/pcbg/ - PC Building General

>Assemble a part list
>Example gaming builds and monitor suggestions; click on the blue title to see notes
>Learn how to build a PC (You can find a lot more detailed videos on channels like Bitwit)
>How to install Win7 on Ryzen

If you want help:
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses, e.g. Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose (e.g., photoediting, gaming) and graphics card pairing (if applicable)

>A8 9600 for non-gaming (light tasks) or bare minimum gaming builds with a dedicated graphics card
>R3 1200 - Budget builds (best with OC + fast RAM)
>R5 1600 / i5 8400 - Great gaming or multithreaded use CPUs
>R7 / Used Xeon / Threadripper - Heavy Multi-Tasking / VM Work / Mixed use

>Current CPUs benefit from high speed RAM; 3000-3200 MHz is ideal
>Before buying RAM for Ryzen, check your Mobo's QVL or look for user reports

>Vega 64 is barely better than 56 for $100 more, avoid it
>Crypto-Currency miners have driven GPU prices up (particularly Radeon)
>GTX 1050Ti and 3GB 1060 are the only reasonably priced cards; 6GB 1060 or 4GB 580 if you want to overpay a little
>GTX 1070 or Vega 56 if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
>GTX 1070/Ti, 1080, Vega 56 are standard choices; currently overpriced
>GTX 1080Ti if you're looking for very high (100+) framerates and you have a CPU and monitor to match
2160p (4K)
>GTX 1080Ti

>A 240GB or larger SSD is almost mandatory; consider m.2 form factor

Old Thread:

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newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139147&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=


Ryzen 1600 here.
The Windowa USB starts up. I can't use the mouse, but I continued with keyboard. It can't read the HDDs and the SSD, though. It says drivers are missing. I am doing this through a USB2.
I tested the USB on another machine and it works.

Windows 7 or 10?


Have CD/DVD drives been standardized for a while? Could I put one from my 2007 inspiron in a new build?

What motherboard? You should slipstream the usb 3.0 drivers onto your Windows 7 iso using Asrock's or MSI's tool, I think other motherboards manufacturers have similar tools on their website.

Not sure if that's related to the HDD/SSD issues but you can start there if you haven't done so already

If they're SATA, sure.

As long as it has a SATA port on the back not the older ATA

build virgin here, will this all fit into the case? still not entirely sure about the gpu either, are there any good msi alternatives to the 1060?

Coffee lake supply bump when?

I have USB2. In fact I can put it in a USB3 and it still starts.

Asus Prime b350plus


>tfw holiday sales are fucked

It should yea, but why a 6600?

Is the fractal design define C a good case? Sup Forums shills hard for the meshify but I hate the design and want something that’ll be as quiet as possible when I’m pushing the limits for the system

Nobody builds pc's anymore brah. They no longer need to fulfill such demand. Spergs will pay premium for muh unlocked cpu and muh gaymen Vidya card.

Also pay for pre-delidded

Kek, yes. They truly are the best goyim.

>Spergs will pay premium for muh unlocked cpu
intelcucks will pay premium for muh unlocked cpu

>muh ayymd is gud brize XDDDD

Sounds like it's missing drivers. Try throwing the Asus drivers into a CD-Rom drive while booting off the Windows 7 USB stick. Should load those automatically.

It'll fit, the graphics card is shorter than the stated max length for that case.

I couldn't help noticing that you're going with a Z170 motherboard and a quad-core i5 CPU, though. That's last generation, it would probably be better to go with the latest generation six-core i5's and a Z270 motherboard?

I saw a lot of people using it a while back and thought that it must be good, is there a better choice to be made?

I did user and i'm Just Wating™ for Vega to unfuck its drivers so I can go all-in with a 4k build. I might have to compromise on the monitor since there are no good freesync 2 monitors on the market now and basically none scheduled for release in the next 6 months as of right now. Still, 4k (nearly) 60fps on high settings across most games is my target.

Ironically one of the first things I do when I get gpu and monitor is play need for speed II on the screen - a game from 1996 where my current 290x would easily drive 4k 60fps just for that pure moment of satisfaction of doing something ludicrously overkill.


Doesn't 8th gen only work with Z370 mobos?


Thanks for the advice on the motherboard and CPU, I'll take a look at some newer gens. The old parts are mostly because I'm a poorfag with high aspirations and the fact that I made that list a few years ago and just remembered that it exists.

>upgrading to vega from a 290x
not worth it, even when or if they fix the drivers

I haven't actually tried the Fractal Define C but I've considered and here's my problems with it:

a) the front fans are above the closed-off HDD cages - and there's only two of them. This limits you to a total of two HDDs ever (of course you can have SSDs) and they won't have any cooling.
b) it doesn't have a single 5.25" drawer bay so you can't install a drawer for USB sticks and cables and things like that in it.

