Are you ready for ipv6?

Are you ready for ipv6?

What will the ramifications of turning off ipv4 be? Will we ever?

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> No IPv6 address detected
> 0/10

I score 9/10 , probably because I'm not using my ISP's dns but Level 3 -C

I’m using DNSWatch and UncensoredDNS on both IPv4 and IPv6, ISP servers are dogshit

I use a program called DNSJumper to help select and change DNS easily and this was one of the best speed ones so I went with it. It's worked out pretty well but yeah it doesn't register as ipv6.

Who are you with?

Virgin media are dogshit, even their 150mb package, no ipv6 support from the shithub3

>inb4 its in the picture

BT hosts lines to a lot of smaller companies.

I know this feel, user.

150MB package and no fucking IPV6 Support..


t. leaf

>shitty internet tho

Check your ports btw

10/10 who gives a fuck as long as it's fast all the time

That's what you get for choosing small, local isp
t. polack

0/10 and I hope it stays that way.

Fuck static IPs.

compared to another ISP at the same rate, it's not.

0/10 because I turned off that buggy shit

>Are you ready for ipv6?
no ipv6 on this network

>since 2010

10/10 with cumcast. My dnsmasq server pointing to opennic works well for ipv6.

im with virgin i get great down average around 7mb/s torrent and around 10-12 mb in steam the up is terrible though never exceeded 500kb/s. Cant even get a new ip address without leaving the router off for a week and hoping someone else takes your one while its innactive. Its essentially static vut they call it dynamic

Western Europe.

>following random links on Sup Forums
fucking retards, all of you. Did you even look at the page source before enabling JS?

My ISP supports it, but I have it disabled.
>enabling ipv6
Enjoy being tracked and fingerprinted. Every address is unique. I bet 100% some letter agency was behind this flawed design, like the header address. Must really makes things easy for them

>Press makes it up like IPv4 is gonna day all the way back in the early 2010s, probably way sooner even
>It's still going "strong" and isn't madatory in the slightest
I know very well that the limit is reached soon but they also said that 10 years ago to be fair

can autists please go

It's not like IPv4 is going to die any time soon anyway.

We avoided disaster by quickly imposing NAT.
The consequence was that now 1 IP address covers multiple machines.

I'd rather that than every IoT trash device being publicly routable.

dns will be an absolute must.
anyone who works with ips will hate life a little bit more

just because you can't configure your shit doesn't mean a particular protocol is buggy.

I can't even be fucked with ipv4s.

Local network is for ease of typing and everything I give a shit about has a 2 character domain name under a ".l" domain (L is right next to . obviously and arguably represents ".local")

so I can get to any machine with 5 keystrokes, ab.l

so you've never heard of a firewall?

This is the dumbest fucking argument I always here regarding ipv6. Literal street shitters that can't configure a simple firewall.

I use to have to manually type countless ipv4 while searching sniffing network traffic looking for certain connections.
that wasnt fun, ipv6 would just piss me off.

10/10 in Hungary

> Are you ready for ipv6?
My ISP is not. They're dragging their heels.

>What will the ramifications of turning off ipv4 be?

An inability to communicate with IPv4 services. If you did this now, you would have an unsatisfactory internet experience. In five years, you will be able to turn it off and hardly notice a difference.

>Will we ever?

I will, you will, but the world as a whole will not. You can't "turn off" a protocol. There will still be people using IPv4 100 years in the future, but it won't have anything to do with you. Just like there are still people using Gopher and dial-up BBSs today.

Every consumer router blocks incoming IPv6 on the WAN port by default. IPv6 in a home network has the same security characteristics as IPv4. Just because a device is publicly addressable doesn't mean it's publicly accessible.

>IPv6 addresses are too long to type
People made the same argument when telephone numbers went from 5 to 7 and then to 10 digits. It didn't matter, assigning globally unique addresses to phones was too useful to pass up.

>what are firewalls
>port scanning the entire IPv6 range

You really cant compare a 10 digit number to a 36 digit alphanumerical clusterfuck

Had to turn it on on my router, didn't know it was off.

>Big Finish Doctor Who stories

I get the joke in the image but thats retarded.
1, wont compile
2, all that will be in "ips.txt" is 1 line containing the string, and a blank line
3, theres no way in hell that project is 1.1GB

Please leave Sup Forums and only return after learning C.

Pretty sure it's just you.
Lithuania here

whats the point in having ipv6 when you go to jail for browsing anything
kys UK man

disregard my post, Im an idiot. code is valid.
blacking out and dizzy and shit and read it as if it was suposed to be nested if statements that were missing the loop and an end ;.
file size is because part of the ips.txt file is present. I assumed this was to catch skids by having them download a dumb list gen and sniffing traffic to catch their ip, when the point of it may actually to be to trick them into wasting a fuckton of storage, because thats what the output file will do.

works in germany, which shithole do you come from?

Áldás békesség
Not a problem for me, I am running pi-hole and opendns

fuck, forgot pic

>Just like there are still people using Gopher
Yeah, but my gopherhole is dual stack IPv4+IPv6

ne hazudozz

> Will we ever?
Nope, private IPv4 segments are enough for a ton of containters.

>There are people in Sup Forums who don't even have a fucking 6in4 tunnel setup at the very least to have IPv6 connectivity.
There is literally no excuse for not having IPv6 support in 2017

ipv6 address are literally botnet tier.
you can calculate your mac address through it.

Why bother,
I'm just gonna wait for IPV10

I'm good.

Well I'm also LT. rip init as isp





Simply eric :^)

Kek, do you unironically use company that stores passwords in plain text and has no server side validation.
Also enjoy your 500/10 internet

>he fell for the university meme

no because minimum packet size would be way larger than 64 bytes so you ISP would charge the shit out of your bandwidth usage