In theory,
is there something Python can do,
that perl can't?
In theory
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be readable
Alienate half the community by completely redesigning the language in a feature update.
Oh wait.
not suck
Aren't they promising backwards compatibility for 6?
both are turing-complete so no
Turing completeness means nothing. Python can't do multi-line labmdas. That's a limitation of language. Perl can.
Allow someone to program without having to learn the equivalent of the periodic table:
I wouldn't "you can run a Perl 5 interpreter from the Perl 6 interpreter" count as backward compatibility.
It's a good thing, though. Perl 6 is an entirely different language that is worth breaking backward compatibility, with Python it's not so much of a clear call.
They better be, I HATE how they want to limit programmers with Perl 6. That's not what Perl was about.
No, no, no no no no. If you can run perl5 script using perl6 interpreter, that's backwards compatibility. What's happening under the hood is of no relevance.
First post best post
OOP correctly.
perl 6 is actually the most advanced, elegant language in the world right now
which language does, except for golang
Be installed by default on distributions?
but perl IS installed by default on most distributions
do you like my perl program?
Read only language Perl BTFO
perl has an identity crisis; it doesnt know what it wants to be. Many good tech has bypassed perl for other languages completely making it an artifact of the old admin era. Ansible, chef, etc are examples of this.
Just let this language die already.
by doing fixed-point combinator you can
Ignore whitespace.
Slurp files sanely.
Utilize weak typing by making the language context sensitive, not data type sensitive.
Perl interpreters are standard on every single distro I can think of because a lot of core applications use perl for build scripts. You're fucking retarded.
>I have a brain the size of a peanut
Unless you're being intentionally obtuse like Perl is an absurdly easy language to read. It's just not C-style so people look at and it and screech BUT LOOK AT ALL THE DOLLAR SIGGGNNNS!
Python cannot into sublime poetic programming.
That would be true, if most Perl programmers weren't intentionally obtuse by design.
They aren't, you just haven't spent any time with the language.
Perl is implicit and contextual, meaning there's little reason to include a lot of bits that most other programmers expect to be there.
say for (1..100)
Say implicitly takes $_ as an argument if nothing is provided, and $_ is a special "last context" variable. So that snippet prints (and newlines) 1 through 100.
perl -e 'say "Fizz"x!($_%3)."Buzz"x!($_%5)||$_ for (1..100)'
This looks like gibberish but if you have even a basic understanding of perl it's plain english.
say "Fizz" the number of negated times the the current number divides into 3. If it's 0, say it once. If it's not 0, the negation makes it 0 (true/false == 1/0). the . following it is string concat, then the logic repeats for buzz. If neither fizz nor buzz, then we have "" which is false, so || $_, i.e. print just the number. For 1 through 100.
If you know the operators it's not obtuse in the least.
be present on nearly all unix(like) systems
also cpan I guess
What was that perl program that was just random words?
not exp log srand xor s qq qx xor
s x x length uc ord and print chr
ord for qw q join use sub tied qx
xor eval xor print qq q q xor int
eval lc q m cos and print chr ord
for qw y abs ne open tied hex exp
ref y m xor scalar srand print qq
q q xor int eval lc qq y sqrt cos
and print chr ord for qw x printf
each return local x y or print qq
s s and eval q s undef or oct xor
time xor ref print chr int ord lc
foreach qw y hex alarm chdir kill
exec return y s gt sin sort split
is this what you're thinking of?
In practice there is nothing perl or python can do that lisp can't do.
>The camel
>user delivers
Thanks bro
I have spent 3+ years with that language and I wish half the code I came across was half as readable as your examples.
You can argue all you want, but from 10 companies that still actively write Perl (about 20 or so these days) about two even can use say, about two write clear concise code, about 3 (ab)use moose, about two use strict and warning, one uses perl linters (everyone not added up together, so far) and the rest just fuck their shit up.
>from 10 companies that still actively write Perl (about 20 or so these days)
>Two of them using strict/warning
>Only one uses a linter
nice LARP bro
Any language can do whatever any other language can.
That's reality, fag.
>It's this way cause I think this language is obtuse
Not using strict/warning in any serious perl codebase is literally unheard of.
can't you write perl so it looks like C?
Write me a driver for my graphics card in GML.
>the language is obtuse
I know people who literally use it hoping to become irreplaceable.
You're probably out of touch thinking your dancer/mojolicous cancer tech startup is somehow representative.
Also: A serious perl codebase isn't a thing in real life. Just as a serious Ruby or Python codebase isn't.
Compare for: Cancer like OTRS, Bugzilla and other lowest of the low webshit.
>inb4 Perl isn't used for webdev only
Welcome to the typesetting industry, bitch.