/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player


Stable: mpv.io/manual/stable/
Git: mpv.io/manual/master/

User Scripts (including opengl shaders):

High quality video output profile (goes into mpv.conf):
Stable: profile=opengl-hq
Git: profile=gpu-hq

Configuration Files:


Post your system specs and config if you're asking performance related questions.

Windows Builds:
Stable Portable: mpv.srsfckn.biz/
Stable Installer: bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mingw-w64-cmake/downloads/
Git Portable: sourceforge.net/projects/mpv-player-windows/files/
Git Installer: bitbucket.org/rorgoroth/mingw-w64-cmake/downloads/
Vapoursynth: jenkins.maeyanie.com/job/mpv/

Other urls found in this thread:


I use mpc. Why should I switch?. What are benefits?.

Too many to list, endless customization comes to mind if you're into that

no one cares about your chinese media player you use to jack off to anime at 9000 colors instead of 8930, retard.

Why do you always post Saber?

Why not?

Just switched from MPC/madvr. Do you think I can squeeze better quality out of an Intel igpu?


Old and busted

because they're a pedophile

You might be able to tinker with scale and cscale

So, does anyone still use --vo=direct3d and need --vo-direct3d-prefer-stretchrect or --vo-direct3d-disable-shaders for performance reasons? wm4 is considering killing --vo=direct3d again, and I think I agree with him this time. Last time I asked this question in /mpv/ there were a few people who said they needed it, but maybe they've upgraded their hardware by now.

ffmpeg merged some cuvid related shit. Will it compile with mpv now?

There was some discussion about directx backends a few threads back. Imho Better option would be writing a new direct2d backend for software fallback and toasters.

ree why am I getting late and dropped frames with literally any video even low res low bitrate garbage On my HD3000 laptop with ubongo. All I have on my config is vo=gpu, display-resample and interp

Try this:

how do i limit the display of stats inside the video frame?

when i go fullscreen, it overlaps the video frame towards the black portion of the screen.


Is there a way I could see current fps count in mpv window?
Is there a config entry for that?

osd-msg1="FPS: ${estimated-display-fps}"

works great, thanks user

Pedo's are CUTE!

Already had both. Even tried just display-resample with no interp but still dropped frames.

Drops might be related to igpu going into power savings mode and droping frequency. Try locking to max freqs with an utility



Please stop posting this traitor. Thank you.

haasn > wm4

MPlayer reporting. We play high quality videos on the terminal, join the bloatless masterrace.

The fuck you are talking about. mpv has an actual modern terminal display output via Direct Rendering Manager.

>implying mplayer2
Every time, your pic is boring.

Won't this graph go up again with the addition of ffmpeg-mpv.


ffmpeg-mpv is no different in size or usage than ffmpeg?

Mate, come back when MPlayer doesn't have like twenty VOs for dead platforms. mpv has less than a third the LoC of mpv. If you wanted MPlayer to be less bloated, you'd basically have to turn it into mpv.

1 extra dependency for the system. Seems like an increase in "bloat".

But that's stupid, I need fbdev.

ffmpeg-mpv is a drop in replacement for ffmpeg, no change in amount of dependencies.

Wow those 25MB surely are relevant.

No you don't, because it's not 2005 any more. fbdev is deprecated. You need a drm backend, which mpv provides.

Would the resolution/size of a video being streamed be affected by mpd's config or youtube-dl's config?

If mpv can't give me fbdev then fuck mpv.

Fuck you, buddy. I'm sure the Linux kernel devs want to remove fbdev support as well, but you retarded dinosaurs are still clinging on even though drm is strictly an improvement.

Take away fbdev and you'll get riots on the streets.

I don't think you understand that drm lets you get a framebuffer on the console, like fbdev, but it also lets you do more things, like get an OpenGL context on the console. fbdev is literally a deprecated API that can't do anything drm can do.

What do you guys think about MPDN?

It's run better than any LAV + MadVR combo with Potplayer and MPC. Same with my endgame chinese cartoon MPV configs.

My only gripe with it is that it's a giant resource hog.

>that can't do anything drm can do.
Sorry. "that can't do anything drm can't do"

Promises. I am not saying it can't, but if they are willing to improve things they better make it work before even talking about taking fbdev away, or they'll be looking for trouble.

It does work. You can use it right now.

What are you memeing about?

Is that mplayer2 or you are memeing?

It is vanilla mplayer vs mpv, mplayer2 died years ago.


I did, though, didn't it?

Take your meds.

I don't know what you're implying, but the code purge definitely continued after mpv was forked from mplayer2. mplayer2 still had w32codecs, of all things (which was a mini built-in Wine-like thing for loading Windows-only codec DLLs.) MPlayer and mplayer2 were two of the most bloated video players you could get.

Are there any functional gtk frontends for mpv?

There is this thing:

I think it's pretty basic, but it lets you set arbitrary mpv options, so it's probably usable.

No, this shit is probably even less functional than out-of-the-box pseudo gui. I want something like baka-mplayer but properly maintained and not using qt.

>I want a good GUI program that doesn't use Qt
Good luck with that.

>probably less functional
It seems like you haven't even tried it yet.

Mplayer dropped memcoder along with other stuff while mpv added a lot of python stuff in, I wouldn't say one if more bloated than the other unless you consider that too.

