Should I use this as a first distro?
Should I use this as a first distro?
It doesn't get more first than that, really.
I would go with linux mint or open suse but you can use that, is pretty good as well desu.
Is it any better than Ubuntu Gnome?
no you can do literally anything you can do on the other. install mate and don't fucking distro hop
I recommended mint or suse cause they have a good update schedule and they are outside the canonical meme, but ubuntu are ok i guess if you want to give them a try
mate is pretty comfty desu. i use it with devuan but you should stick with ubuntu mate. it will treat you well.
> two horizontal panels
It makes me puke. Install MX Linux 16. Even stock Xubuntu, while looking old-fashioned and outdated, is better than that shit.
You can remove them you fucking retard
Yes. Regular Gnome is horse shit.
what about xubuntu?
you should try linux mint
it's made for linux babbies
yes, Ubuntu Gnome is way too buggy for a begginer user right now
2017 and not running clover os on your Nokia Lumia 640.
Not OP, but I can't stop switching distros,
I tried Ubuntu Gnome and is pretty comfy but i want try arch because of the blue logo is so kawaii, should I tried?
what bugs me about mate is the stupid names everything has. I'll take stuff like notepad, browser, explorer, etc over weird crap from 3rd world savage languages like caja, pluma, etc
tried ubuntu gnome, it's not bad at all
>open desktop file
>rename it
I prefer Xubuntu but that's just because I like XFCE. Just try each of the Ubuntu variants in a VM (Gnome, Xubuntu, Kubuntu, maybe Mint, etc.) and see which desktop environment you like the best, then install that one.
Which interface layout type you think works better?
What anime?
>interface layou
ranma 1/2
No, MATE is ugly as fuck.
>No, MATE is ugly as fuck.
like your mom.
>at a small cafe shop between lectures with my classmates (Electrical engineering major)
>2 roasties who never hang out with the rest of the class join time time
>about 10 people eating fries and scrolling trough their facebook feeds
>one giga roastie tells the group to plane phone tower
>someone asks what phone tower is
>says that its a game where people stack all their iphones on one tower and all the androids on another tower and whichever tower has more phones wins
>dont say anything about how stupid it is at this point because im autistic
>I carry a fully debotnetted moto g 2015 with LineageOs
>only me and two other dudes have androids
>roastie starts telling the group how iphones are superior and how perfect they are and homw much iphones suck
>had enough of roasties at this point so got courage for once in my life and started to talk
>asked her to list the specs of her iphone 7
>she could only name the MP of the camera
>list all her specs correctly and asks the other dude on android to open gsmarena page and verify
>she goes "so what if you know the specs the iphone is fast,has great music quality and the iphone also has the best camera"
>tell her lets do a speed test
>we both open whatsapp at the same time and I beat her by a second
>repeat tests for camera app,music player app and browser app
>win everytime because my phone isnt a bloated piece of shit
>she becomes agitated and says well "your android doesnt count its probably one of those 2000 $ custom phones"
>tell her i bought it for 150$ unlocked
>she goes "well my iphone has a better camera quality than yours"
>tell her so you buy a 900$ phone because you are a narcissict thats insecure about her appereance so she needs the best camera to hide it
>she goes "omg user are you calling me fat ??"
>entire group of 10 people is starting at me like im the devil himself
>she called me a bully and that I was triggering her anxiety
>tell her she started it
Ubuntu, but here's the trick: turn off everything when you install it (including the standard system utilities) and apt-get install whatever you want.
>Should I use this as a first distro?
No, install debian, you wont learn a shit from nsa botnet
debian is only useful for servers. Why install something with ancient packages? Only reason to install debian is if you only plan to update your computer 1 or 2 times per decade because it needs to run constantly.
>outside the canonical meme
>debian is only useful for servers.
>Why install something with ancient packages?
Why install something with unstable packages?
>Only reason to install debian is if you only plan to update your computer 1 or 2 times per decade because it needs to run constantly.
That's a good reason
I used and still use fedora as my first distro
I messed with MATE a few times and from what I can tell it's good, go for it
Not OP, but also using Ubuntu MATE.
Any idea on how to organize the panels? I had to move the top panel to the left, but some applets don't work quite well on the vertical. Pic related.
Fedora Workstation (Gnome) or another DE?
it's easy for me and werks
>Why install something with unstable packages?
don't you know what unstable mean? It does not mean more buggy than "stable". It just means that there are updates often. The updates are tested.
>That's a good reason
Only for people who need to run a service without interuption. It's not a good reason for a desktop user because no desktop users have such services running on their desktop.
Ok guys, what's a good and stable KDE distro for daily use? I tried Tumbleweed buy it shit itself today after three weeks of use and had a million problems anyways, what a joke distro.
it's a good one, give it a go matey!
Use Solus instead.
Mint use to be the go-to for beginners long ago, but that shit is outdated and has been dying on the side of the road.
Stop suggesting mint you assholes. It's not funny to trick noobs to into using outdated garbage OS
if you remove them you just get a worse version of xfce you fucking retard
As long as you don't keep distro hopping, you're good