Blocking yourself from a website

Don't you think that it should be an option in all websites that allows you to block yourself for a period of time or forever? Also that the website in particular doesn't appear in the search results.

It would be great for people that can't control themselves and think they have an addiction to some website.

I have found that you can edit the hosts file but you can change it again anytime. I have found other options with programas but I haven't tried them. Also for the search results there are plugins but you can uninstall them too. It would be nice if you could do it from the website itself, easy and fast.

Example: I want to block myself from this website from 1 month, click, done, and the website doesn't appear in search results either.

Other urls found in this thread:

smash your router dude, should stop you going on for a while

stop paying your ISP, you'd be amazed the transformation you'll undergo.

Not possible. You have to have willpower.
Otherwise you will get around it. Children get around this kind of thing, come on. OP.

there's probably some extension out there that lets you do that

Yeah there are extensions but you can uninstall them.

sudo emerge --ask www-misc/some-goddamn-self-restraint

If you read I said for people that can't control themselves. I can't control myself, that's the issue here. Maybe blocking yourself for a month can help to cut the interest.

why wouldn't it

>I can't control myself
Not with that mindset.

It would be nice to complete block pinterest

Where's this from?

>THose suction cones oriented in the wrong way

>It would be great for people that can't control themselves
What you are asking for is impossible. People who can't control themselves would find a way around the block when they wanted to get on the internet.

Heres how you do it OP

You edit your host file in windows with an admin user. Then you get your parents to change the admin user password and not let you know under any circumstance, and limit yourself to a low level user.

This is the only way.

You just need to figure out why you're going on the site. I don't mean any deep reason: literally what triggers you to come back again and again?

Just like going through a breakup or ending a friendship, you simply need to remove the triggers, recognize that the thing isn't good for you, recognize that you don't want the thing in your life anymore, and have a modicum of willpower.

And how I can change my mindset?

Anyway, that's not the issue here. I just want to know ways to block websites or if you think it would be nice that such option would exist.

Not if your IP is blocked. Yeah a proxy but that is more work to enter the website and maybe I don't want to search a proxy and then connect to it.

It's not possible if you're able to unblock them after. How thick are you exactly?

No, that is the issue here. We don't need to solve the problem with computers if it can be solved by simple self control. That being said, there are plenty of parental control software suites that would probably do exactly what you want.

And PS, no nobody will recommend you one because we're not in middle school.

The site is Sup Forums and about the triggers... I don't know, the problem is that I spend all my day in the computer but now I don't go to so many websites like before. now is 90% Sup Forums. I don't understand how this shit is so addictive for me. I have some thoughts abour why but I don't understand it anyways.

>Not if your IP is blocked.
If OP want to get on the internet then he will get on the internet. If OP wants to visit a website then barring his government banning the site he will get to the site.

The issue is self control NOT technology.

If they can't control themselves, why would they use this in first place? And even if they did, it would have to offer a way to undo, because people could mistakenly block something, or be trolled/hacked into it. And finally, why websites would act against their own interests? The more cattle addict, the better it gets.

I can do that when I am the only user?

I think this could be the way. If I can make a random passwrd, copy it and then save it in some hidden place.

I will look into this way, thank you user.

Will this delete search results too??

Just get yourself banned from sites your don't want to visit anymore.

Also, I have to have two user accounts right?

Why don't you just not visit the website?

it's called parental controls underage b8

Getting banned only will prevent me for posting, not entering here.

Reasons why this would never be implemented/wouldn't work even if it was implemented:
>a website like facebook won't willingly decrease the number of active users, therefore their revenue, by letting users lock themselves out for a period of time
>they also wouldn't create a feature that is essentially an admission of guilt ("our site is addictive, click here to lock yourself out for an hour")
>even if they had the feature, there would still most likely be an easy way to cancel it, otherwise users would complain about locking themselves out and changing their mind
>many websites wouldn't have the feature, so you'd waste your time on those

Your best bet is making turning off the website blocking as hard as possible. Like creating a productivity user that has no sudo access, and therefore can't edit the hosts file (you would also have to turn off the root user I guess). You could also set up something like pi-hole with a cron job that blocks time wasting websites for a couple hours every day and has no ssh access.