Perhaps you'll never have more than two HDDs but to me that's a deal-breaker.

yes, my mistake. It's Z370 that's the latest generation.

>data hoarding

If vega's drivers get fixed we are talking 1080ti+ performance - more than enough for a 4k build today.

I have an FX 6300 with a trash motherboard and one stick of 8GB Ram, since I don't feel like overpaying the korean jew with current RAM prices, would it be worth to just get an FX 8320E/8350/8370 and be done with it? I know that this piece of shit is bottlenecking my 1060 so i dont know how much better would the 8350 be.

thats still not 100% more powerful than a 290x anything less than 100% is not worth it

You don't really believe that's gonna happen right? What we got is what we're getting we might be lucky and get maybe 5% increase.

I don't have a cd-rom

The 1080ti is well over twice as fast as a 290x at 4k.

>You don't really believe that's gonna happen right?

I can afford to be patient to find out - on paper vega is an absolute monster (in a lot of non vidya tasks it does, in fact, fight volta) and given I would prefer not to give Nvidia money waiting™ is the prudent move. If i'm going to drop the sort of cash required I damn well will be sure i'm making the right decision.

Alright, I've been the guy posting in the past few threads with something roughly like this build.

I currently have a 10 year old vista machine, and a PS3 for any computer/gaming needs. I would like to build something from $400-$600 to replace both machines. I would like to be able to play some modern games (post 2013) at fairly high settings and at 60ish FPS. Witcher 3 is probably the most intensive game I can think of playing as of now. I will use some sort of linux as the operating system, and would also want to quickly switch from a game, to google chrome and have it be able to run in the backround.

I hear people saying don't get intel, don't get amd, get this graphics card instead ofinstead of the yz.

If someone could plainly state the advantages and disadvantages of each CPU/Graphics card and avoid any memes, that would be appreciated.

Pulled it out and it's a SATA, nice.

As a vega owner I really hope it's gonna happen, but I'm not counting on that.

>If someone could plainly state the advantages and disadvantages of each CPU/Graphics card

We'd be here a while, my dude.

I mean less quantifiable things, like I hear people saying that the g4560 is a dead end while the AMD stuff has more room for future expansion.
What does that mean to me in practical terms? I don't play games super seriously anymore, I don't really care if I can run something in 2025 at Ultra at 12000 FPS.

Do you don’t like it cause you can’t have more than two 4 tb hdd, and you can’t organize super well?

Currently Wating™ for Vega drivers.
Issues I've had so far:

>17.10, 17.11 and 17.7 all crash or give me terrible performance
>17.30 seems the most stable and is vega only, however I have artifacting in many games
>stock speeds/voltages have artifacting, overclocking has no artifacting somehow but I have crashes in some games
>underclocking & undervolting seems to be very stable with no artifacting or crashing
>mediocre performance in some games that is unwarranted, ie Killing Floor 2 refuses to stay at 144fps even though I'm not CPU bottlenecked by the 1700 at 3.8Ghz
>Battlefield 1 has stuttering in DX12 (smooth as fuck in DX11 though)
>Wattman is a piece of shit, have to use OverdriveNTool to get anything to work
>ReLive is a piece of shit, have to keep using OBS

Overall I'd rate my experience a nice Just Wat™/10

>17.10, 17.11 and 17.7 all crash or give me terrible performance
>17.30 seems the most stable and is vega only, however I have artifacting in many games
Same here, but I don't have any artifacting and performance problems And I both overclocked and undervolted.

Yes. I don't like it because it can't have more than two 3.5mm HDDs - regardless of their size.

And yes, I also don't like that it doesn't have any 5.25" drawer bays. This is specially bad combined with just two trays for 3.5" HDDs. If it had two 5.25" bays in addition then it would be totally possible to put HDDs instead of drawers in those and have 4 total. But no, not possible with that case.

Because I'm a hoarder.

>buying amd ANYTHING within the first half year
s-should have known user!
all your fault!

Just ignore the foolish shill arguments about AMD having room for "future expansion". Intel changes their socket with each generation, AMD has promised to keep AM4 around until 2020. I've built many systems in my time, many AMD systems with sockets that's been around for some time. I've never replaced the CPU after buying a motherboard+CPU+RAM combination ever. It does not matter. If you buy something now then you'll be upgrading motherboard+CPU+RAM in 10 years or whenever regardless.

