How would I go about creating an level app that ignores the cellphone built in accelerometer/gyro and can only be...

How would I go about creating an level app that ignores the cellphone built in accelerometer/gyro and can only be calibrated manually?

This would allow me to prove that the earth is flat.

Can anyone help?

Install Gentoo

You'd be better off creating the entire device your self. Cellphones are hardwired to NASA specification.

>can lick your ass while sucking your dick

> How would I go about creating an level app that ignores the cellphone built in accelerometer/gyro and can only be calibrated manually?
Because cellphones measure angles without these, right? The fuck.

> This would allow me to prove that the earth is flat.
Spoiler: This won't work.

>how do I calibrate a scale so I can set it to what I want instead of it saying I'm 350lb
>that'll show people I'm not fat

Imagine this tongue deep in my asshole.

she make pp hard

>earth is flat

Why do u need a phone to prove that ...

are you guys dumb? an app that explicitly can only be calibrated manually.

>lay app on table in madrid
>calibrate for ground vector to be defined
>fly to LA
>pull out phone
>lay on table
>relative inclination (the now measured angle compared to the defined ground vector) will NOT have changed, because the earth is flat
>if relative inclination HAS changed, the curvature of the globe is proven

how is this so hard to comprehend?


Yea, because of fucking course a phone retains some calibrated vector relative to... the universe?

Just go to a place where you can see like 150km into the distance and try to calculate the horizon & note that the distance is like 1.7km wrong in height.

Best done with like a hill / mountain and the ocean or something.

There actually are people who guenuinly believe this

Wait so flat earthers think the top of the disk is perfectly flat and not like convex glass on a watch?

jesus christ you guys are fucking dumb. i give up. i'll go elsewhere.

>flat earther calling other people dumb


I don't think you quite understaffed how gravity works

There is a thing called a bubble level.

You may not have heard of it because you would have first encountered one at school.

Yeah there is

>blue bubbles: fuck me daddy
>green bubbles: Read 12:48, 2 weeks ago

I get what he's asking for but it's fucking retarded.

he wants the level to freeze at the angle in Paris and then compare it to the angle he would get in LA. only this is impossible and literally have to tell yourself that you are not doing it for your brain to believe it.

oh my....


Pretty sure a gyroscope "freezes" an orientation in space.

> >can lick your ass while sucking your dick
I was legit thinking the same thing. She reminds me of this girl that would lick my balls while sucking my dick

cellphone MEMS are not sensitive enough to measure such minute differences in inclination over such a long period of time.

the only way to directly measure the curvature of the earth is to use a large solid spinning steel circle.

trying to measure the curvature of the earth with a cellphone is like trying to measure the curvature of the earth with a carpenters level. a cellphone level only works by finding which direction is down. as you travel over the curve of the earth the 'down' direction changes and thus the cell phone would not detect any level.

not a shitty tiny ass cellphone gyro. you need a big fucking steel gyroscope.