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/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Why would you use any other distro besides Fedora?
Download fedora 27 now!
is a domain controller a feature of active directory, or the server which active directory is on?
How would I go about mass-editing locations for songs in a DeaDBeeF playlist, like if say I moved all my shit to another computer but all my songs are otherwise in the same locations in my new Documents folder? Hex editing just breaks it.
You have to install the roles on the device you want to make domain controller, then set it up through active directory wizard.
So being a domain controller is a feature of active directory.
Should I try Firefox Quantum
what’s the best dns servers to use?
Currently using Censurfridns, pic related
Do I allow spindown on a light duty box running 24h?
i want to learn programing wat do i need to donwload , i have lxle linux.
I recently moved into an apartment with exclusively ungrounded outlets except for one grounded outlet in the living room. I want to set up my desktop in my bedroom which is far from this one outlet.
i'm thinking of just replacing one of the outlets in my bedroom with an ungrounded gfci outlet, is this stupid? should i just run a 50 foot extension cord from my living room instead and just ignore how unsightly this will be?
Someone pls help
I have an hp desktop and bought a bootable disc of ubuntu just to test it i temporarily booted from it connected to my internet wrote a few things in the terminal turned it off to switch back to windows 10 and now my wireless button stays with the orange light no matter many times i pressed it. I tried taking out the battery and putting it back in holding the power button for 30 seconds after it booted i tried unintsalling the wireless driver i tried holding fn and the button nothing is working and i dont know what to do this is the first time this has ever happened
What phone best matches the description, "SUPER CLEAN"?
How do I install Firefox 57 in TempleOS?
You don't. Temple doesn't have networking.
If your box is configured right, it’ll spin back up, just spin up times would need to be added on for access.
Look up some online tutorials, they’ll tell you what you need. Need to pick a language you want to learn though.
I think all outlets should be grounded so if you have the knowhow, ground them all.
Check your bios or pop the cmos battery.
Subjective. Plenty of android and iOS devices look “super clean” or if you mean lightweight experience, iPhone or Google devices which are close to stock/AOSP.
No networking on TOS
I can reach from my wifi network ( my internal lan network (
How can I avoid this?
all hail the smart answerers helping us stupid askers
how do i change the background for fire fox quantum its getting a little bland with just a white blank screen.
>I think all outlets should be grounded so if you have the knowhow, ground them all.
i think all i need for that is to run a wire from the grounding screw on the circuit breaker to the outlet, but idk about fucking around inside the wall like that
Use an access control list to disable routing between VLANS/subnets.
Look it up or get an electrician friend to look at it for you.
I’m in UK but I’ve replaced plenty of wall outlets and wired them right. Wanted USB outlets around my house.
How the fuck do I install Windows 7 on Threadripper?
I've tried Google and nothing. There's nothing on YouTube. I even patched it with MSI's Windows 7 Smart Tool and it still won't work.
I just get some retarded error saying that "the boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible." It's legit frustrating even though I've gone through just about everything in my motherboard's settings (as well as the manual).
This was so easy on any Intel boards, but it's a fucking nightmare on this one AMD motherboard.
1. are you using Rufus or DD?
What version of MSI smart tools are you using?
Slipstream all recent updates into your Windows 7 media.
Also preload the chipset drivers onto your Windows 7 media as well, there’s resources out there showing you how to get them.
It works if I add a route rule (in access point) to drop everything with 192.168.0.x destination?
Not him but that is what MSI Smart tools does.
Rufus. What's DD?
I'm using the latest one... Well, it should be the latest one as that's the one that MSI has up on its website.
I never post on Sup Forums for help and I'm just beyond frustrated because this is something that should be simple but isn't for some reason.
Possibly corrupted media then?
How do i check the bios
I don’t know what’s kinda router you have, everything is named differently on different routers.
Why does this happen when I do stupid things with Google Translate? Why is the machine telling me creepy things.
Since this is /sqt/ expect this kind of questions.
Did you remember to click Add USB 3.0 drivers and only that? (Not checking any RAID box).
Did you remember to change your boot settings to CSM/Legacy?
How to make Google Chrome New Tab open directly to the Google Search home page? Seriously. why is this not a feature (pls no extensions)
Also this
And this
1. Yes.
2. I enabled Legacy support. There is no specific CSM option, but several ones (i.e. enable legacy USB support, disable secure boot). These worked to no avail.
Why do you need to set it to legacy?
Not him, but you can just do convert gpt in Windows setup to install as uefi bootable, no?
But you cant activate it if you do that, you only can activate Windows 7 thorough KMS or Daz way if you use MBR.
Which motherboard do you have?
Is it possible to play audio from a device (old mp3 player) with my laptop's speakers? Without transferring the files or using my computer to play it. I tried using a 3.5mm auxiliary cord and though it's detected by my laptop it didn't work.
You needed to enable it even on Skylake/Kaby Lake.
Not really. You could get a USB audio interface, plug your device into that. That would work. You can find them for ~$20
does anyone know of a media player or something that will let me make a playlist sort of like a network programme?
by this i mean i want to do something along the lines of telling a media playing to play an episode of x then y followed by z and so on, and play each episode of said show in a sequential order so that when it loops back around it'll be the next episodes of x, y and z
any ideas on what i can use? i really can't be bothered making a playlist manually
Plug into microphone port
Go into sound options
Open up the microphone properties
Check “listen to this device”
Nobody can answer
Please i have to turn something in tomorrow
Press Del or F2 on boot
Is AHCI setting on or off?
Theoretically, you can have your mp3 player function as a microphone for your laptop. You may need a special cable for that, though.
Does your laptop have separate headphones / microphone plugs? Or is it a single shared plug?
trying to install vim , i already install gcc , says something else is missing whats next ?
kali live?
install ncurses????