Just look at price/performance. The AMD R1200 is a quad-core that performs better than the G4560 at around the same price-point. I'd say that's worth considering as an alternative. But with that rebate you list you're at 80+40$ for motherboard+CPU, not sure you can find a AM4 board and a R1200 for $120. If you can then that's a better choice. If it's $130-135 then it's probably still a better deal. More than that then it's probably not worth it.

I bought a 7870 and a 380 the same year they released and never had problems with those except the 7870 during one driver revision had artifacts in Skyrim.

With the Vega it's nothing but problems. I literally just had a crash in killing floor and am restarting the game as I type this.
Was testing Crysis 3 earlier, 70fps with microstuttering and artifacts everywhere.

How's EVGA PSUs ? I'm getting random hard-resets and looks like i have an issue with my PSU, XFX-XTR 650 (seasonic rebrand). It's a shame that it's warranty expired quite recently.
I can get a EVGA 500B Bronze for 45 euro + tax, or 600B for 58 euro + tax, or a fully modular supernova 550G3 for 75 euro + tax.
I don't know the efficiency and being modular is worth the extra money, 500W is more than adequate for my needs already

So would the defineR5 be a better pick in your opinion if I wanted to stay in the define series?

whenever msi can bring down my post time from 15 seconds I'll be happy

I don't know. I really don't.

It does have two 5.25" drawer bays. And a lot of HDD trays. But it's not all that quiet when you fill it up. It really isn't. The 8 3.25" HDD bays are split into a 3 drive cage at the bottom and a 5 drive cage above. It starts .. like rattling? or making some annoying noise anyway if there's HDDs in the bottom cage. And it could be quieter. I have 4 3.5" HDDs and one 2.5" HDD and SSDs in mine.

The Define R5 is nice and all but it's not really as quiet as people make it out to be. If you're just using the two stock fans at the lowest speed and have a motherboard and a GPU and a SSD then it's probably quiet enough but so is every other case.

Also, as said, I haven't actually tried the Define C, just looked at it and decided against it. I actually got a Fractal Node 804 for my HTPC instead of that one.

1) Make sure its not the HDD's themselves dying a painful death (my R5 rattles like a motherfucker and its due to a dying HDD shaking like its having a seizure) and 2) screw them all down with the rubber rings that come with the case to reduce vibration which gets amplified when the case is populated.

Should i JUST WAIT for the custom rx vega 64s? Looks like they're coming out soon and it would be nice to have freesync.

Should I buy this now, or wait for black Friday?

Will a 1600 and a 1070 (both overclocked) be good for 144hz?


>got the nzxt s340 elite because i really like the look etc.
>got a coolermaster hyper 212 evo for starters but was planning to get a noctua nh-d15 down the line for great overclocking potential and my build being quiet for once in my life
>don't have the clearance for the noctua cooler because of my case choice

i fucked up lads

>offers 10 extra fps in gaymen
>runs at over 90 degrees OC'd without voiding the warranty to delid
>only compatible with a chipset that was dead before it even released
>$200 more expensive than the 1600
Someone fucking explain this.

Probably soon

EVGA has cheaper semi modular PSUs, not sure if you can get them in your region

I suppose your BIOS is updated? What's your mobo + CPU combo, and which RAM do you have?

If you start with the G4560, the 7700 will be a great, cheap upgrade when needed. After the 7700 is worn out, you'll want DDR5 anyway, so you'll need a whole new platform. Similar with AMD.. you buy the R3 1200 now, then you pick one other CPU to upgrade to, then the platform is done.

I bought my AM3+ PC used on the cheap a while back. The owner had an FX 4200 + two 280X in CF, along with a 120GB SSD and 12GB of RAM.

I replaced the 4200 with a 6350. (There's your equivalent one CPU upgrade.) Now I'll be getting rid of the platform. If you had been one of the lucky ones to get an AM3 board that flashed to AM3+, the board would have seen two CPU upgrades, from a Phenom to a [insert mid life upgrade CPU] and finally one of the better FX CPUs. Most of the AM3 boards that could be flashed to the AM3+ BIOS were 990FX boards (equivalent to the X370 boards of today), particularly ones that had been produced late into the AM3 lifecycle. So if you buy any mobo now, you're not likely to get AM4+ anyway, meaning you'd get one chance at a CPU upgrade before swapping platforms.

G4560 + B250
R3 1200 + B350 + 3200MHz RAM
are both acceptable.

Gaymen numales buy it anyway. That's why they released a limited supply and let the price go nuts. Nobody but the most autistic nerd with deep pockets would bother.

Thanks for being helpful.

I doubt I'll be able to find Ryzen with board near the price of the the g4560. I am seeing the ryzens for $109 ish online, if there is a sale I might do it.

