD cards and USB drives, using some kind of recovery software like Photorec to retrieve data, making a copy of the data, and then re-selling the SD card or USB drive?

So I'm upgrading my CPU, Mobo and Ram and switching from intel to AMD. I have a storage drive for games, and another for general stuff and OS is going to be on an SSD. I know I have to reinstall windows and programs. My question is if there's some way to minimize the game reinstall process time. Most of them are steam games but I don't have space to do a full back up. So just a select few full games and save games and other preferences backed up?

I've also found a steam installation moving article. I can't link it because spam filter.
But it doesn't discuss significant hardware changes.

>I know I have to reinstall windows and programs.

Because Win 10 doesn't like hardware changes

um, nothing

how do I determine the size of a terminal window inside a program

What's the best way to keep KeePass database synchronized between my phone, tablet, and computer's Win10 and Ubuntu installation?

Question: Can one install a virus on a bluray/dvd disc?

For example, if I buy a bluray collection off of ebay because it's out of print elsewhere, is it remotely possible that as soon as I put it into my computer to rip it, a window pops up and says "haha! I just stole all of your info and drained your bank accounts fag! Now I am going to fuck your computer over!", and then my computer shuts off and wipes itself before spontaneously combusting?

Copy your Steam/steamapps folder somewhere, put it where you want on the new install, start the install for whatever game you wanted.

i think my lg g4 is dead on bootloop after almost 2 years. if the 'quick fixes' dont work, is the g5 a good upgrade?


I use streamlink to view streams in my player, but is there a way to do the same with the live chat of the stream? Is there some program that grabs that instead, so I can run both of them together to watch stream plus chat?

Actually I might just try and boot it up and reactivate windows. Skeptical about the whole digital license thing
Pretty much what I had planned on doing but thanks for confirming it will work


As far as I know, that is possible with CD-ROMs on Windows computers.
There's something called AutoRun which allows you to put a program on a USB drive or a CD and have it auto-run as soon as you insert it into a Windows PC. But since about Windows 7-ish, they disabled that feature for USB drives and only made it available for CDs.


I do not believe this works on DVDs or Blurays, though. I wouldn't worry about it.

nigga the internet aint that scary your just a luddite lol

Please respond.

Why does my battery drain faster on Linux than Windows? How do I fix it?


twitch-chat supports irc over irc.chat.twitch.tv:6667, idk about other streaming platforms

I have a fairly good PC (i7-4790K/970) that's more than capable of playing 1080p60 videos and streams. I'm running Windows 7. If I have one open on my primary monitor it plays fine, but if I have one open on either of my other monitors it looks like it's playing back at about 20 FPS sometimes and generally isn't as good. Why is this and how do I fix it?

I want to buy a 1080p TV. (people tell me I shouldn't waste money on a 4k) Does it matter how many inches is it? is it going to fuck the resolution of games and movies? is HDR exclusive to 4k tv's?

Your gfx card is shit and bottlenecking

Do I have to be registered on Twitch to use it? Hexchat gives me error. Also how am I supposed to choose which stream?

I have a simple AND stupid question about DACs/Audio

Let's say some speakers go from 40hz - 22khz, and you have a DAC that only goes from 20hz-20khz. What happens to the lower and higher frequencies that are not in range? What if the situation is reversed, is it the same thing?

I doubt that. It's not a particularly bad card and that wouldn't explain why moving the video to another monitor and browsing Sup Forums for five minutes would cause this. If I do the exact same thing with the monitors reversed it's fine.

cool thanks.

you have a good sunday night dude/dudette

yeah, you need a token, but iirc you need that to use streamlink anyway...
stream => channel, so /join #

Streamlink works even if I'm not registered. I'll do some research.

I should have been more specific with my question. I'm using Chrome because of the problems with Firefox extensions that were a thing when I recently reinstalled. Disabling hardware acceleration in Chrome seems to have fixed it although the video quality seems worth, but that may just be placebo.

God W10's photo viewer is shit. Real fucking smart having black bars block off the tops and bottoms of pictures.

What's a good alternative?

Is there something like Google Backup and Sync but for Android devices?
I want something that automatically backs up my files and arranges them in folders just like they are in the device's storage.
Google Photos just mashes images together arranged by date, and Drive requires compressing things and uploading them in their entirety and manually as far as I know.

So, yet again, your gfx card is shit. If turning OFF hardware acceleration "fixes" the issue, your gfx card is the root of the problem

This may be a very stupid question but does higher refresh rate mean a shorter lifespan for monitors? Do they wear out? Will a 144hz die much faster than a 60hz equivalent?

I posted in /wsr/ and was pointed here so I'll copypaste
I'm trying to shrink my drive so I can partition it, but now matter how much space I free it can only shrink by 10 GB. Any advice?


joking aside, i used to use irfanview on windows, idk if it still exists



Oh right, sorry
Windows 7 x64 home, NTFS

user please I don't know how these things work

My 4chanX is being fucky. I've reset my settings and made sure it was up-to-date, but quite often(especially if I have multiple tabs open), it won't update the unread post count in the title as I scroll down a thread. Any ideas? Firefox 56.

if the windows disk management tool doesn't work, i'd try booting from a linux live usb and using gparted, just make sure that round to cylinders is turned off, as this can fuck with the windows boot loader

How do I get flash running in a chrome incognito tab?

I think it's because firefox is being fucky with addons.
Wait for a new greasemonkey.

You probably don't have the same power configuration setup on Linux as you do on Windows. Windows is likely set up for power saving mode while Linux is probably set for performance. I'd check those settings

Hmm, I've left disk defragmentation running and now I have 30GB. Maybe just a lot of junk files?

You can't create a partition with stuff inside of it, and since Windows is writing randomly to the disk, that's the cause

please respond i am a brainlet

Yeah, just probably a combination of windows and my own retardation. I'll leave the defrag program running and see if I can get to the space I need.

4k is the shit. Get one of those

how far away are you going to be viewing from? 4k TVs aren't that expensive anymore - its more a case of do you have an expensive enough PC to play games at that res. The larger the screen, the worse 1080p looks. The further you sit from the screen, the less you notice the difference.

4ks are still expensive in my third world country
>how far away are you going to be viewing from?
idk, like 1 or 2m's away?
>The larger the screen, the worse 1080p looks.
how about 49 inches?

>Project Euler 87:
>How many numbers less than 50 million can be expressed as the sum of a primes square, cube, and fourth power?
>I have this code in J, but Project Euler says the answer is wrong:
> +/ (,(p4^4) +/ ,(p3^3) +/ p2^2) < 5e7
>Where p4 is the primes < (5e7)^0.25, p3 is the primes < (5e7)^0.333, and so on.
>I get 4 when I replace 5e7 with 50, but with 5e7 I get 1139575 which is apparently wrong.
>Anyone know where I messed up?

hmmm true there are only 4 below 50
2,2,2 = 26
2,2,3 = 31
2,3,2 = 47
2,2,4 = 40


rip replace 4 with 5

is using chromecast or similar device classed as tethering on mobile data

thanks, this is really helpfull

what social benefits did socialism and communism propose?

>I have never seen 4k panels in person

Don't believe unsourced diagrams.

I want to buy a cheap camera that will let me take ok photos.

I don't want a cellphone and I just cant get one of those beefy cameras because what I want is not professional or anything of the sort.

I just want to carry it around, take pictures, put the pictures on my pc, the usual.

Any recommendations?

>I have a 60 inch 4k and sit 10 feet from it