What does Sup Forums think about having multiple SSDs?
Do you use multiple SSDs?
What does Sup Forums think about having multiple SSDs?
I only have SSDs because I'm not a data hoarding faggot.
You don't?
Kek SSDlet.
yfw OSX used to have no trouble booting off of any wacky RAID you could set up, over any interface, but all that went away with APFS/High Sierra.
>eh doesnt have data to trade when the internet is totally given over to the state
>internal storage
That's a bad, bad meme boy.
All you need in your computer is a 32KB memory with basic.
The rest can just come up from reliable spinning magnetic disks.
I love how that shintel shill tried TWICE in the same video to force the best intel rig to properly use those SSDs and failed, and had to resort to using the Threadripper. De8auer did the same video with much more success with, again, the Threadripper.
I also love how Linus did an honest vid about the problems of the i9 series while in taiwan, and then some time later he made an "unbiased" review of thr i9, failing to mentio any of the problems that were still present. He was literally paid to not only stfu, but also to ignore everything he said and shill the hell out of the shitty i9s. Twice the price of the Threadripper, same performance, more power draw, much more heat, and a toothpaste to hold it together. AND you literally have to buy a 100$ key to be able to use raid 5 and raid 10. Utter DISGRACE.
No, I don't develop 4k videos nor do I compile and code huge programs.
Your animus aren't worth anything. Books on the other hand might be, and they don't take a lot of space.
>not compiling gentoo or mining shitcoins
why live
I'm just using one NVME SSD in my rig for my OS, apps, and games.
The bandwidth increase won't benefit me at all, and the lost latency will impact my computing
I'm much better off spending the money on moar ram but even then I don't need so much RAM
You don't need much RAM at all for shitcoin mining, lot's of L2/L3 cache can be nice for Cryptonight but that's it
Some VRAM is useful for Ethereum but that's not RAM
RAID hurts latency?
What's that site that pays you BTC for mining altcoins
SSDs are king
linus like intel shill that force to hype amd. but do it anyway because of my shekell
Raid 1 makes sense.
t420 ssd on three bays
tries to shill raid key as something revolutionary
being forced to shill for amd because it actually works
500GB m2 SSD for my OS
1TB sata SSD for stuff
enjoy the content you like disappearing permanently.
I hoard data because countless stuff I liked and info I needed were wiped from the internet.
I do.
One 240GB Samsung 840 evo (I bought it back when it was hot shit before people discovered it's massive issue) which I use as my primary.
I also have an Intel 480GB m.2 drive I got on clearance.
Not amazing performance but still fast and the GB/$ was fantastic with the sale.
>I hoard data because countless stuff I liked and info I needed were wiped from the internet.
fuck off pedo, I hope you burn in hell
I have 3 currently in my pc, 850 evos, 1x250gb 2x500gb.
>the only thing deleted off the internet is cp
I cant imagine being this retarded.
super niche diagrams, porn sites going offline, dmca takedowns, forums going offline. I tried to go though a 5 year old bookmark file and half the websites wernt even there any more.
If you were old enough to use netflix 10 years ago then you would have known what Im talking about, shit loads of movies and shows just disappeared from there over night because they failed to renew a single contract with another company.
so many old scifi shows are next to impossible to find now because nobody is seeding theme, and the only ones still being seeded are shit rips that are cropped by mongoloid retards.
Dumb normalfag.
Just a second 120GB drive because I couldn't be bothered to sell it.
Not all material is easily available or obtainable. For instance just keeping steam library installed enables you to share your 50G+ games in just a couple minutes compared to possibly days of downloading.
250gb 960 evo for OS
1tb 850 Pro for media/productivity files
1tb 850 Evo for games
Combined amount of 6tb HDD for rest of the junk
>Losing subscriptions since July and he hide subscriptions counter of his channel
>Videos cant reach one million views anymore. Newest videos get less views every week
>He´s a 32-years-old adult man, making childish videos with rainbow colors and weird faces
RIP Linus
What bugs me about him is that all his videoes make him look like he's hemmorhaging money.
Initially I thought that his company was some sort of advertisement company that makes money by contracting media work from others and the youtube business was just a side project to make bonus money from monetization.
But then I learned that shitting up youtube videos was everything they fucking do. And it has to pay wages of like a dozen people.
electric dreams (1984) has alot of seeders
>Initially I thought that his company was some sort of advertisement company that makes money by contracting media work from others
Well done, you just described what he actually does.
There's absolutely fuck all about it on his webpage, just checked. Are you sure about that? Because all the website does is shills the youtube content they do.
>linus gets bombed with dislikes when he shills unpopular items or does joke videos
>gets a massive amount of likes for shilling intel, amd, or nvidia
unrelated but whats a solid way to build a networking-based portfolio? Im thinking of working on a few main things, namely some sort of windows/linux server virtualized maybe with some windows+linux hosts just to fuck with stuff so i know I can do it, a ftp server, and lastly a secure ftp server once i have the earlier part down
Anything else I should look into doing? I had to take a break for a while to focus on the general ed portion of my education and I need to hit myself hard against this stuff.
Thinking about picking up the cheapest layer 3 switch I can find and messing with ACLs, vlans, etc.
I said so many, not all.
>be a cuck
>be surprised when you get cucked
>There's absolutely fuck all about it on his webpage
You're one dumb fuck aren't you? He's not going to explicitly say it.
>He's not going to explicitly say it.
Yeah just like a shop doesn't explicitly says "shop" or a car mechanic doesn't explicitly say "car mechanic".
There's no information for the potential customer about the services he provides.
>There's no information for the potential customer about the services he provides.
Because its fucking obvious you utterly stupid fuck. Holy shit. He's a 'YouTuber' in the tech space, of fucking course he'll take money to shill your wares. Did you discover YouTube last week or something?
>of fucking course he'll take money to shill your wares
C- for reading comprehension there. Stop acting like a spastic too. There was absolutely no reason to insult me yet you still did for some reason.
I said "contracting media work from others" as in someone needs a product commercial, they show up with their equipment, operators and editors, shoot the product and someone can put it on his website etc.
Not saying "zomg here look at this new intel cpu video sponsored by intel" while dressed like a child.
>tfw you are a hoarding poorfag but you also fell for the SSD meme and using HDDs feels like wasting your life
just kill me
I only use ssd for 8 years now.
None of them are dead.
I have
4 SSDs in RAID0 for A5/1 Rainbow tables
1 SSD for Linux
1 SSD for Windows
3 SSDs in RAID0 for Photoshop scratch disk
25 HDDs for my media archives.
I use one SSD for my OS and a traditional HDD for data. SSDs are so quick there is no need to RAID them for speed. If you want redundancy then I can understand doing it. All I have installed on mine is my OS so I'm not worried about redundancy.