Linux sucks because nothing fucking works. Not even for programming. That's the bottom line...

Linux sucks because nothing fucking works. Not even for programming. That's the bottom line. Why would I want to work around the clock just to not have dependency errors when these problems simply do not exist on Windows or macOS?

Linux is a toy. It's not for doing real work.

Other urls found in this thread:

There are huge problems every time a new Windows version comes out.

The main issue Linux has is that the userbase is too small. That said, GPU manufacturers have been making better drivers for Linux, so hopefully we'll see it finally reach broader adoption in the non-server market sooner than later.

t. Win 7 user

>t. mactoddler soyboy

>Linux is a toy. It's not for doing real work.
You are completely right. That's why GNU/Linux isn't used anywhere : ^ )

>i'll just spend 11 hours trying to get a package's dependencies to work because linux can't make it work like a real OS because i am a tr00 h4ckzor xD

tell me all about that real work that you really actually do

>Not even for programming

it's for servers. Not for use in science or programming

Not him, but there aren't really many viable options for CADD work on OS's other than Windows.

ignore these threads

this is like saying theresa may is an able, competent leader

Source of the image?

Last I checked, none of the major parties in the UK are remotely competent.

>Not for use in science or programming
LOL, THIS IS SO TRUE! GNU/Linux isn't used in science and programming ever because of this : ^ )

Is this wtf general?

>fruity toddler toy
>real os

Pick one.

Then why did you vote for them?

I use windows

I didn't. I don't live in the UK. I just watch from afar as my own country collapses under the weight of its stupidity.

>it's a jilted windows/osx fag attempted to make the switch and couldn't keep up with the learning curve episode

While linux isn't perfect, macos is a fucking toy. The red pill is that all os's are garbage.

I've got desktop Arch Linux and no problems with working any program. I suppose that You are too poor for linux.

nobody serious uses the baby os for programming

go away 'russian troll'

I just switched to Linux for the first time today and I'm fucking loving it

My machine with windows 10 was slow as fuck, Ubuntu sped it up so well. All I really need it for is shitposting, watching videos, and selling/buying on eBay. I could hardly do that with Win10 but this is exactly what I needed.

Comfy as fuck.

Also, fuck you OP, just because fuck you.

>ITT:people that have never worked in a fortune 500 company
We migrated from sun dev boxes to linux dev boxes, run windows for some COTS applications integration and have AWS for some off-site cloud applications

What makes a server different from a hardware perspective?

Try configuring it without wiki

>"nothing fucking works"

Sounds more like a shortcoming on your end. I'm curious, what was it that you had trouble installing that caused you to use Sup Forums as your personal twitter?

it's not about hardware, it's about functionality for general use

a package for R. a dependency of a dependency just won't configure

what package?

tidyverse. Its dependency is rvest, and that has xml2 as a dependency. xml2 won't configure.

This never happened on windows. Why won't braindead autists behind linux just copy what makes that the case?

have you tried sudo?

Why would you want to do that? It's like trying to debug a library without access to its sources.

>werks on my machine :^)
Fuck off.

Could you tell me what doesn't work? The last thing I noticed not working out of the box was my PCMCIA WiFi card on my 2004 laptop in 2006 on Ubuntu 06.10. I had to apt-get install the bcm cutter thing and ndis wrapper to use the driver. Everything has worked since about 2007.
>SystemRequirements: libxml2: libxml2-dev (deb), libxml2-devel (rpm)

nope...but feel free to dump in this post

We have one or two people in our company (about 30 people) who uses windows.
The rest uses linux.

Like super computing?

i dont understand your fucking autism install dependencies of package first
(libxml2: libxml2-dev (deb), libxml2-devel (rpm)) and later go to R and install the fucking package ("") i installed near 2k package for a cluster in R and never see that level of autism in a user

That is only every 5 years. With Linux occurs every 6 months

>I'd prefer hacking shit together with zip files, Chocolatey and Cygwin instead of using superior Linux package managers and command-line tools.

>gentoo typical user

It sort of depends on the distro
Some of them require configuration and others are just ready to roll

You choose your difficulty

Even worse. Currently can't download ANY file with W7, because the IE11 shit itself at the end. The system logs are hilariously useless, so i have to fire up my loonix box. You know that useless shit too, that even bigger trash like you can't operate due to tech illiteralism proud and anyone must be "hacker" to use that. Thanks for opening other people's eyes about loonix.