>get banned
>reset router
>delete cookies

Because I can't?? That's the whole point.

Dns66 did this for me on Android.
I'm a serious internet addict going on 20 years now

You're right about all of that but I don't think I would spend so much time in other websites. I didn't spend so much time even in Facebook when I had an account than here. And I don't think I would spend so much time in YouTube or some other forum. This is the more addictive website I have known.

What if my IP doesn't change when I reset my router?

I tried once and but it stopped working after 3 minutes; not everyone has self-restraint user have some fucking sympathy.

Apropos, I tried weightlifting but the weights were heavy so I stopped. Can anyone recommend good bionic arm implants?

How can someone not like weightlifting? You get instant gratification from knowing you lifted some heavy shit, and delayed gratification in the form of DOMS.
Here is a tampermonkey script to ban sites from google

So just learn to be a man and ignore cravings.
Let me guess, you're able to stop yourself from raping attractive women right? So why can't you just not visit the website

>what is HOSTS?

>can't control themselves
If someone legitimately cannot control themselves, they really shouldn't be allowed to remain loose. Either lock the freak up or put them in the nuthouse until they learn to control themselves. I get tired of hearing this favorite excuse of Millennials.

This, you'll just find a way around. Need full willpower.

Ive often thought about this and I've come to the conclusion that the concept is flawed.
No matter what you do or what steps you take, there will always be another way around it. Even if you get your own connection banned server side, you can always just come back in from a proxy, cell phone, or public wifi.
The problem is with yourself. You are using this website as a crutch and a filler in your life. If you manage to get away from this website for more than two days, Id wager that you fill the addiction with something else, probably entire days worth of youtube until you run out of stuff to watch.

basically, fix yourself not your browsing habits.

what about this:
>1. program router to block connections to website and filter your search results (you'll probably need to force http or something)
>2. program router to not allow any connections to itself for x days, so you can't change 1. back
>3. put some epoxy in the little hole where the factory reset button is
short of ordering a new router, what can you do?

this is pointless if you're tech savvy.

then OP can just boot up a VM
or use their phone

>2. program router to not allow any connections to itself for x days
yeah i don't think any custom router firmware allows you to lock it for an unspecified amount of time

>yeah i don't think any custom router firmware allows you to lock it for an unspecified amount of time
you'll need a router that allows you to telnet or ssh in, once you're in, disable ssh, telnet and http servers during init, use at(1) to set a time for starting sshd and finally stop the servers
at the specified time, sshd will be started and you can go back in and revert your changes to the init scripts

I hate myself for using Sup Forums help I want a life: the post

I hope this is intentionally retarded.

>It would be great for people that can't control themselves
or you could just learn some self control instead of relying on others to enforce it for you through fucking software.

this might be the most beta thing I've ever seen on Sup Forums and there are like 20 iPhone threads per hour here.

protip: you will never have self control with this mindset. you're literally trying to change the entire internet to avoid any semblance of self improvement on your part. you are a bad person and you should feel bad for this post. I hope that in time you will realize this.

>you are a bad person
why I'm a bad person? why would you say that? I'm only asking for help, if you don't like my thread then don't answer.

because you're not asking for help. you ask a shrink for help, not Sup Forums. you're avoiding your issue and dont even realize how contrived your proposed solution is: that the entire internet should change to supplement your personal deficiencies.

there are plenty of solutions. they're not easy solutions but they do exist if you were willing to put in the work, which you clearly aren't.

you're not here for solutions, you're here to stall. to convince yourself you tried something today so you can rationalize going back to abusing whatever it is you abuse.

seek professional help, don't ask fucking Sup Forums.

Again, if you don't like my question, don't answer it.

I'm metally fucked up? That I already know, I don't need you to tell me that.

Seek professional help? I have done it and I'm on it right now, so I don't need you for telling me that neither.

> go to McDonalds and ask them to ban you for a month because you are a fat fuck without self-control

stop being retard OP