>girlfriend found .zshrc
Girlfriend found .zshrc
>dad found the anime folder
Lol I fuck my gf doggy and sieg hail behind her back because she's a massive lefty
>he likes it and asks if you can give him a copy
Thought this was Sup Forums sorry
>mom found the semen seedbox
>OP made this thread again
>mom found the mom found thread
>grandma saw my entire /var/log and now it's saying she wants to have a conversation with me
>tfw gf barely knows how to turn on a computer
I know that having a veracrypt container with a 15 character password is probably an overkill, but I'm must be 100% sure that she never EVER see what's in there.
Stupid lefties. When will learn to use their right hand like everyone else.
You can tell us, user.
>grandpa found the 9front VM
>waifu guessed the correct aes-128 key
Pictures of me dressed as a trap with my ass shaved, chats that I had with other guys online (mostly sexting) and well, yeah, all the typical Sup Forums stuff: porn, traps, memes (mostly Sup Forumsshit) and stuff like that.
Oh, and lots of hentai and ecchi anime.
I'm fucked up
>sister got bread crumbs in the thermal mayonnaise
Post trap pics
>typical Sup Forums stuff
bad news for you user
we mostly just talk about that homo shit ironically
Seconded. Post em.
Yeah "ironically"
Sorry, I don't want to get banned. Besides, I'm not that passable (I only have a decent ass and nothing more)
Post ass (ironically)
Oh God memes are real, everyone on Sup Forums is fucking homo or trap.
Post on /hm/ and link it here
what's wrong with you
What a fucking madtrap
>shitty camera
>visible butthole
>not even thicc
0/10 would not fap to
Enjoy your ban, degenerate :^)
>dad found that I installed gentoo with genkernel and systemD
>girlfriend found the cum iced cubes that i use on mfc
It was on purpose. I know there are 0.001% chances of someone recognize me. But still. Whatever.
And I can't be thicc, because I'm fucking 125lbs and 5'6
Show penis, dont be afraid
what's wrong with YOU
who doesn't wanna see a nice round boipucci
>stop being degenerate
>picture of me dressed as a trap with my ass shaved
You're a fucking degenerate ya know that right?
>falling for the gf meme
>we mostly just talk about that homo shit ironically
user, I
thank god mods deleted it
What would you have in your .zshrc that you would want to hide from people?
I'd tell you to hang yourself, but I'm not sure if they make stools that tall.
Well he can always jump in front of a train desu
The train would probably just pass right over him.
I deleted it. I don't care about getting Sup Forums approval, I just want to get my ass fucked by another trap while we both watch some cute anime.
But the whole having a gf stuff kinda gets in the way.
Also, I don't consider myself gay, so there's that too. So, It must be done with a girl (male) in the same condition as me (99,99% straight)
>tfw missed the ass
>I, a male, want to get my ass fucked by another male
>I don't consider myself gay
Sup Forums has an archive you know.
>Cant find
>No girl (male [99.99% straight (gay)]) gf to cuddle with and fug
That's a 3/10, needs more anal bleach
Absolutely disgusting
y'all gay
fucking shitskins
Whats a skinshit desu?
>being a closeted fag
i hope you don't have kids since they'll turn out to be closeted fags like you, too.
This thread isn't tech related
>NSA accidentally pushes the godmode commit
>mods delete the nfsw images
>yet they let thread (which is completely tech unrelated) up
Quality moderation
I will recommend you for mod desu, for real
Please post your ass
I think this thread has taken its toll, this isn't Sup Forums right?
this, gotta love playing pranks on my friends
>Not doing homo shit ironically