Wolfenstein patch 2

wolfenstein patch 2
beinging even more compute shaders and AA into the async pipeline completely kills nvidia

That's one game.
Where's the NGG and TBDR?

Interesting to see how Nvidia performance got worse with patch 2.

based wolfenstain

fuck nvidia

Nice! I can't wait to punch Nazis on my AMD Radeon RX Vega 64! #BetterRed, join the Rebellion!

Enabled in the vanguard drivers we hope.

They disabled async on nVidia because something was going wrong.


Doesn't change the fact that thanks to mining bullshit Nvidia is now much better value.

Vega56 is not damaged by "mining bullshit".

thats one game that uses vulkan and dp fp16
something nvidia is lacking on their consumers cards mainly to save power....

we are at a crossroads now
1)nvidia cant pull another gameworks api shit on vulkan or dx12
2)nvidia is lacking quite a few hardware features that the warp sc on the cpu cant handle without taxing the cpu too much
3)amd is actually getting a lot of good games under its blanket

>GTX 1060 6GB
>376 AUD

>RX580 8GB
>409 AUD

>GTX 1070
>549 AUD

>Vega 56
>645 AUD

>699 AUD

>Vega 64
>759 AUD

Just checked on PCPARTPICKER and it looks like the gtx1070 and 1060 are the best for your money in the market right now.


>3rd world shithole

>guise the worthless cards cost less

Lamest game ever.

i don't see vega 64 costing less there

You must be from the United States, I can tell from how uneducated you are.

>3)amd is actually getting a lot of good games under its blanket

Name some. Keep in mind that this thread didn't start with one.

>first world

they're basically poland tier and somehow they're considered first world
>ukraine is second world
it's as poor as african countries, this map is pretty inacurate

this is why the 580 is far superior to the 1060.

wolfenstein isnt a good game

the state of Sup Forums

>Wolfenstein is a good game

The state of Antifa.

TNC is good enough, if you ignore the politics
I wouldn't call it good period though

>200 people killed in last month, armed on the streets a normal thing
>calls us 3rd world
m8 you're literally living in a 3rd world shit hole

>average american street

(you) monumental cuntfuck

>assblasted a*ssies
Shoo shoo.

Runs amazingly on 1440p on mine in ultra,

3rd world pleb get off my board. Sup Forums is for 1st world countries like japan and australia


>playing anything that has (((stein))) in the title
Good goy

wtf is this USA?

It's Jew York in the 80s.

It's not. Plain jane shooters like this might've worked as launch titles on the 360, graphics aside, but this level of gameplay isn't acceptable today.

You haven't actually played it, or its predecessor, have you?

I've pirated all three at one point or another. They're completely unremarkable shooters.

sure you did

1. The New Order, 2. The Old Blood, 3. The New Colossus

It's almost like these numales who defend it for agreeing with their politics don't actually know anything about the series or something...

>United states
>First world
Literally a fucking lie

>muh value

let's pretend a stand-alone expansion is a full-fledged entry in a series so we can score points on an anonymous imageboard

No shithead, you just don't get it.
first world - capitalist
second world - (ex-) communist/soviet states
third world - non aligned nations, mostly too poor to talk about an "economic system".

It's very outdated nowadays, since communism is almost dead.


The Old Blood is its own game and has a campaign that's just as long as the other two. Maybe actually give them a play sometime, my numale friend. You already know that you love the politics, so why not give the gameplay a try? Then you too can be bored by a generic shooter.

>numale xd
you think it's a good idea to throw it around willy-nilly and run this one into the ground as well? it's actually useful in certain cases
luckily you are not the arbiter of what gets called "its own game"
let's stick to words having meaning when something gets released as a stand-alone expansion, shall we?

Why isn't the 1080Ti included on that chart?

Yea, you'd know.

amerimongrels is my favourite new meme

Germans offloading their factories and business over to the turkroachland, gave them a lot of push aince erdogan took over.
Don't be shocked, but since the '90s many european and usa-ian leaders and their ministers have favoured turkey, even though most of the time they went against other e.u. countries like greece and cyprus.
Usa-ians love turkroaches and their cousins in balkans, albanians, kosovarians and skopje-ans(all of them have blood relations to turkroaches, all of them accepted islam and all of them played a great role in the expansion of turkroaches in balkans way before the ww1).
Usa nuked yugoslavia in order to protect their precious muslims in the balkans. Merkel has agreed to supply A-grade weapons to turkroaches while sabotaging their e.u. "friends" like greece with submarines that do not steer(yes, german engineering).
That's the 3rd decade where the so called white countries have been doind good business with turkroaches and turkroaches flood europe as a thank you.

Poopjeets calm down

The first World refers to so called countries allied with the United States.
The Second world is countries allied with the Warsaw Pact.
The third world is everyone else.
What your map forgot to mention is that by large Sweden, Finland and Switzerland are all "3rd world".

still tho, the amd cards are just terrible. man i was dissapointed in Vega. But hopefully now that mohinder suresh is gone, we can get another 290x card instead of a 285 type of card again.