Assuming I go with the g4560, should I put some of the savings towards a better graphics card, or would the 1050ti be fine for my needs?

Got my parts list in order, this is what I'm leaning towards. Already have the storage drives, may buy more/different RAM on black friday.
Would it be worth switching out the mobo for an AB350M Pro4?

>Someone fucking explain this.
You're regurgitating the memes

Yes, your other option is an i5 8400

I don't think you're gonna see sales on the 1080Ti, but who knows. Maybe some of the ridiculously priced ones will come down to a reasonable price

Not the 64, but maybe the 56 if you have a Freesync monitor

The R3 1200, when OC'd and paired with fast RAM, is a little bit better in games than the G4560. Just a little bit, not much. It's also a little bit more expensive. As I've explained in another post, you have an upgrade path in either case. Your choice.. Slightly less performance for slightly less money, or slightly more performance for slightly more money.

Nothing wrong with a locked CPU as long as it's clocked right.

Obviously don't get the i5 6600. Check the OP for current builds

I'm stuck deciding between a 650 watt or 750 watt PSU

650 watts is probably more than enough for my build, but the difference in price is only $20

Should I just get the 750 watt PSU?

>I suppose your BIOS is updated? What's your mobo + CPU combo, and which RAM do you have?
b350 gaming plus, 1600, 2x4 2933

last update was a month ago

If you want it.. that's the most wattage you'd ever need. 275W x 2 graphics cards + 125W CPU. Basically you'd be hoping that multiGPU takes off in a few years and that the PSU lasts that long

make your build in pcpp
look at the power draw calculator
buy a PSU that has around double that amount

Which would be the better value for my purposes?
newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139147&ignorebbr=1&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-PCPartPicker, LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

The first is non modular and only has one 6+2 pin, so you couldn't even use most RX580s or GTX 1070s or above
Second has two 6+2 pins so you could use any graphics card you want and is modular, which will be nice for you considering you don't need all the cables with your low power 1050Ti build

Hows this for a Ryzen Virt Gaming build, trying not to go crazy.

whats a good set of 2 case fans for 20 bucks?

Any of the 120mm Arctic fans.

get 1600 instead of 1600x
get 580 8gb or 1060 6gb
no storage?

I don't think I'd ever go multiGPU, so 650W probably makes more sense
I've used a few online power supply calculators. Under load I'll only need around 400W, up to 500W if I decide overclock. Wouldn't double that be overkill?

X why? Non-X and OC

alright 1600 then.

>no storage
I have plenty of storage already, i have a habit of buying ssd's on sale.

Anything else, can I use my old gtx970 as the host gpu or should i just buy something else?

comparing it to a 1600, when it performs like a 1800x multithreaded, with way higher single thread performance

My friend has a pc he bought a 380x for. It currently has a A10-7700k APU in it. What should be a decent cpu to use that card at 1080p?
Would an old powerhungry amd have better drivers than an intel? Also adding a SSD just big enough for the os.
Im guessing noithing on the same motherboard would provide much improvement. (FM2+) What are some cheap motherboards these days?

I thought OC voids the warranty?

>Have to circumcise your CPU to get acceptable temps

Oy vey!

Possibly moving to shitstern yurop.
How costly are component prices in Ukraine?

no they are unlocked for a reason

Link in the OP.
Specifically for this.

where as with ryzen you have no options to get higher performance.

Before I bite the bullet how does this look?

Needs memory, ugly case, needs SSD

So what to do with the SSD? Is that even the full size?

you'd be better off with an 8100


I have compatible memory already, I should have included that in the post, People seem to like the case otherwise and it won't kill me if it looks mediocre.

>This last gen cpu performs worse than the current gen

Yes that's full size. If there were other partitioned drives or unallocated space there would be more entries for Disk 0.

Leave it as one partition, install OS on it, then install programs and games on it

PSU runs at peak efficiency at around 50% work load and you will save some money in the power bill.
Eventually it will pay off that $20 difference but that entirely depends on how often do you use your computer.

80+ Gold PSU is generally 3% more efficient in the 50% load then 20% load or 100% load.
Do your own math and see how long would it take to pay off that $20 difference.

anybody know a good mini-ITX case ?

Is mini-ITX a meme? Thinking about getting one for an office pc build

Mini-ITX is the future. How tiny are we talking? Will there be a dGPU?

>Do your own math and see how long would it take to pay off that $20 difference.
A long ass time. Mostly it will be idling

Which is an argument for buying Intel. I know you don't think it is, because why would anyone buy Intel when AMD's got CPUs?

About that...
Do I leave it like that or what?

Sorry, might not have been clear with my last post.. but you need to great a partition with all the unallocated space on Disk 0