>95 KB

Are mplayer and mplayer2 even fucking trying? LMFAO

>mfw windows XP users probably talk about windows vista in hypotheticals too
how the fuck can you manage to get so lost by time that you literally think about software that has existed for almost 20 years in the future tense?

mplayer2 happened in 2011
mpv happened in 2013

look at the graph



How delusional can you get? Look at the fucking graph. MPlayer still has 3x as many lines of code as mpv. The difference is 300k lines of code.

>added a bunch of python shit
`sloccount` shows 2653 lines of python in the entire mpv project. Don't compare that to MEncoder you retarded piece of shit

>while mpv added a lot of python stuff in
It sounds like you're looking at statistics without context. mpv doesn't use any Python at runtime, but it added a Python build system, which is why you're seeing an increase in Python-use.

>I wouldn't say one if more bloated than the other
I really would. Even with all mpv's added things, it's still no competition. It's hard to overstate how crazy something like MPlayer's w32codecs is. It's a full PE loader and a mini reimplementation of the Windows API, just to load some binary Windows codecs that are implemented in libavcodec anyway. This, and MPlayer/mplayer2 had a bunch of built-in decoders and demuxers where the libavcodec/libavformat implementation was better.

You might think mpv is bloated because it seems to have a few more features than MPlayer, but that's only because it removed tons of features that were completely useless and add a handful of features that people actually use, like a high-quality video renderer that uses modern graphics APIs. You can decrease bloat and increase functionality at the same time if you remove the right crap add the right features.

mpv forked in 2012. mplayer2 actually pulled a bunch of changes back from mpv, which could be what's confusing you.

>29 KB

But I did.

>mpv forked in 2012. mplayer2 actually pulled a bunch of changes back from mpv, which could be what's confusing you.
I was talking about the graph spike that happened at 2013. The actual year of the fork doesn't matter. Maybe I should have just drawn a picture?

Oh, I think we're on the same side? I'm saying mpv removed a lot of bloat that still existed in mplayer2, and I think that's what you're showing with your picture as well. Never mind then.

>I wouldn't say one if more bloated than the other
hmm let's see

>20 year old project with leaders who believe in aggressively keeping around old, buggy and broken code for the sake of dead platforms nobody uses anymore; next to no code quality guidelines, and a “if it's a patch, accept it” ideology of merging features
>project that was forked from the other project for the express and sole purpose of removing all of the old code and support for dead platforms nobody cares about from mplayer/mplayer2, and has spent several years doing virtually nothing but refactoring and removing legacy shit

gee I sure wonder which is more bloated, the million-line monstrosity with piles and piles of code nobody has touched for 10 years vs the project that removes/deprecates an average of 5-10 features every single release (in b4 newfags don't remember the uproar when mpv removed support for DVD menus).

>the uproar when mpv removed support for DVD menus
That was a good shitstorm.

I'm still waiting for someone who cares about DVDs to descend from the heavens and fix all of mpv's DVD code and make it maintainable.

If you really did use it, then you would know that it has a bit more mouse-usability than the pseudo-gui although not on the level where the configs can be done on the gui. gnome-mpv is, at least, much more pleasant to work with than what mpv has by default.

not necessarily, ffmpeg-mpv isn't compatible with my distro's normal ffmpeg package, so just dropping it in breaks other things that need ffmpeg

>they better make it work
make DRM work?
how old is your distro? how are you not already using DRM?
these days you need to explicitly go out of your way to avoid using DRM

That's the problem of your distro for using ancient ffmpeg versions, mpv required lastest ffmpeg even before the fork.

the thing is, my distro, arch, /is/ using the latest ffmpeg. the latest actual /release/, that is.

You aren't supposed to use it as your system's ffmpeg, that's retarded.

mpv-git regularly required ffmpeg-git, nothing changed for a dependency standpoint. You had to use ffmpeg-git before instead systemwide ffmpeg now you use ffmpeg-mpv instead.

Who is haasn and wm4

Are prescale filters a meme?

mpv's primary developer. He writes 90% of the code or more and is responsible for most of the design decisions and refactoring. It's safe to say mpv wouldn't exist without him.

One of mpv's core developers, who is responsible for most of the high quality video rendering features that make mpv competitive with other high quality renderers like madVR. wm4 doesn't care very much about stuff like fancy scalers and color management.

>Are prescale filters a meme?
Some probably are. RAVU is nice, I guess.

kill it

People don't come back from the dead, jiisan

This is a lie. Until the ffmpeg-mpv fork, mpv git always worked with ffmpeg stable

> worked
No, it "compiled". Features depended on ffmpeg git weren't available.

an asshole
an asshole that visits these threads

they both write pretty good code though so it's all okay.


Well no shit, sherlock

not yet, one API change patch is still missing, but jamrial is looking into it.


why are we haasnposting?

user got upset with how big my file is in the OP

mine was lossless thanks

Now listen here you little shit

I set up ravu-r4-rgb and ssimdownscaler shaders with scale and cscale = ewa lanczossharp
gpu-hq by default uses mitchell for downscalling, right?

it works pretty nice with my computer
is anti-ringing needed for this config?

How do I get mpv to output DTS and Dolby Digital?

who cares, hiro pays the bandwidth bills, not us.

can it stream from a .m3u8 playlist of mpeg transport steams using relative filenames?
a shitty website uses this and i dont want to use their video player, and vlc doesnt work