It's on. I've installed Windows 7 on Skylake and Kaby Lake systems, but it's being stubborn with this Threadripper system.
This is not a chipset or USB driver problem but a BIOS problem user, that error is when the BIOS refuses to read the USB because the filesystem.
Didn't know about that, will keep it in mind, thanks.
I tried that but it's not detected as a microphone, it appears on the playback tab.
It's a single shared plug. Are you talking about the same cable mentions?
sudo -incurses? terminal order plz i only got tonight to get all the tools and books ,
pic related which books i am missing
I'm on the latest BIOS version.
I have Windows 10 on this thing and it installed without a problem. It's just that Windows 7 won't work regardless of whether or not I enable legacy settings.
Are you saying that I should try to format the USB using NTFS?
Are you really not formatting it to NTFS?
What are you formating it to? FAT32?
I'm at a hotel for a week or so, and the receptionist provided me with how to log onto their WiFi. Paper says connect, then open your browser and type in the provided username and password
However, my windows machine refuses to get to the login page and trying to type it in manually just gets a server not found. How does one connect to a website without having internet?
Yeah. Is it supposed to be in NTFS?
I've used it as FAT32 on the Skylake and Kaby Lake systems so I never thought that would be an issue here.
Yes, Rufus should select NTFS as default.
Set your dns and IP addressing to automatic
I work for a tech help center where we work on computers free of charge for students. A few people have come in in the past couple months with trackpads and keyboards not working on their 2015 macbook pros. The weird thing is that the trackpads and keyboards work fine if I boot the computer into Ubuntu off a USB, so it's not hardware related, but a fully nuclear reformat of macOS doesn't fix the issue, so how could it be software related? The only related issues I've been able to find online were from years ago (before 2015).
Anyone know what's going on? I know that genius bars can fix this, but they wont reveal their secrets to me. Are they just replacing the trackpads entirely, or is there some sneaky OS rollback I need to do? Anyone know?
I'm going to try this and see if it works.
Rufus selected FAT32 by default so I saw nothing wrong with it.
They're automatic already. When I went down yesterday I received a website which did work, but today it doesn't.
Weird, it does select it automatically for me, what ISO are you using?
I got it from that Digital River mirror.
Im using:
And it does.
how do I configure audio input via usb on win 10? i'm taking 1/8" output from a digital piano.
Why are you building it from source moron?
So it doesn't work with GPT?
what? to install ncurses you would do 'sudo emerge -va ncurses' or whatever it is for whatever distro you're on. I thought you were trying to build something from source, vim or something? I don't understand the question.
It works, but Windows 7 doesnt like it and KMS wont work so there is no way to activate it.
take yo laptop to the front desk and have them doo it
In simple words GPT is for UEFI which windows 7 doesnt use.
Going to have to. Shits annoying, it works fine right away on my Linux devices but windows refuses to connect
I thought Windows 7 SP1 made it so that Windows 7 had UEFI support.
What the fuck. UEFI came out in 2007. Windows 7 came out in 2009. Why the fuck didn't it support UEFI natively?
Microsoft is beyond fucked in the head.
Something retarded about how Macbook pro internal keyboard and mouses work after 2013.
I'm going to get a raspberry pi 3 b unless someone tells me of something superior for a XBMC media box
It is compatible with it, not fully supported but its supported enough so it can boot with no problems, but since Key Management Service(KMS) is not supported while under a GPT partition that means you cant activate it unless you have a VL or OEM key, you cant use Daz loader or any KMS activator clone (Literally all of them only work under MBR).
How can I force Firefox or Chrome to cache a very small (
I've gotten Windows 7 to work with GPT on Skylake and Kaby Lake systems just fine. I even used KMS-based activation for it. I'm not sure why it's giving me such a headache with Threadripper.
about:config and search for cache. I'd turn off browser.cache.memory.enable and see if that works
i want to learn programing and i am trying to donwload all the tools tonig
i am trying to get vim becose a user told me to do so , i guess is a editor i will learn later , i already got another problem.
Which activator you used?
So far the only ones that "work" make a task with the rearm service to renew the trail and remove the warning but its not exactly activated.
someone answer me about raspberry pi or I start a thread on it
Microsoft Toolkit.
I was able to boot into Windows setup with legacy boot, but now I’m getting error 0x80300024 in setup. I might just call it quits when it comes to Windows 7 on this particular PC—might as well just stick with Windows 10 since it just works.
Just install Windows 10 LTSB if you want the easy way.
Do you have a 3-4TB HDD connected?
what good tablets can i get for 150 bucks that are better then amazons line of tablets.
I have several. Apparently you’re supposed to unplug them which is such a pain in the ass. I just don’t get why UEFI mode won’t work.
Yeah, that’s what I was using before. LTSB is really comfy.
Well remember to disable The telemetry service and windows defender, after that is a really good OS, not perfect but good enough for modern hardware.
Also disable updates.
Not only the services but check in group policy for them.
>unplug HDDs
>still get that error
Yeah, fuck this OS.
brainlet here, i have 2 questions.
1 how do i install windows 10 enterprise if i dont have a business i tried it already and it wont let me get past a certain screen, its been awhile so i dont remember what it said.
2 does anyone have a windows 10 enterprise/ltsb key.
I have installed windows 7 in 2 X399 motherboards so honestly i dont have that much experience.
The rest were windows 10 LTSB and 5 Pro installs.
But i have never had a problem.
Sorry i cant help you.
You dont need a key to install it.
>How do i activate it
Why cant my Ubuntu VM ping my computer, but my computer can ping the VM?
If I run arp -a from the VM the IP and MAC of my computer appears, but still cant ping it